Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Good Shepherd.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again, large crowds of angels in white robes entered this house church from all sides. The risen one on the altar became the Good Shepherd. On his shoulders he carried the little white lamb.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only My words. Nothing is out of her.

"I am the Good Shepherd! I know the ones who are mine and the ones who are mine know me," My Son says to all believers.

During the Holy Sacrificial Feast, My little daughter, you heard this harp playing. This harp playing was there to lead My flock to green pastures. The ones who are mine know these tones exactly and they pay attention to them and they only follow this path step by step.

Yes, I know the ones who are mine and the ones who are mine know me. As the Father has sent Me, I send you, I say to you, Jesus Christ, My beloved ones.

You are now the messengers. I desire from you to follow the steps of My Son again and again. This harp playing will be realized in your ears. You will recognize the harp. It has no discordant notes. It is precisely coordinated in harmony.

Beloved, why do you still linger in these modernist churches? Is My Son still present in these churches? Do you still receive Holy Communion, that sacrament you thirst for? No! You receive a piece of bread. You celebrate the meal fellowship with these priests. They are not willing to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast and they do not listen to My harp playing.

Do I not know my own and do they not know me too? Does not my chief shepherd know me exactly, the Redeemer Jesus Christ, whom the Father has sent &nndash; also for his redemption? Do you not know Him, My beloved Supreme Shepherd? Why do you go other ways and lead the world church astray? Why did you sell the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church? Why have you committed this great sacrilege? Have you not been touched again and again in your heart by My truths? Have you ever listened to My truths? Have you not also followed My messengers? Have you not also become one of the Pharisees? Have I not chosen you, My beloved Supreme Shepherd? Have I not appointed you for Germany, - for your fatherland? Don't you bear this responsibility all alone now? And you do not declare yourself willing to follow your Jesus Christ. Have I not always been the Good Shepherd, My beloved Supreme Shepherd? Have I not always been good to you? Full of love I was in your heart. I have radiated the love.

Have you not heard your dearest mother pleading in your heart that you may repent? Have you not heard this harp playing, this sensitive, this meticulously tuned in the harmony of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church? Couldn't you follow this path exactly, - My path? Have I not given you chances again and again? Did you grab her? No! You have continued on the wrong path. The fear of man has taken hold of you. Have you ever thought about the fear of God? Is your Heavenly Father in the Trinity no longer present for you? Are you going to play this game for a long time? Yes, it is a spectacle that you offer to other people.

With the Motu Proprio you have allowed priests all over the world to celebrate this Holy Trentine Sacrificial Feast. Have your chief shepherds followed you? Have they obeyed you as it should be? No! Were you then allowed to remain silent? Were you allowed to accept this in silence? No! You had to rebel because you have a responsibility that you did not fulfill. Will you continue to remain in this madness with your chief shepherds and shepherds who follow you - who unfortunately follow you?

These My shepherds do not take the initiative. I will lead them on green pastures, but they will not listen to me. You are looking for comfort and financial security. Is this important to you, My beloved sons of priests, My shepherds? Can you not yet make the total dedication you promised on the day of your ordination? Have you obeyed me or to whom do you obey?

You cast out my holy priests from this lush pasture. You treat them very badly by expelling them from my church, by driving them out because they do not act according to your measure. Are they not My shepherds whom I have appointed, whom I have chosen, who still celebrate this Sacrificial Feast of My Holy One in the underground? I will take them out of these catacombs. I will prove to you that there is only one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and only one Holy Sacrificial Feast. I will work in My omnipotence. In My providence and in My omniscience you will have to experience many things that do not correspond to your wishes, but to the wishes of the Heavenly Father, My wishes.

Justice I will administer. You will be frightened by what will come upon you. This event will be cruel for you. But I will protect my beloved shepherds who follow my harp playing and they will be safe. You will not be able to harm them because they are reversed, because they have followed me, the redeemer Jesus Christ.

Yes, My beloved ones, it is the Trinity that speaks - in three persons. They speak to you. They are one, one in love and one in omnipotence. Everything will happen that heaven has planned.

My little one continues to remain My nothing and My little tool, which cannot achieve anything by itself, but I work in her. I live in her and I as Jesus Christ suffer in her. I suffer in her the New Church and the New Priesthood.

Why don't you wake up? You are full of malice and stubbornness. Must I watch you all sink into the eternal abyss? Must My beloved mother, the mother of the Church, also watch? Must she, too, continue to weep tears, even blood tears, for her priests' sons? Have you no pity for her, for this Immaculate Mother and Queen, the Mother and Queen of Victory? Will you not also want to experience this victory, the victory of My dearest Mother, who will crush the head of the snake at My place of prayer in Wigratzbad, or will you continue to reject My Mother and stand by Her side?

In Wigratzbad, at the place of prayer of My mother, Satan is raging. Everywhere he is there. What it can devour, it will devour. And whoever declares himself willing to follow him will sink into the eternal abyss.

Nor do I call on My shepherds: Follow my harp playing, follow me in truth, - in the only truth!

You are blinded and live in the greatest darkness. You do not recognize anything anymore. Convert! You know that you are not in the truth. Give the evil one, do not give Satan space as before. Satanic powers want to continue to destroy everything there. Can't you feel it? Certain people have been sent there by Satan. And the satanic powers will bring many people to their side. They will follow him and not me, - out of convenience.

How often have I sent you, My beloved ones, to this place of prayer. Did they follow me through the many graces which you were allowed to pour out there and which you asked for through your perseverance. Have they recognized and accepted these graces? No! They didn't do it. They did not seize these opportunities. For a long time I left her alone and waited for her to take the initiative.

Well, My beloved small group, you will soon travel there. Not because you wish it, but because I wish it. You are protected to the full extent. No one will be able to harm you. The Holy Archangel Michael will be allowed to protect you in full strength and your dearest Mother will appear to you, My little one, and you will pass on what she says as Mother of the Church and does so, My beloved ones. Follow the example of your beloved mother. She is waiting for you there. Develops no fears at all. They are unauthorized. Nothing will happen to you. Everywhere you can go freely and stay there. Everywhere you have My special protection. And that is why I want you to develop no fears, no human fears. Only the fear of God shall be in you.

Follow my tracks! You will recognize it. You are guided, guided and also formed by your dearest mother. She wants to continue to accompany you on this path of holiness. She will never be idle to love and protect you and to recognize you as your beloved Mary's children. You, too, will trample the head with your dearest mother of the serpent. You will come there. You will be there because you are chosen, chosen from heaven, - unique. Can you understand that? Can you fathom this? No, my little ones! Accept it as your Heavenly Father offers it to you as a gift. All heaven will always be in you and around you, and around you miracles of love will happen.

Beloved believers, I would also like to address you again: Form very quickly oases of love and peace, which support My small group through prayer, if you want to continue on this path!

It is up to your will and your own initiative. Prove to me that you yourselves will achieve everything, that you want to follow the traces of heaven completely, without others being able to keep you from it. If you prove steadfastness, no one can turn you from this path.

And now the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bless you. Amen. You are loved, protected and also sent out! Stay in love! Remain brave, courageous, and persevere until the last moment of My action! Amen.


