Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Father Kentenich speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through his Schoenstatt child Anne.


During this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, Jesus appeared as the Risen Lord in the white garment and Our Lady as the Immaculate Receive all in white. Both had the triple crown on their heads. The Trinity was also present: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Then Father Kentenich was on the left and Padre Pio on the right. The guardian angels came behind us. There were many angels dressed in white, kneeling in worship with golden flights around the altar. Even outside I could see the angels. Today is September 18, 2007, and Father Kentenich promised to speak to the Schoenstatt Work from heaven himself on this Covenant Day.

Father Kentenich now says: My beloved Schoenstatters, my beloved founders of the ministry, my beloved sisters, after three years, I will want to and must announce to you new words from heaven. Today is Covenant Day, today is the founding day of Schoenstatt. Once again I speak through the willing, obedient and humble instrument Anne. For three years she has been receiving the messages from heaven, and it all corresponds to the truth, as Jesus Christ himself said.

In this great distress in which you are, My beloved ministers, who have entrusted yourselves to the Schoenstatt Work and have made your consecration, I want to give you words of what you should change. There is much that is not in the truth in your work. How long have you been waiting for my canonization, but three years ago I announced to you that this work also includes the consecration of the Marian Garden, which you, my brothers in office, should complete. You did not follow these words, you did not heed them, and as truth they were not given to you in your hearts.

I want to tell you why: beloved Schoenstatters, as you know, you too are addicted to modernism. How will you know the truth? You are hurting your dearest Jesus very much when you allow hand communion, yes, you yourselves, my ministerial brothers, distribute this hand communion, which hurts Jesus Christ very much. Do you not know that this cannot be in the truth? As you knew from the objections, I wished for oral communion from heaven, and I wanted it kneeling. You have not complied with this wish. How long have you indulged in this modernism. I, Father Kentenich, wish that one turns one's back on modernism and that the Holy Sacrificial Feast be celebrated in the Tridentine Rite there as well.

I, Father Kentenich, did not want that in the Schoenstatt Work the popular altar be placed and that the Holy Supper be celebrated at these altars by my priests, brothers in office and fathers. It is not a sacrificial meal, but a meal community. Laymen stand at the altar and give the reading. This is also permitted. Yes, already Schoenstatt Sisters are distributing the body of Jesus Christ. Do you believe that this is true? Do you think that if I were still alive, that I could allow this to happen as a founder?

Be in obedience to the Holy Father whom Jesus Christ chose and not to the bishops who proclaim untruth. I have asked you to pray the rosary for the Work every day. All these words of mine were also made known in the group. But the group members scattered, yes, they left my chosen ones alone. This has hurt me, the founder of the work, very much. They remain my Schoenstatt children and they have consecrated themselves totally to this work and to the truth of Jesus Christ.

Why have you not followed these messages of the chosen ones and listened to them at least once? No, you rejected them, you even took them out of the Schoenstatt Work. How much guilt do you have on yourselves?

I give you another chance to accept these truths. If you are still not ready, these words will have to be made public through the Internet. Humanity is to be enlightened.

It is the last time of Jesus Christ, because as you all know, He will come soon, and also the soul-examination is coming. Have courage, beloved Schoenstatters, beloved founders of the ministry! Be ready! The time of conversion is still to come, as I advised you already on the 15th, on the Feast of the Seven Sorrows of Mary.

Your dearest Mother, Mother Thrice Admirable, Queen and Victress of Schoenstatt, as you adore her, weeps tears of blood. Do you want to continue to allow this? You can stop it, because I have called you all to this work. I was allowed to found this work, but I am only allowed to found it from heaven. You think it was spun out. No, for you must lie in the truth, otherwise this work cannot exist.

Take distance from modernism! Grant oral communion, and do it kneeling! All you Schoenstatters, I call you to stop this modernism! Get away from it! You need not obey your bishop if he does not obey the Supreme Shepherd. And you know that he is not in the truth, this, your diocesan bishop. Be brave and strong and fight for the Kingdom of God! Not everything goes according to your wishes. The will of the Heavenly Father shall be fulfilled.

This, my little tool, would not be able to pronounce these words. She would not be able to proclaim my words at all. But she is the chosen one of heaven and is strengthened from heaven again and again to proclaim the truth, even when it is inconvenient. I ask you again, accept the words. They are for your salvation and they serve this great Schoenstatt Work. I greet you from heaven, beloved Schoenstatters and I bless you from heaven. I have asked for all protection, all blessings and all love from the Triune God. Therefore I bless you with priestly blessing, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Praised be Jesus and Mary, forever and ever. Amen.


