Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, May 12, 2008

Whit Monday.

God the Father speaks to the pilgrims in Heroldsbach on the night of atonement at about 23.55 through His child Anne.


Dear Heavenly Father, You have made it known to me that You wish to speak through me today. I thank You that You have given me the divine power so far to announce Your plan, which You have conceived from eternity. You give me your strength and your Holy Spirit always drives me to new energy when my powerlessness lets me experience my weakness. Holy Spirit, fill me with Your power, so that I never cease to recognize and proclaim Your Divine Truth. Let me always remain your willing instrument and serve you faithfully in obedience.

The Heavenly Father says: My beloved children, I speak again through My willing, obedient and humble instrument Anne. She does not speak from herself, but in the spirit of truth and love. My beloved little ones, how happy I am that already some of you want to fulfill My Divine Plan. The Holy Spirit has touched you with the fullness of His power. The Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God blows where He wants.

My children, a very arduous road awaits you. Walk this Way of the Cross at the hand of your dearest Heavenly Mother. She is the bride of the Holy Spirit and will ask you this way of knowledge and the spirit of discernment. She will never leave you alone, for she remains your caring mother. Only with her can you go this way and fulfill my plan in its entirety.

Yes, My children, much will be incomprehensible to you. Go this way step by step. My mother and your mother will accompany you and also comfort you. But remember, the wicked man does not like it if you continue on this arduous path. He wants to disturb you and keep you away. Then pray for the spirit of discernment and knowledge. He is given to you. You will become sure proclaimers of the faith, even missionaries in this desert. The people who need help will be brought to you. You will not comprehend what words will flow from your mouth, for the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, will give you everything.

My hour has come in which I will gather My little flock around Me. Do not be grieved that many will leave you on this way. The greatest gifts are waiting for you. The endurance will become unbelievable for you. You will receive supports. These are your angels, whom your mother will call down. Call also your guardian angels and St. Michael the Archangel. He will defend you with the sword of love. How much the angels are waiting for your further availability.

My beloved children, do you believe that your Heavenly Father can demand something insurmountable? I love you boundlessly in your weakness because then my omnipotence can work in you and all power and love will inspire you to do good.

Since I will found anew the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, I must demand many sacrifices from you. They will become fertile very soon, because everything will happen very quickly. Time is running out! Give your children into the safe care of your Heavenly Mother, who can shape them into precious stones if you do not hold them. Pray for them and continue on your way unwaveringly and do not let anything get in your way. Be brave and courageous. Do not complain, for this throws you back and makes you uncertain.

I have placed at your side a priest and shepherd prepared by Me. He has made the greatest sacrifices for me and is leading you on this path. He was unjustifiably banned from confession. He carries this cross calmly and does not desire it. I, the Heavenly Father, have partially relaxed this confessional prohibition. In his house chapels he may administer the Holy Sacrament of Penance. Since he was given the grace to hear this confession in a great realization, he was envied. But he remains my chosen priest, who may now partially apply this charism. The words you need are given to him. Pay attention to his instructions, for they are not his words and advice. The Holy Spirit will give him everything.

If it is possible for you, take long distances to receive this sacrament from him. Go also to My Pius-Brotherhood and also to the Petrus-Brothers. They celebrate the sacrificial banquet of My Son in all reverence. Very soon this holy mass of sacrifice will be celebrated all over the world. Persevere, My beloved ones, and persevere in prayer with one accord. Now, in obedience, take these steps like a little child at the hand of the Father, steadily and faithfully.

My chosen ones, I, the Heavenly Father, now bless you in the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Your mother and all angels and saints will accompany you. I love you! Do not leave me! With great longing I await your readiness. The sky will hold its breath.

Addendum to this objection on May 14 from God the Father: My beloved children and elect, I would like to address some important instructions to you today. It is very serious to me that you recognize my messages as truth. It is not My messenger Anne who speaks these instructions to you, but I, God the Father. My little one remains My mouthpiece and nothing. She receives My messages originally recorded and is not allowed to change anything about it. She obeys Me completely and completely.

I would like to admonish you once again, do not go to the modernist churches, where the priests only celebrate meal fellowship. My son, Jesus Christ will not be transformed in these sacrilegious hands of these priests. In Heroldsbach you have found that My Son did not let My little one fall into ecstasy during the transformation. That was the confirmation. You, My children, who wanted to receive communion in spite of the information of My priestly son and My messenger, you received only a piece of bread.

Why did you not follow My instructions immediately? Do you not believe in Me? Do you want to deny the Trinity of God? Or were you afraid of humans? Put it down and put me first? It is the last time of the coming of My Son. I prepare you. Do you also want to leave Me, to whom I have given the greatest gifts for two years? This Paderborn bus is preferred, since My priestly son and also My messenger are among you and you also have the greatest responsibility for the others to point the way towards the others.

My beloved children, the Heavenly Mother asks you why you still adorn yourselves with leg coverings. As Mary's children you look more advantageous with skirts. The feminine touch is always provided by the skirt. Look at your messenger. She dresses only nobly, as my Heavenly Mother desires.


