Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, June 15, 2012

Heart Jesus Festival.

Jesus Christ speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is a special grace to celebrate this Holy Mass of Sacrifice on this great feast. The altar of sacrifice was brightly lit, especially the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Virgin Mary with the Immaculate Heart. Both hearts were united during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. Flocks of angels were grouped around the altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary, as well as down the hall around the Blessed Mother.

Jesus Christ will speak today on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: I, your dearest Sacred Heart of Jesus united to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, will speak to you today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and who has made the heaviest sacrifices today. For My sake, she has promised to take all the sacrifices upon herself and to endure all hardships. I have given her the strength to do so.

My beloved children, My beloved believers, My beloved ones from near and far, beloved followers and beloved little flock. I, Jesus Christ, have today united My burning Heart of Love with your hearts. It should become a flame of love, a burning heart of love. How much I desire from you to follow this burning heart. It always beats for all of you, because it is the heart of love. Why do I repeat this love so often? Because I died out of love for you. This burning heart full of love went up the Calvary to the cross. Out of love I died for you all, and graces flowed abundantly. But many scorned them and did not accept them. My beloved children from near and far, do you still believe today in the loving Heart of Jesus, in My burning Heart that beats for you all, which is united to the Immaculate Heart of My Most Holy Mother?

My Father has sent Me to the earth to redeem you all. Love was the deciding factor. I have never thought of suffering the tortures for myself, but always only have I done everything out of love for you. I have borne the heaviest sufferings for you until the cross. And there My Holy Blood flowed. Out of My side wound the church was founded by Me. Have you followed this true Only Church, which I have given you out of love? No! I have been left.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus continued to beat for you united with the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. Look upon Our two hearts. Are they not united in pain and joy? Why don't you follow these burning hearts, this love stream? I have called you all to this heart of love. I was there for you. For you it should also burn today, especially on this feast day. And yet, my beloved ones, so many believers have fallen away. They do not love Me. They cannot reach my burning heart of love. I will embrace them for love. Out of love I have given them the sacraments and the sacrificial meal. Is this not the greatest gift: the Holy Eucharist, the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar? Does not my heart burn there and long for you, for your counter-love? Where is your love? My heart longs for your love and yearns for it.

Again and again I try to win your heart through the messages. Have I not showered you with gifts in abundance? And yet love is not enough for you. How deeply I look into your hearts and search for love, for counter-love and do not find it. We, My Father and also the Holy Spirit are united in love and our hearts are yearning for love. They consume each other because love is not reciprocated.

And you, My little flock, have remained with Me, to comfort Me. And again and again you repeat your Yes: "Yes, Father, we want to love You and Your Sacred Heart. We want to be secure in it and feel this security, because you give it to us, because you never leave us. Again and again you point to your burning heart and that of your mother." Are they not connected to each other? Is this not true love? Both hearts are pining for your love. And your love never ends.

Why do you not come, My beloved sons of priests? How much I wait for the return of my love. Everything I have given you. Only love counts, my beloved ones. Do you have this love for Me today, in this time of tribulation, lack of faith and apostasy? No! You do not think of my burning heart; you do not even believe that I want to give you presents at the altar of sacrifice. There I do not especially show my love for you because you may receive me, you, my believers. And you, My beloved sons of priests, are allowed to transform Me in your hands, but only if you celebrate the true Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. Very few are those who follow Me and celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast in all reverence, who return My love through it.

Remember always that the Immaculate Heart of My Mother is also consumed with love. It is the burning heart of love for the Son of God, for your dearest Jesus, whom you gave birth to and who is not recognized in this day and age. You laugh and even mock it. And I must seek in my little one this love, for which I consume myself, and suffer it anew.

Are you suffering with me, my little one? Are you still willing to make all the sacrifices I demand of you because you are a sacrificial soul and my little flower of passion and suffering. Yes, how many times have you asked, "When will the great suffering end?" It is very hard for you and it goes beyond your powers. I know it, my beloved little one. I look into your heart. My father will take it from you. But still your patience is needed and still the suffering is almost unbearable. But your little flock supports you in every situation. She's with you. I have chosen them for you and they read every wish from your eyes. For this love, which you give to the whole world through your perseverance, through your willingness to make sacrifices, above all, through your great suffering of atonement, the small flock is ready to stand by you again and again and not to give up, and to instill courage in you, courage to persevere to the end.

Suffering does not diminish, and sometimes courage decreases. Sometimes desperation comes up. I understand that, my little one. You are human. If divinity would not carry you, you would have given up long ago. But you are supported, although you sometimes think that you do not feel this support, this love, and want to give up. But your dearest Jesus, His burning heart, loves you and does not leave you alone. It beats day and night for you and for you. Hang in there, my beloved ones. Give me these sacrifices of love, because only love carries you.

I am the love and this love lasts forever and you will earn eternity to always be able to attend the wedding feast. That's what you're here for. That is your goal and nothing else. And so I bless you with My burning Heart and the united Immaculate Heart of My dearest Mother in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love lasts forever! Love is the greatest! Hold out until the end, for you are carried by divine power. Amen.


