Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Do Not Listen to and Follow the False Church of Rome with Its Leaders
Message of St. John the Evangelist, Representative of the Little Remnant, given to Mario D'Ignazio, Seer of the Blessed Garden of Brindisi, Italy on September 13, 2023

Brindisi is not understood and will not be welcomed by ecumenical, syncretist and worldly church leaders.
Brindisi will be thought to be false, a deception of the devil. But the elect know that it is true.
It will be persecuted, defamed by the Workers of the Beast, but it will shine according to divine designs.
Brindisi continues Fatima.
Brindisi is a Continuous Manifestation of Heaven.
Brindisi is the Master Way for the end times, for the chosen ones of the Little Remnant.
Pray, pray, pray.
I represent the LITTLE REST with Mary the Coredemptrix. Mary is Coredemptrix. Remember that under the Cross She remained with Me, Little John, and then I welcomed Her into My house.
Remember that there is little time left before the establishment of the NEW WORLD ORDER.
We are warning you. Beware, demons are everywhere, in things, in people, on the streets. EVERYWHERE.
They will not strike you if you pray, believe and invoke Us.
The false church of Rome is working evils, spells and conjurations, do not fear.
Several instruments will be affected, pray for them.
Do not listen to and follow the false church of Rome with its leaders, nor the false prophets who defend it in vain, influenced by legions of demons.
The legions are strong, and they have plagued not a few instruments, who now defend the heretical church and its leaders, new Sadducees and Pharisees, when before they condemned it.
There has been a change, but for the worse, visible to most. Do not follow them, do not believe them, do not listen to them.
Pray more in the family, in the home. Make holy altars, well adorned, and there you will have great graces by praying on your knees, and taking spiritual communion.
Invoke His Holiness Benedict XVI, a great Pope and Martyr of the True Faith, trampled on Earth.
Persevere on the Way to Heaven, consecrating yourselves to Mary, Representative and Guide of the True Church opposed to the new and extravagant ecumenical and Satanist, Masonic Church.
Open your eyes, do not ignore the signs.... Many pretend to be Ours, but they are not.
Demons have many occult powers and will imitate your voices and, in some cases, take on your likeness to make you look bad and ruin you.
Demons can that. They are currently operating in the Internet and on your devices. Be vigilant, do not trust the treacherous and judgmental human, but God Love.
The false church is led by the spirit of Lucifer, and is an emanation of him. Do not follow it.
You go on, advance by spreading these Divine Messages and Divine Appeals.
Advance the Marian Army to destroy the army of Satan, the 'Adversary.
Advance the Marian Army.
Listen only to Heaven, not to Masonic bishops and corrupt and atheist priests.
Prayer to Most Holy Mary
given by St. John the Evangelist to Mario D'Ignazio on Sept. 13, 2023
O Holy Bride of the Spirit, representative and Guide of the Little Remnant, lead us to the Immaculate Victory and Return of Jesus in His glory and majesty.
Turn souls away from evil, sin and the worldly church of darkness.
Save souls, O Queen. Save Your Little Flock from misfortune and from all witchcraft, spells and curses.
Help us O Candid Bride of the Life-giving and Sanctifying Spirit.
Abandon us not to the Unholy, abandon us not to Satanic imposture.
Save us, O Coredemptrix.
Make us obey God, and not the human.
Make us follow the Way of Fatima. Prepare us for the Battle against the antichurch and the Antichrist that will come before the Glorious Return of Jesus, Divine King.
Lady of Victory, Heavenly Warrior, bless us, protect us, guide us, forgive us and restore us. We desire to follow You, love You and praise You.
Give us strength against the false worldly church. Help us, O Representative of God's True Flock, Our Defense in life and in death.
Deliver us from all physical and spiritual enemies.
Leave us not alone in the Final Trial.
Make us believe in You, in Your Motherly Appeals, and convert more and more to Jesus. Cover us with Thy Mantle, O Sovereign of the Universe, Queen of the Rosary, Lily of utmost purity, Ark of the 'covenant and Gate of Heaven.
Praise, honor, to Thee Mary, Mary, Mary. Amen.
The prophecies of the End Times given to Mario D'Ignazio, seer of the Blessed Garden in Brindisi