Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Feast of the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During this Holy Mass of Sacrifice on the Feast of Precious Blood, large crowds of angels moved into this house chapel. They adored the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle and also the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Jesus Christ pointed to His Sacred Heart and at the same time, this Heart of Jesus was also merged with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Blessed Mother was brightly illuminated and so was St. Joseph. I could see many saints today. The sky was open. Such a glistening light had come to this earth that I could hardly bear it with my eyes. "This should express the feast of the Precious Blood, because it is something very special, which is unfortunately not celebrated in modernism today. Only tradition keeps this festival alive. And that is important, my beloved believers," says the Heavenly Father.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now, this very moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

Beloved believers from near and far, beloved followers and beloved little flock, today you celebrate the great feast of the Precious Blood of My Son Jesus Christ, celebrated by My priest son at the altar of sacrifice. It is such a sublime and reverent thing that it can hardly be expressed in human words. You were allowed to celebrate this special festival with us.

My Son Jesus Christ shed His blood to the last drop for all for the redemption of all mankind. He became man to suffer and to redeem people through His suffering. From the beginning of His conception, His suffering was pre-programmed. Everything that happened was connected with suffering, since mankind was waiting for redemption.

And what about today, My beloved believers? Are you still waiting for redemption, or do you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, shed His precious blood for each one of you and still today sheds it on the sacrificial altars, where a sacrificial priest may perform the true transformation? Here this great mystery is celebrated, so that it is possible that in the transformation, the fusion with Jesus Christ and the priestly Son may occur. Do you believe in this, in this greatest mystery of the Holy Eucharist?

How few of you priests really believe that this will happen. Otherwise, My beloved priests, you would want to celebrate from one day to the next this Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V and never exchange the modernist meal community for it. How is it possible, My beloved clergymen, that you still cannot believe until today?

The entire Catholic Church lies in ruins. Nowhere can you begin to build them. It is not possible. But the gates of hell will never overwhelm them! This means that the Church will never perish, no matter how many people and supreme shepherds wanted to destroy it. The Heavenly Father will receive them, for He has taken the scepter into His hand.

If the Supreme Shepherd fails, My beloved ones, and no longer spreads the true Catholic faith, then automatically the Heavenly Father takes the scepter into His hand - automatically, because He founded the Catholic Church through His Son Jesus Christ, and also the priesthood was called and chosen by Him. These are the ordained servants at the altar of sacrifice.

And where do they stand today? At a grinding table, at a block, as the Blessed Mother mentioned. She is so sad that her son Jesus Christ cannot be transformed at these grinding tables because they are not sacrificial priests. They shy away from any kind of victim. They live in the world and enjoy the world, and do not see the holiest to which they are called. My Son Jesus Christ also shed His last drop of blood for all these priests - for each one - His precious blood.

Mother and son are one. In the Mother of God, Jesus Christ became man. She gave her own blood for Him, because she offered herself as the Bearer of God and said her voluntary Fiat, because she was the greatest believer. She did not ask: "How will this be possible?" She did not want to fathom anything when she was chosen to be the Mother of God. She believed even though she saw nothing. Jesus Christ became your man through the Holy Spirit. And she believed in that.

And today, My beloved ones, do you believe that there is a Mother of God who gave birth to My Son Jesus Christ? Do we believe that He, the Son of God, has given the last thing for us human beings and that the Blessed Mother is involved in this as Coredemptrix? Everywhere she has acted as coredemptrix. She stayed with her son. She has accompanied Him in all His ways. Holiness was your first commandment. Everything has been obeyed by her as the Immaculate Receiver.

And today she wants to save her priest sons. It honors every priest so highly because he stands above the angels, and because in a holy priest the highest God, Jesus Christ, lets himself be transformed into His body and blood. That is why this great fusion - marriage - also takes place during the transformation. The priest becomes one with Jesus Christ in the great moment of transformation. Can a priest ever grasp that? No! He can only make himself available. He remains the servant of God, because Christ himself becomes one with the priest after the transformation.

We receive this Holy Communion from Jesus Christ himself. That means transformation altogether. He becomes one with us! We cannot understand this and we do not want to, because we want to be the believers. We want to read from the Blessed Mother that she also believed immediately - immediately that Jesus Christ would become her human being through the Holy Spirit. And we too are deeply believers when we participate in a sacrificial meal in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V. Only in this Holy Sacrificial Feast can Jesus Christ be transformed in the priest. In no other sacrificial meal does this take place.

Yes, My beloved ones, that is the truth! Even if today the Pius Brotherhood believes that it could still celebrate the Sacrificial Supper after 1962, after the changes of Pope John XXIII, it does not correspond to the full truth - not even today.

We are going towards the second coming of Jesus Christ. Do not you believe, my beloved ones, that everything has to correspond to the full truth because this also holds a great mystery. It will be such a great event that we will not be able to comprehend and understand it either. But you will see it with your own eyes. It will be seen all over the world, and you cannot refuse it because it will be reality.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, will appear in the firmament with His Heavenly Mother - visible to the whole world. Before this happens a soul view, that is, the person can see his own soul, what he has done in good and evil. He will be frightened by his own sinful soul. Some will not want to live anymore because they cannot undo these grave sins. They would like to do everything differently, but time has passed.

My beloved ones from near and far, do you believe in the Holy Eucharist? Do you believe that Jesus Christ also sacrificed His last drop of blood for you, and that this sacrificial banquet takes place again and again on all sacrificial altars for reconciliation with the Heavenly Father, so that He may be reconciled with the whole world. That is atonement. Jesus Christ is practically still atoning for the whole world today. And this atonement is not accepted; on the contrary, one asks, "What is atonement? Is atonement possible? Must there be atonement?" Yes, My beloved ones, atonement must be. Everything must be expiated! All serious sacrileges must be atoned for (made good). For this, there are very many sacrificial souls whom My Son Jesus Christ ordered and chose so that they atone for mankind, so that the many souls who stand on the brink of the abyss do not sink into hell, but still get chances and opportunities to deeply repent and convert their grave sins.

And for this you atone, My beloved little band, especially in the House of Glory. The House of Glory has become the House of Atonement. How long has my little one been atoning uninterruptedly, day and night, for these grave offences of the authorities, yes, of the entire clergy. Almost a quarter of a year has passed and she asks herself: "Does it have to take any longer? Have not the many crimes been atoned for?" No, still not. They are too heavy, My beloved ones.

Think, little one, of the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Didn't He also wash you with His blood from all your sins before you got this great world task and gave your yes? Did He not have to cleanse and purify your soul to receive the greatest thing, the Word of the Heavenly Father? Could you receive it if you had not said yes to everything, to the will and plan of the Heavenly Father?

He is the Regent and He remains so. He is your King of love and He will never leave you and you. You three are a unity, a unity in atonement. That is why you have it especially hard with this completely destroyed church. It is not possible to rebuild this church. There is no beginning.

My Son Jesus Christ has long been looking for atoning and holy priests. But no one is willing to follow Him on this most difficult path. They all do not want to celebrate a sacrificial meal. None of them want to be a sacrificial priest. You want to have it easier. And unfortunately they are then not to be used for My Son Jesus Christ. This is why the suffering of My little ones also lasts so long, in which Jesus Christ continues to suffer the New Priesthood to complete the New Church. He has already founded it, but He needs priests, holy priests, who are ready to always put My Son Jesus Christ first and to venerate the Holy Eucharist in such a way that they tremble before this great mystery, this great mystery. These are sacrificial priests. They give themselves for Jesus, for His plan, the plan in the Trinity. They do not ask when the many sacrifices are demanded, but they gladly do it out of love, out of love for the Holy Sacrificial Feast, because they want to be true sacrificial priests who draw the faithful into the Sacrificial Feast, so that they too can become victims.

Remember, My beloved brotherhood of priests, that the clergy is at an end. He does not know how to begin to renew the Church, to lead the Church in the truth, in the full truth. Not a part of it, no, everything must be holy and complete. My truths must not be falsified and flattened. Everything must remain in the truth, as you, my beloved little flock.

In this house of glory many things will still happen because I have founded this house and I have chosen it for you. You inhabit it, but the owner remains I, I, the heavenly Father. I will lead and direct everything as before, and you will be my beloved followers in your totality. I love you and embrace you because you follow me in everything, because you do not rebel, and because you again and again say to me: "We hold out until the end! This is important to us, because whoever endures to the end, the eternal kingdom is secured for him.

You shall once be allowed to participate in My wedding feast in heaven and sit at My table to marvel at the glory of God. Remember this with the many demands that are made on you and do not give up, but continue step by step. I will tell you everything that is important for you. But I will not announce everything to the public. Some things must remain a secret among the three of you and me because it would be too difficult for the others to also go along this way. They can support you through prayer, atonement and sacrifice, but suffer, My beloved ones, you can only do that alone because Jesus Christ in your heart, My beloved little one, will found the New Priesthood although no one can understand it and neither can you. But you believe that the Heavenly Father makes everything possible and holds everything in His hand. He holds His reins and no one can change His plan, His Divine Plan, and it looks different from your wishes and your plans.

Very often even He has to change His desires, because people change, not Himself, He remains the same and will not change. He remains the Triune God in whom we believe and love and hope. We will trust more deeply and let ourselves be introduced more deeply into the mysteries of faith. This is our path, which is now moving forward.

Believe it! Everything happens what the Heavenly Father desires. Keep to it and trust Him deeply and firmly even in the most difficult times, when you see nothing and the world is dark and darkness is in your hearts. Even then Jesus Christ in the Trinity is in your heart and will light a light, because He Himself is the light. He is the way, the truth and the life. Believe and trust! Believe in the Divine omnipotence, because it will be shown that everything will happen soon. The impossible will become possible. And you cannot explain it, because nobody will be able to fathom it.

And so I bless you, your dearest Heavenly Father, the Omnipotent God, the Almighty and Omniscient in the Trinity with His dearest Heavenly Mother, all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved from eternity. Go this way courageously! I will stay with you all days until the end of the world. Amen.


