Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Beware of Those Honeyed Voices That Will Introduce You to the Fiery Pits of Hell
Message of Our Lady to the Little Child of the Divine Will in France on February 16, 2025

Mother Mary: My dear children, do not be deceived. So many voices that today call themselves My Son or Me, are only voices that are at the mercy of the serpent, to make voices in your social networks. They lure you with friendly and sweet aspects of Christian charity, but they are nothing of the sort. They only serve the serpent to take away from you prayer, your duties of state and what I have given you since time immemorial: the need for penance and offering yourself for the conversion of all sinners. Don't follow those messages that talk about so many precise facts, places and storage of such and such things. Reread the testimonies of the martyrs and their lives in the light of our two United Hearts.
Little children, these false messages have already been announced to you since Garabandal. You know this from the voice of the Holy Spirit who speaks in your hearts. But you are hypnotized and trapped by the traps of the demons, by the false idol of this age which are the SCREENS. You have become prisoners of LINKS, LINKS OF SATAN, LINKS as the addresses are called to find so much information that you are getting lost. Wake up.
Don't be afraid, My little child of the Divine Will. You tell yourself that My words that come to warn you will make you flee. Many are called, but few respond. When My Son returns, will He find Faith on Earth?
So much pride and vanity for the futile pleasures of glory. For this reason, My little child, I have put it in your heart to get out of all the nets from this Lent. Keep your e-mail address to be consulted only once a day and pray on Zoom for a while, as long as possible. Remove any other links.
And My children, I invite you to do the same during this Lent. Live it fully in prayer, fasting from your screens, from all your screens, and trying to meet physically to pray. Favor the places of pilgrimage and the parishes where My Son is loved and adored.
Pray, pray, pray! Start living lightly and put God first in your lives! I come to place in your hearts My word that guides you. Listen to Me. Don't put off confession until later and keep your eyes open. Two great events are coming for your time and they will completely change your lives. Continue to place miraculous medals and images of the Divine Mercy everywhere and be ready to display their banners. St. Joseph's Day opens the door to many changes this year. Pray from the heart and come together! Be encouraged by the graces you have been given, bear witness! Pray for My priests! Many will return to Me. Do not be afraid and go forward in the trust, hope and joy of My love that accompanies you, protects you and guides you.
You cannot serve God and the devil at the same time. Now you must choose: if you choose the world, My little ones, with all its expectations, the messages that excite and attract your expectations, you are lost.
Beware of those honeyed voices that will introduce you to the fiery pits of hell. Don't give it any more credence. Take up your Bibles, your rosaries, run to the Sacraments, stay away from the screens! The temptation will be strong. Everything is done so that you no longer hear My voice and that of the Holy Spirit, so that you don't listen to us. We speak to your hearts, listen to us. Be silent, the silence of the screens and social networks, the silence of your hearts and listen to us.
Thank you for heeding Our Calls. It is urgent that you decide. It will soon be too late. Like Lot's wife, you will no longer be able to act on your own. You will be petrified.
I bless you, little remnant placed in the safe haven of My Immaculate Heart. Wake up. I love you infinitely.
Listen, your mother.
The time has come.