Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Priest Thursday. 54th anniversary of the priesthood of Fr. Lodzig.

The Heavenly Father speaks in the house chapel in Göritz near Wigratzbad in Allgäu after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament by His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The Blessed Trinity shone in a bright glow, because our house chapel is dedicated to her. The two hearts of Jesus and Mary were again united in the current of love. They pointed to their burning hearts of love. The Mother of God's wreath of rays sparkled, your dress, your coat and also the rosary were all in white today. The lilies glowed and the roses took on the color white.

Jesus Christ will speak in the Trinity: I, Jesus Christ, speak to you today, My beloved priestly son, who today celebrates his 54th priestly jubilee. He has offered Me 54 years of this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, to Me, the Most High Lord Jesus Christ. I was allowed to transform myself in his hands. A great, special grace preceded your vocation, My beloved priestly son. You were chosen by Me, your dearest Lord Jesus Christ.

You have not always proved yourself worthy of this grace. But I love you in spite of everything and know about your weaknesses, which you fight again and again. You often succumb to these weaknesses and often you fight against them to prove your love to your dearest Lord Jesus. I thank you for these 54 years that you have served Me in all reverence.

You also accompany My messenger Anne for 6 years as her spiritual guide. Is this not a great choice for you, the greatest in your life? You could not wish more than to accompany a messenger chosen by me. Through them the Heavenly Father speaks. He announces His truths to the whole world through the Internet.

He uses the technique again and again. This technique can be used for good or evil. Here it is used for good. All the messages that My Heavenly Father enters into the Internet for you, My daughter Anne. You only speak His words after or today My words. Furthermore I wish you much blessing and strength, so that you can follow these messages in their entirety.

It will not be easy for you, My little one, to accept again and again these diseases, these serious diseases. This intestinal infection, which you feel at the moment as a serious illness for over three weeks, is what My Heavenly Father wanted. He has allowed them, because I, Jesus Christ, suffer in you, My daughter Anne, the New Church, because the old, Catholic Church lies completely in destruction.

And you, My beloved priestly son, have been allowed to mediate the great graces also today through the Holy Sacrificial Feast that you offered to Me and to the Heavenly Father. This Holy Sacrificial Feast will help you to want to continue on the path of sanctity and also to walk step by step. It will not be easy for you. Often you will get hostility, slander, mockery, but you will not succumb to them, for your Jesus Christ chose you from eternity to say yes to this priesthood. You are called, called from eternity. Continue to prove yourself worthy of this great honor.

It is also a great honor for you to be allowed to accompany a messenger on her way to holiness. Of course she will give you all the messages. You will have to be told many things because I speak through them. Not she speaks to you, but your Heavenly Father in the Trinity. And you had to change a lot. You had to get out of modernism. But you said yes, your full yes you have given me and that is why I wish from you that you continue to take these steps in all reverence and accompany my little one in love.

It is not her, you often forget it, who tells you the truth, but it is I, I the Heavenly Father, who speak to you through her It remains My little nothing but that is why it is valuable, very valuable for you. Treat them with all love. It must expiate the most severe sacrileges. Is that not enough, My priestly son? Is it not enough for her to take on this atonement daily and also at night?

Today she wears the crown of thorns for this director. Why? Because Wigratzbad is surrounded by the masonic powers. They want to destroy this place of prayer, My place of prayer.

Is My messenger Antonie Rädler, the founder of Wigratzbad, recognized by this Catholic and Apostolic Church? No! Is My Messenger Anne recognized by this Catholic and Apostolic Church? No! Must you, beloved sons of priests, despise them for this? Does she not walk the path of pain, the path of suffering? Have I not called them My Flower of Sorrow and My Flower of Passion? Look at her suffering! Why do you not recognize that I, Jesus Christ, suffer in her and she reveals to you the full truth of My heavenly Father? It speaks only His words and fulfills in its entirety the will of My Heavenly Father.

Nothing is out of her, I tell you, My beloved director, as you call yourself. You are My beloved priest. You have given Me this promise in your ordination hour that you want to be a priest forever. Do you still pursue these My demands? Do you worship Me often enough or do you despise Me or do you even accuse Me in My beloved priest's son so that he had to give you 10,000 Euros through your lawyer and pay 6,000 Euros in legal fees? This is what you have asked of My beloved priest's son. Was what you did right? Did you have to get a lawyer? Couldn't you fix this by the way of unity? Have you not expelled My beloved priest son from this crypt of your place of prayer, which is My place of prayer? Didn't you additionally file a complaint for trespassing? May My priestly son no longer enter My place of prayer? Has it become your place of prayer, which belongs to you? No! It does not belong to you, - never. I am the ruler of the whole world and also the king of this place of prayer.

My beloved mother appeared to My messenger again and again on this Church of Atonement with St. Michael the Archangel and St. Joseph. Now at the moment this phenomenon is no longer visible to My beloved messenger. Why? Because the evil one reigns here, because you obey the evil one, you My director of this place of prayer. Who did you obey? This diocesan bishop, who no longer exists today Who through my desire and will has laid down his calling as a chief shepherd. I can look into his heart. Didn't he order this cathedral chapter to expel My priestly son from this crypt? Was he not the one who helped you and stood by you in evil?

don't you think, My beloved Director, that I can sweep you away with one breath if My Heavenly Father wishes it? I can take everything from you and I can give you everything. So far you have not shown obedience to me in any way. On the contrary, you have mocked Me, you have not worshiped Me and you have despised Me in My priestly son whom I have chosen from eternity. Great chances have I given you that in this crypt My Holy Sacrificial Feast was celebrated daily in the Tridentine Rite. And men have flocked to this my chosen priest's son. Envy has come up in you. You were envious of this beloved priest's son. And what did you do? You have forbidden him this place. You have forbidden him to continue celebrating My Holy Sacrificial Feast. Is this not a great sacrilege that you should expiate, that you should confess to Me in deep repentance in a valid sacrament of penance? Did you tell this to me in deep remorse? No! You have gone to my sacrament of penance but you have not known the truth. The truth is that you also despised My messenger, that you publicly mocked her in the Church of Atonement, - publicly, that you encouraged many priests to mock her also publicly, that she is not a true seer, but a self-proclaimed one. Is that right what you did? You must deeply regret everything, because one day, before the eternal judgment, I will show you what you have done. You stand before the abyss. One more small step and you will sink into the eternal abyss if you continue to perform these wickedness toward me.

My little one you have rejected but who did you really reject? Me, the highest God and Savior, who wanted to enter into your heart, who wanted to enlighten it, so that it might come to the knowledge of the truth. Did you believe in My truth? Have you followed My priestly son who is chosen by Me? In no way. You despised him and still despise him today.

And this I would like to communicate to my believers, because you put yourself in a false light. What you have done, you must regret. It is grave sin and My little one continues to atone for you. Every week she is willing and ready to wear the crown of thorns for you. This is painful for her, for she sees futility in you. But it is I who see the futility in her, in my messenger. She suffers, is bedridden and willingly accepts everything. She has given me all diseases. And again and again said a willing yes to me, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. Isn't that something big? Couldn't you also give this willing yes to me? In this moment when you repent of everything, I, your beloved Jesus Christ, have forgotten everything and I will embrace you in all love because then My prodigal Son has returned, whom I am still following today. My heart aches with love for you because you are not leading this place of prayer properly. You must see Me in the Trinity and not your management. That is not enough! You must become a deeply praying and faithful priest, - a holy priest who constantly senses, observes and follows the way and plan of the Heavenly Father.

Therefore I ask you again, repent of everything with all your heart, then this place of prayer will blossom. Nor do you think that because so many pilgrims visit this place of prayer, you do not need to repent of everything. You can see the success. But it is not your success, My priestly son, but I wish that many today seek the comfort of My Mother in this place of prayer. They too are completely finished in today's modernist churches, where it is not My Holy Sacrificial Feast that is celebrated, but the meal fellowship of the Protestants. It is no longer My Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. It is completely destroyed. And that is bitterness in My heart. You can be there to comfort Me like My small group, which takes everything upon itself for Wigratzbad, which offers daily the Holy Mass Sacrifice for Wigratzbad in this house chapel in Göritz as a blessing for this place of prayer.

For seven weeks they are already celebrating this holy sacrificial meal at this place. Not because they have been expelled by you, My beloved director, as you call yourself, but because I desire it. They are to offer me this sacrificial meal in all seclusion. The chalice of sacrifice is filled with them, and it is already overflowing. Where are My sons of priests from this place of prayer Wigratzbad, where are they. Are they still wandering off through you? You should be an example to them and not lead them astray. That would be important for you.

Look upon My priestly son whom I have chosen? I thwarted his plan and his wishes. They have become my desires and the plan of my Heavenly Father, who has thought up everything from the outset in wise foresight. I have also conceived My place of prayer.

Will you continue to want to do these wicked things or will you receive from Me the greatest repentance graces and fulfill My desires? And now I bless you, above all My beloved little flock with My chosen priestly son, the jubilant of this day, with My dearest Heavenly Mother, with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain faithful to heaven! Remain courageous and become strong! Continue to take all hardships, diseases and hardships upon yourself and thank the Heavenly Father for all His love!


