Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Third Sunday after publication.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The entire house chapel here in Mellatz was again brightly lit today and bathed in glistening light, especially the baby Jesus in the manger. The Christmas season is not over yet. The next Sunday it is finished in the sacrificial churches, where the true Holy Mass is celebrated. In the House of Glory the light still shines in all windows, whereas in the modernist churches the Christmas season is long gone.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved pilgrims from near and far, My beloved believers, you will be persecuted if you believe and follow this true way of love. Was not Jesus Christ also persecuted, slandered, mocked, even crucified by the own brothers of His people and bestially killed? Even today they do not believe that the Messiah appeared in the world and that in you, My beloved little one, My Son Jesus Christ, suffers. He is again crucified by his persecutors of the modernist church. It has not yet been recognized that the Only, True, Holy, Catholic Sacrificial Mass may only be celebrated in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. These modernists still believe that they are in truth after Vatican II, although Vatican II would have to be revoked. It is the modernist church in Protestantism. Nothing catholic is celebrated there anymore. Everything is modernistically structured and lacks depth, love, divine love.

The Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist is not celebrated with reverence, it is even so disfigured that it is no longer recognizable. The Body of My Son Jesus Christ is distributed by laymen and the faithful receive Him standing in hand communion. Can this be My truth? Have I not set up this Holy Sacrificial Feast myself through My Son Jesus Christ? Didn't He give His life for you, for your sins, so that you could all be saved? And yet today this true church is persecuted.

In many countries Christians are persecuted and brutally killed because Islam is preached there. The Koran is in the foreground. There are also already many mosques in Germany. Everything, My beloved children, I will smash. Do not believe that the Heavenly Father in His omnipotence endures everything and that everything can continue as before. No! The wrath of the Heavenly Father will come down on all who do not believe, who do not worship and who do not worship My Son in the true Holy Mass of Sacrifice.

You, My little one, have to endure the greatest suffering, the world suffering. But you have your little band that supports you and is with you. My Son Jesus Christ will have to suffer everything again in you because the priests do not obey My Son. They do not love Him. They turn away from Him and live in the world and with the world. They commit many sacrileges. The mundane is important for them.

What about the Supreme Shepherd? Will he not soon recognize that he must repent, that he must not further proclaim this erroneous belief of Antichrist? Up to now he is the Antichrist, who acts against the Most Holy Eucharist and who wants to and will abolish everything. Will the Heavenly Father, My beloved children, allow all this? "Is he asleep already?" So many ask. "Why does He not intervene? Can He not? Why does He not show Himself as the true Almighty God? Is He no longer there? Are we no longer allowed to believe in Him? Has this church been destroyed? Has she fallen into delusion?"

But the wrath of your Heavenly Father will come. Revenge will be. Only you, My beloved ones, shall not take revenge on the wicked. Believe and trust that the Heavenly Father will regulate and order everything, even if you have to suffer the greatest things so far, the persecution and mockery. You will not be noticed; on the contrary, you will be pushed to the side and called a sectarian. Then believe and trust more deeply, for the Heavenly Father is above all. He directs and guides you, for you are under His protection. Will not Heavenly Mother send you all the angels if you are persecuted and despised? Will she not hold her motherly hand over you and take you under her protective cloak? Even if things continue to go downhill in this modernist church, believe that everything will rise in great glory.

You are already in the House of Glory. Your Heavenly Father has created this house of glory. You live in this house of glory. And everything that happens is determined by the Heavenly Father, - your loving Father in heaven. Didn't He give you this beautiful statue of the Virgin Mary for your newly created winter garden? Everything is determined by me. There will be no chaos. The streams of love will flow into you. Out of you come then words of love, which you will pass on, because you live in love and will spread the true Catholic faith.

My books are selling like hot cakes. The third book is already being printed, and it will spread throughout the world.

What about the Traditional Holy Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V? Is it also distributed? What about My chosen ones? Do they all celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast that lies only in the truth? No! They are afraid. With them not everything corresponds to the truth, the full truth. Only he who celebrates the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V, who acknowledges it and loves it, is the true Chosen One.

You, my little one, will recognize it by My messages and also those who believe and hold on to My messages. So you will be able to spread the truth. But whoever does not do this, a part of modernism has come into being. They must not expect to be able to spread the full truth. This is the case with the other chosen ones. I have chosen them. I have recommended this Holy Mass of Sacrifice to them very often. But they do not believe. You see yourself. "What can happen to me, if I will only celebrate this holy sacrificial meal and no longer believe in Vatican II. Will I be recognized then? What is happening to me by the authorities?" My other chosen ones also have these fears.

Soon this Holy Sacrificial Feast will be spread throughout the world by Me, the Heavenly Father. Believe in it! I will not tell you how this will happen, because you cannot grasp it. Unbelievable things will happen in this world, which you cannot fathom, and you are not to fathom, because it lies entirely in the plan of the Heavenly Father.

Again and again I tell you: Believe and trust more deeply! Believe in everything I tell you and believe that you will be persecuted. Thank all those who persecute you. That you must experience atonement is right and good. Did not My Son Jesus Christ have to endure the greatest suffering on the cross? Will you then be saved from the cross? No! The cross belongs to your salvation. Hold it fast and do not reject it, for it serves all to repent. Many priests will be able to repent by carrying your cross. Therefore I love you all the more because you give me the true comfort.

Thus today the Heavenly Father in the Trinity with His Heavenly Mother, with all the angels and saints, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blesses you. Amen. Live in the truth! Believe and trust! Live love! Amen.


