Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, September 28, 2008

In the Guardian Angel Month the Heavenly Father speaks through His instrument Anne after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Duderstadt.


Many angels were present. I noticed today that the heart of Jesus became all red and the rays of gold and silver came out of that heart and into each of our hearts. The heart of the Blessed Mother also shone bright red. The Heavenly Father will reveal to us today something significant, as He said.

The Heavenly Father speaks: I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, speak now through My willing, obedient and humble child Anne. She stands in my will and speaks only words that come from me. My beloved priestly son, today I want to address you first of all, because I want to make known to you words from heaven.

I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, have founded the Church of My Son anew. Today this became more intensive. through you, My beloved priestly Son, I have poured out many graces on this House Chapel, for again and again My Holy Sacrificial Feast was celebrated by you in the Rite of Trent, as I had wished at the beginning.

Now, My beloved priestly son, I desire from you that you receive My Holy Sacrament of Penance in your house chapels founded by you for My sake. This authority was taken from you, but you are My ordained priestly son and this authority I want to give you again today in all strength. This Sacrament of Penance is to be received from you in this House Chapel in Duderstadt, your House Chapel in Göttingen, the House Chapel in Gestratz, the House Chapel in Göritz and in Euskirchen.

You have been unjustly banned from confessing. You know that you have given up to ten hours of My Holy Sacrament of Penance at My shrine, the shrine of My Mother in Heroldsbach. You have received special graces for this, especially from My beloved Padre Pio, who is in My glory.

This priest, who runs the prayer place in Heroldsbach, became jealous of your abilities and he reported you to the responsible bishop in your diocese. This was, of course, unjustified and I, the Heavenly Father, would first like to keep this today in your house chapels. If this is not acknowledged, the Ordinariat in Hildesheim would like to prove it to you.

You do not act contrary when you administer this Sacrament of Penance, My Holy Sacrament, because I have chosen you from the first moment of your life as a priest and I will grant you this Sacrament of Penance again. Listen to my wishes! I protect you in everything, because I love you. Believe in My truths and do not let yourself be confused!

Jesus Christ speaks: You know what is happening in My modernistic church. It was My Church. She was My Catholic Church. It has now been ascribed to Protestantism. Yes, it is Protestant. One distributes the bread and the wine. My Holy Eucharist is no longer celebrated there and I am no longer present in these sacrilegious hands of the priests and in these tabernacles. I can no longer be adored there. I had to go out because My Heavenly Father wanted it that way and I beg you, My faithful, My beloved ones, listen to the words of your Heavenly Father. Only he who obeys My words in their entirety can receive My Holy Sacrament of Penance from this, My beloved son of priest.

The Heavenly Father further says: It will become more and more incomprehensible and unfathomable to you, but if you follow these steps in the following of My Son Jesus Christ and are in His following, nothing will happen to you. They will not be able to harm you. Everything comes from heaven. Everything is permitted and intended. I leave nothing to chance. I allow it and I desire it. And many will follow my wishes. Not all will obey these wishes because they do not want to, not because they cannot. I have given this free will to all, and I will also never break it. But you, My beloved ones, fulfill My wishes, the wishes of your beloved Heavenly Father in the Trinity!

How much I love you, since you want to continue to follow My steps and take on all difficulties. I know that it is not easy for My ten beloved ones to go up this stony path to Golgotha. But I have chosen you. You are My beloved disciples and I will especially strengthen you in this My newly founded church. It is founded by me and no one can destroy it, even if everyone wanted to appear and destroy it, they would not accomplish it that way, because I do not allow it. These priests in the churches, who are subject to the Masons, will want to harass you. Take heed, for the wicked man is cunning and wise. But he is also stupid.

My beloved ones, you have the wisdom of heaven. The cloth has been taken from your eyes. You have the knowledge of heaven and you have the insight. No one will be able to dispute this deep faith with you unless you fall into evil. Trust deeper and believe deeper, for love will flow deep into your hearts. You will never succumb if you trust Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

And now I bless you also in triple strength in the Trinity with My Heavenly Mother, all the angels, all the saints and especially with your beloved Padre Pio, with Saint Archangel Michael, who will celebrate his feast tomorrow, and you also celebrate the patron saint's feast in your house chapel in Göttingen, which is consecrated to this Saint Archangel Michael. Do this solemnly because I am among you and will also speak to you tomorrow. Now I bless you in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and glory be without end, Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.


