Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Know How to Be Valiant Soldiers! Stand Firm in the Will of God
Message from Our Lady to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on February 11, 2023

Most Holy Mary says:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My blessed children, beloved of your Father, here I am among you; I cloak you in Me: I hold you close to My Immaculate Heart, I teach you the Things of God.
Be docile instruments in His Hands, abandon yourselves completely to Him! These are difficult times to go through, hard trials are preparing for this Humanity.
I call you to be righteous in the Lord, ...
be pure My children, seek not to commit sin. The time that now separates us from the New Era, is very short; everything is manifesting before the eyes of this Humanity, which still does not want to open its eyes nor its heart to its Creator God.
Oh, My beloved Souls ... You ...
who follow Jesus, who love Him, who desire to meet Him in your lives, and desire to be with Him for eternity, Pray! Pray with all your heart, pray with love: desire Heavenly Things.
Do not be surprised if now there will be persecution on Christians; you stand firm in the Will of God, so that God may protect you in Himself, send His Angels to hide you from the eyes of the world and of perverse men.
Oh ... beloved ones, My happiness is great to be here among you who love Jesus, who want to meet Jesus. You, who are fighting together with Me this last battle against the infernal enemy!
Oh how I love you, how I long to take you with Me into the new life, into the eternal happiness of Love!
My children,
be vigilant, do not yield to the attacks of the enemy, face him by placing yourselves in the Hands of your Savior God, He who will come to your aid and protect you. Oh, you! ... called by the Lord ... You! faithful servants of the Lord, you will be made safe.
Always do the will of God and not the will of man because now everything will be shattered.
The hour of transfiguration of the human being has come, ... surrender to God's voice and follow only Him.
I love you!!! I join My hands to your hands; I anoint you with the Holy Oil of your Lord, your Savior God. I seal your heart and forehead with the sign of the cross.
Forward! ... The battle is on!
Know how to be valiant soldiers! Face all that will come before you with love in Christ Jesus! Embrace your daily cross. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Source: ➥