Prayers by Our Lady of Jacarei
Prayers taught by Our Lady, Queen and Messenger of Peace to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacarei SP, Brazil
Table of Contents
Holy Hours given in Jacarei
Holy Hour of Peace
To be prayed every day 8:00 PM
(In Her Message of March 7, 2001, Our Lady once again asked us to pray the Hour of Peace every day)
1. Do 10 minutes of Meditation.
2. Pray the Rosary of Peace without haste.
3. Read a Message from Our Lady or from Jesus or both from the apparitions in Jacareí.
Most recent Message from Jacarei
4. Read a passage from the Gospel and meditate in SILENCE.
5. Sing some Hymns.
6. Make the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Jesus and the Divine Holy Spirit.
Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Consecration to the Holy Spirit
Hour of Saint Joseph
To be prayed every Sunday at 9:00 PM
Some Messages from St. Joseph about His Hour of Prayer

"-Give yourselves to Me, as docile instruments. Go everywhere taking My messages, making My Holy Hour of Prayer every Sunday, and bringing this My Hour to the knowledge of everyone, so that everyone prays it, so that everyone does it. Through this Hour, My LOVING HEART will triumph, as it is already beginning to triumph in so many souls and homes, which have prayed My Hour, loyally and faithfully every Sunday. What wonders I will do, when the whole world knows My Holy Hour of Prayer! Soon the world will know the overwhelming strength and power of My Holy HOUR OF PRAYER!.... (St. Joseph 10/02/2008)
"...Pray for the nations of the earth, pray for peace, keep doing my hour every Sunday, I am already pouring graces into many hearts that have started doing it, but they are still few, more people need to do it, and spread it, so that I can stop the wave of destruction of families that is spreading like a cancer over the earth." (St. Joseph 11/05/2003)
"...Continue to do My Hour every Sunday. The Hour of Peace and My Hour, will be so much stronger and will have so much more effectiveness the greater the Faith with which you do them. Yes, the degree of effectiveness of these prayers, is also related to the degree of faith you have in them." (St. Joseph 04/04/2004)
"...Continue with My Hour on Sundays. Upon those who do it faithfully, full indulgence descends today. Today, I promise to cover the families who are faithful to Me in My Hour of prayer. My most loving Heart has never been so enlarged as here, in this holy place. This is My favorite place. Here, I will perform the greatest wonders of grace within souls." (St. Joseph 10/02/2006)
" - My Heart is the source of peace for this world without peace. For the soul that wishes to please the Most High perfectly I offer the efficacious means and the only certain one. True consecration and devotion to my most loving Heart. To have it, three things are necessary: First, surrender yourself completely to me and allow yourself to be meekly guided by me. Second, imitate my virtues and obey my Messages promptly. If the soul does this, I can lead it to perfect glorification of the Lord and true life in God. I am ready to take all who will give themselves to Me to raise them to greater heights of the inner life in God." (St. Joseph 03/04/2006)
"...He who says to me, St. Joseph, St. Joseph, but does not make my hour of prayer, does not obey my messages will not enter the kingdom of heaven. He will not receive the crown of eternal reward. So, if you want to be saved, be truly obedient to us and love us sincerely. To all of you today I leave my blessing and my Peace." (St. Joseph 11/06/2006)
How to pray the Hour of St. Joseph?
1. Spend 10 minutes in interior and exterior silence meditating on the Most Holy Person of St. Joseph, His glories, His virtues, His love and His messages.
2. Pray the Rosary of St. Joseph without haste.
3. Litany to the Most Loving Heart of St. Joseph
Litany to the Most Loving Heart of St. Joseph
4. Honoring the Secret Sorrows of the Most Loving Heart of Saint Joseph
We honor and meditate on the pain of the Most Loving Heart of Saint Joseph, when He found no place in Bethlehem for Our Lady to give birth to the Son of God.
We pray Our Father... - Hail Mary... - Glory Be... and the Jaculatory: Most Loving Heart of St. Joseph, pray for us.
(Note: Saint Joseph has promised to be present IN PERSON on the day of the death of the person who honors His sorrows faithfully every day and deliver him from the assaults of the devil.)
We honor the Sorrow of Saint Joseph who still suffers today seeing the way the Apparitions and Messages of Our Lady and Our Lord Jesus are despised throughout the world.
We pray Our Father... - Hail Mary... - Glory Be... and the Jaculatory: Most Loving Heart of St. Joseph, pray for us.
5. Prayers and Jaculatories Dedicated to St. Joseph
Prayers and Jaculatories Dedicated to St. Joseph
6. Read a Message from The Apparitions in Jacareí and meditate in silence
Most recent Message from Jacarei
7. Biblical meditation
8. Sing to St. Joseph
9. Consecration
Prayer of Consecration to St. Joseph
10. Sign of the Cross
Hour of the Holy Spirit
To be prayed every Monday at 9:00 PM
Message of the Divine Holy Spirit in Jacareí
04/06/2006 Feast of Pentecost

Today I come to grant one more wonder of My excessive love for mankind: MY HOUR. I want the Hour of the Holy Spirit to be done every Monday at 9 o'clock in the evening. It should begin with 10 minutes of contemplation of My person followed by My rosary, the reading of a message from Me, a reflection, a consecration to Me, and finally a song in My honor. I promise that I will be present wherever it is done pouring copiously My light and grace. Chosen, this is your new mission from now on. This is one more grace I grant you and this place because of the predilection I have for you and for him and also because of the excessive love of My dear Mary and My Beloved Joseph for you. Peace.
Consecration to the Holy Spirit
Hour of the Holy Angels of God
To be prayed every Tuesday at 9:00 PM
16th Anniversary of the Jacareí Apparitions
3rd Apparition of this day
Message from Our Lady

"-Son, in this last visitation of this day, We come to give the blessing to you and to Our beloved children!
Son, the hour has come! It is Our desire and solemn command: That every Tuesday at 9:00 p.m., the HOUR OF THE HOLY ANGELS be done; when numerous graces of conversion and salvation will be poured out over the whole earth!
The HOUR OF THE HOLY ANGELS should begin:
With 10 minutes of meditation on the Holy Angels;
Followed by the Chaplet of the Holy Angels, that you will compose and present to us;
Message of the Holy Angels;
Sung Litany of the Holy Angels, invoking the Angels who appeared here;
Supplication to the Holy Angels;
Consecration to the Holy Angels, and;
Final Chant!
Where this HOUR is done, copious blessings will descend from our Hearts. The Holy Angels will be drawn to where It is done and will protect the people, homes and places where This Holy Prayer is heard.
The Holy Angels will expel and bind the evil spirits, where This HOUR is made, especially; the demon asmodeus, destroyer of the family and youth.
This HOUR will shake and annihilate hell, with its hordes and plans.
Start now, son! So that as soon as possible, the HOUR OF THE HOLY ANGELS will be done and propagated.
This HOUR will free many captives of the devil and prepare the souls and the world, for the Triumph of our Hearts!
Son peace! Our Beloved, peace...".
THE HOUR OF THE HOLY ANGELS was recorded on CD by the seer Marcos Tadeu just as Our Lady wishes us to do. This CD is available at the Shrine of the Apparitions in Jacareí
Litany in Honor of the Holy Angels
Consecration to the Holy Angels
Hour of the Saints
To be prayed every Wednesday at 9:00 PM
Excerpt of the Message of Saint Prudentiana
At the Apparitions of Jacareí on February 17, 2013

"...I, PRUDENTIANA, am always with you! I am very close to you when you pray the HOUR OF THE SAINTS every Wednesday. At that HOUR, I promise that special graces will be poured by Me into your souls. This HOUR OF THE SAINTS that Marcos made for you is an hour that unites Heaven and Earth, in that moment the demons fall paralyzed to the ground leaving in peace the souls that they had imprisoned, we free many possessed of the devil, we bring back many sinners to the path of grace and salvation, and we make it rain from Heaven upon all of you and upon your homes a great shower of graces and blessings that only in Heaven can you know and evaluate how abundant it is. So, persevere in it! In that hour I am closer to your hearts than ever before! And it is enough that you think of Me and I already immediately run to meet you with all the graces and blessings that I can bring you through the merits of My martyrdom and My suffering."
God's Saints
(06/21/07) Daily Apparition 6:30 PM
1st public participation, authorized by Our Lady on 6/16/07 during the Cenacle of Reparation on Saturday.

(Mary Most Holy): "- Marcos, it is I, your most loving MOTHER, who once again comes down from Heaven to bless you and fill you with graces...
As I told you a few days ago, today I bring you something new, something very good! It will fill your soul with new graces, and also the souls of My children, who obey My desire and My Order with LOVE and readiness!
I wish that on every Wednesday, from now on, at 9 o'clock in the evening, right after the HOUR OF PEACE the:
This Hour of Prayer, which will be to honor the Saints! To pray to them! To ask for Their powerful help, so that all of you may also be sanctified and achieve the PERFECT LOVE towards GOD, LOVE that They had!!!
This Hour will be potent, potent against hell, it will extinguish the:
• Heresies;
• It will combat the errors;
• It will shake the languid and soft souls;
• It will dispel the darkness: of error, paganism, atheism, hedonism, materialism.
• And it will transform many timid, weak, and vacillating souls into souls that are faithful, fervent, ardent, and above all courageous in the service of the LORD, in obedience to My messages, in LOVE for GOD, and in LOVE for the salvation of souls.

The 'HOUR OF THE SAINTS' will make many souls become friends of the Saints! Think more about HEAVEN!
Think more about Holiness!
Desire Holiness!
And above all, fix your sights on the Saints, always trying to become like them!
With the 'HOUR OF THE SAINTS' many graces will be poured from Heaven over souls! Many souls will achieve true spiritual miracles, which will transform them into extremely beautiful and pleasant souls to the Eyes of GOD! ....
With the 'HOUR OF THE SAINTS', discords will be overcome and PEACE will be established in the hearts and homes, where it is done with LOVE and DEVOTION...
With the 'HOUR OF THE SAINTS', many souls will feel in their hearts, a burning LOVE for GOD and for ME! And a SINCERE DESIRE to perform HOLY works, to Glorify GOD and to Glorify My Name following the example of the Saints they will honor and contemplate.
You, My son, will do this Hour! You will do the SERVICE of the Saints as you did that of the ANGELS! I will inspire you, you will be inspired in your prayers, and you will understand how I want you to compose the Prayers and the Invocations of the decades... You will make the Rosary with 6 (six) decades, honoring in each one of the decades a different SAINT.
You will ask for things for the soul;
You will ask for virtues;
You will ask for sanctity;
You will ask for what is good for the catholic;
You will ask for what pleases GOD!
Through this HOUR, through this CHAPLET of the Saints, many souls will have TRUE LOVE for Holiness! And true contempt for the world's wrong way of living! And these souls will then surely advance towards GOD...
I will be with you My child, in the 'HOUR OF THE SAINTS', you will have a few minutes of meditation on the messages They have given here! Then at the CHAPLET, you will place one of the Messages that the Saints have given here. Then you will put an excerpt from 'The Imitation of Christ'. And then the Consecration to the Saints, so that everyone will give themselves to THEM and by THEM be guarded, protected, and guided. And so that all then, by giving themselves completely to the Saints, renounce once and for all the world and give themselves totally to the LOVE of GOD!
In this way My dear son, Holiness will become more accessible to all My children who make it....
My IMMACULATE HEART has never been so enlarged in the world, as here in this Place! That is why I never tire of offering new Graces and new means to help your souls, to overcome the world, the devil and the flesh and thus reach the Glory of Heaven triumphant!
According to one of the Messages I gave in January 1994, within the most urgent 'Twenty Messages', the 'HOUR OF THE SAINTS' on Wednesday is one more proof of My great LOVE for all of you!
PEACE My dear son... PEACE to all of you!
I bless you..."
Litany in Honor of the Saints of God
Consecration to the Saints of God
Hour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Every Friday at 9:00 PM
Revelation of the Hour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Message of Mary Most Holy
05/25/2008 Anniversary of the Apparitions of Caravaggio

My children. Today, as you contemplate Me in My APPARITION in CARAVAGGIO, to My little daughter GIANNETTA VACCHI, and you are already celebrating this event; I again invite you to 'True Love' that pleases GOD...
Imitate My little daughter GIANETTA and her love, in her readiness, in all that I say in My Messages! Imitate... My seers, My Saints, who in all their lives: loved Me, served Me; without placing any restriction or condition in their love for Me!
Follow Me along the path of Holiness the way of Love... the way of Perfection! Try to have in you all the virtues, so that your soul is not a swamp where only death reigns. But may your souls be a garden; where every flower grows, opens, blossoms, and exhales the heavenly perfume of GOD's grace!
I invite you, from now on, to pray more, so that the 2nd WORLD PENTECOST may be hastened, and so that my Immaculate Heart may triumph as soon as possible, purifying and renewing this world.
Do not doubt even for an instant, My children.... My HEART will triumph! And this atheistic society that has become pagan again, contrary to GOD and to His Word; WILL DISAPPEAR to give place to the new humanity, to the new society where I will be Absolute Queen and where GOD will again be Worshipped, Served and Loved as in the Beginning of Creation, when there was no sin!
My HEART will triumph, whether men believe it or not! Whether men expect it or not.... My Immaculate Heart will finally be Lord of all souls and hearts.
To hasten this Triumph My beloved Marcos, I want to ask one new thing:
I want you to make for these My children "THE HOUR OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS", every Friday at 9 o'clock in the evening .

In this HOUR you will include the Adoration of the Holy Cross, which on Fridays should always be done by My children, with love!
You can put in this Hour of Prayer, the Rosary of the Sacred Heart; or the Rosary of the Passion; or the Rosary of the Holy Hearts; or the Rosary of the Divine Mercy; I leave this to your taste.
Then, you will put a Message from My Divine Son JESUS CHRIST, given at these apparitions.
You will also put before the Rosary, 10 minutes of meditation, so that My children can truly dive into the Ocean of Mercy and Grace of My Son JESUS!
You will intersperse with Adoration, you will intersperse with Prayers of Reparation and Atonement. And finally, with a brief Consecration to the HOLY HEART of my SON.
In this way, you will give great Glory, great Praise, and great Reparation to the HEART OF JESUS! And with this most powerful Prayer, you will accelerate the Triumph of our UNITED HEARTS throughout the world!
I know that you will do this one more great Work for Me, by which and this place will be raised to a dignity without equal in the whole world. And with this great Work, know, My son, the TRIUMPH OF THE SACRED HEART of MY SON united with MINE, prophesied from Paray-Le-Monial until today, will surely come true!... I promise you!
Go My most beloved and dearest Son, to whom I can entrust and entrust great tasks, for I know I will never be disappointed!
Go, do what I tell you and you will see... how the HEART of My DIVINE SON will bring down a flood of MERCY, upon you and upon the whole world...
Peace Marcos...
Excerpt from the Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Given on 06/08/2008

Let your souls be My living Tabernacle, where I can rest and can truly dwell there forever!
I desire to rest in you... this is why I have asked you through My Mother for "THE HOUR OF MY SACRED HEART", so that every Friday, for at least 1 hour I can rest in your souls!
Give Me rest, by praying this Hour of Prayer with love and faithfulness!
Give Me rest and lodging, welcome for at least 1 hour!
Give Me love, like that sinner who washed My feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair... In My HOLY HOUR every Friday, do this to Me. Detach Me from the Cross for a few moments, that I may rest in you, as I rested in the lap of My MOTHER descended from the Cross.
May your souls be a new cradle for Me, where I may enter and rest!
And I tell you My children, that your reward will be an increase of unitive life with Me, which will grow more and more each day, until it reaches fullness in eternity...
Hour of the Tears of Our Lady
Every Saturday at 7:00 PM
Revelation of the Hour of Our Lady's Tears
Message of Mary Most Holy
07/22/2012 Anniversary of the Birth of Saint Amalia Aguirre
So many souls consecrated to god have become Judas priests, have become Judas consecrated souls, and this is why I showed My little daughter Pierina Gilli in Montichiari, My breast, My heart pierced by three huge swords. And how many of My catholic children, too, who no longer pray, who have replaced prayer with amusements and pleasures, and who have turned themselves into swamps of impurity with their bad way of living. It is because of them that I have shown My heart pierced by three huge swords here, above all, because they do not accept My messages, they deny them, they deny My apparitions, and they join the souls consecrated to god, the priests and religious who deny, who persecute My apparitions, who discredit My tears even of blood and the extraordinary signs that I give you here and in so many places in the world to awaken you from the sleep of sin where you are fallen and to call you all to the path of conversion, to the path of repentance and to return to god.

This is why My heart is always pierced by sharp swords of pain and My heart is covered with sorrow, full of bitterness.
I therefore call you to imitate My little daughter Amalia Aguirre who on earth was a perfect seraphim of love for My Immaculate Heart.
Imitate her love and her goodness, her purity.
Imitate her ever-ready obedience to everything I told her in My messages!
She fought like never before to make Me loved and known with the title with which I appeared to her: "The Lady of Tears"
She was hindered and obstructed and so many of her efforts were reduced to nothing. But here, in My Apparitions in Jacareí, I have raised up a new Apostle of My Tears, My son Marcos, to resurrect all that I had told and entrusted to My little daughter Amalia Aguirre so many decades before.
How I am eternal, immortal, invincible together with god. The devil cannot destroy My works.
So here after so many decades with My new Apostle, I will finally make My blessed Tears triumph in the souls, in the families, in the hearts of all My children!
So I want, I want from all My children on saturdays at 7 o'clock in the evening:
The Hour of My Tears
For in that hour of My great solitude I shed many, many tears for the death of My Son.
You shall pray the Chaplet of Tears as I taught it to My little daughter Amalia Aguirre, meditating on My messages, consoling My Immaculate Heart and consecrating yourselves to Me through and by virtue of My Blessed Tears.
If you do this I promise truly My children, to accomplish in your lives great wonders and works of grace. I promise to grant you whatever you ask Me for through the Chaplet of My Tears. And if you are faithful in praying it every day I promise:
• that I will lead you safely to heaven and that you will never know what the torments of hell and the devouring flames of hellfire are.
• Through the Chaplet of My Tears I will succor you at all times of your life.
• I will be present in all your sufferings.
• I will give you protection against all your enemies.
• And I will lead you along the path of perfection and holiness, making all the mystical flowers of the christian virtues grow in your souls!
I give much to you because here I am much loved, much consoled, much obeyed and much served first of all by My little Son Marcos, the Great Apostle of My Tears, and then, by you My children, who love Me, who console Me, who obey My messages, who spread them and pray the Chaplet of My Tears every day...
Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
The Queen of Prayer: The Holy Rosary 🌹
Various Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
Prayers from Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch
Prayers for the Divine Preparation of Hearts
Prayers of the Holy Family Refuge
Prayers from other Revelations
Prayers by Our Lady of Jacarei
Devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
Prayers to Unite with Holy Love
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary