Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ascension Day.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice the altar of Sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were brightly illuminated. The red roses in front of the Savior shone in a glistening light. The rosary was prayed for all priests who do not want to repent and are not aware of their great task.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you on this day, the Feast of My Son Jesus Christ, Ascension Day, through My willing, obedient and humble daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved children, My beloved believers from near and far, My beloved followers, especially My beloved little band, I, the Heavenly Father, have sent My Son to earth to stand by the many people, especially My chosen priestly sons. I wanted to gather everyone around me. Where have they gone, My sons of priests? They are far from Me.

Do you still believe in the Blessed Sacrament? Do they still believe in my son Jesus Christ, whom I, as heavenly Father, wanted to send to earth to redeem men? What great suffering I had to experience with My Son Jesus Christ. He has agreed to go the whole way of the cross in His earthly life, even though He knew in His Divinity: for most sons of priests it is in vain. Before He went to the Cross, He thought of His chosen sons of priests, who were to pass on the only, holy, catholic and apostolic faith. Have they spread this deep faith? No. That is why this My Church is so destroyed. She lies on the ground. And yet the authorities believe it is growing in all countries. It thrives and blossoms. The churches become full. Why delude yourself and believe that this Holy Father, as they call him, is in the truth? He lies in delusion, and he is an antichrist.

My beloved followers spread the true faith, not the erroneous faith. Stay out of these modernist churches. It is to your detriment, because you are hindered to live, testify and pass on the true faith. The priests whom I had chosen have separated from Me, even the last ones whom I had shortlisted. They did not grant Me this Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V, which is in full truth and canonized. No, they have partially submitted to the modernism that emanates from the holy city of Rome.

My love will endure Not for nothing will My Son Jesus Christ return with His Heavenly Mother. This coming again will be and must be. My dearest Mother, the most holy and pure Virgin Mary, the Immaculate, will also appear. But one does not believe in it. My sons of priests, where are you? Where are you that you do not even dedicate yourselves to this Immaculate Heart? You are far from the true faith - very far even.

I have to cry also on this great day. My Son ascended into heaven with the sound of the trumpet and with the glorious singing of the 9 choirs of angels. He has returned to Me, the Heavenly Father, just as I wanted him to. And He will send the Holy Spirit to you on the feast of Pentecost, but only to those who also want to receive the Holy Spirit. Many people refuse to do so. They do not even call upon the Bride of the Holy Spirit, the Mother of God, to implore this Holy Spirit to them, so that they may finally come out of their erroneous faith.

My son Jesus Christ suffers agony in My messenger Anne. He suffers these tortures of the cross in heaven in a different way today, too. But it is the truth. This suffering on the cross was in vain for very many priests, and they go into the eternal abyss because they do not want to, not because they cannot. Have I not given these many unbelievers and misbelievers all chances? Have I not given them everything to believe? I always thought about them and wanted them to turn back. How sad I am on this day when My Son ascended to Me in great glory and glory in heaven because I send the Holy Spirit to them in vain. They do not accept him, they do not believe in it and they reject my messengers, whom I have sent to help them. They oppose the true Catholic faith and continue to teach the mistaken belief in the modernist churches. What do they teach the believers? Modernism, Protestantism, which invaded the Catholic Church. There is nothing left of the true Catholic faith. When will they turn back? When will they be of one mind with Me in the Trinity? Do I have to wait in vain?

My Son Jesus Christ will appear with His Mother visibly in the whole world. This is the truth, my beloved sons of priests, and this truth is denied today. Even though everything in the Bible is presented in an understandable way, they do not believe and, moreover, say: "We have the Bible, why do we need messengers? Messengers can be in the untruth."

Am I, the Heavenly Father, not everything to her? Have I not tried everything to attract My beloved sons of priests to Me? Have I not enlightened them enough in true faith? Have I sent My Son Jesus Christ to earth in vain and is He not enthroned today at My side with the Holy Spirit in glory? Is He not waiting for you, My beloved sons of priests, so that you may at last spread the true faith? Where is the true faith? Where is the Holy True Sacrificial Feast? Is it in your hands or are you spreading the meal fellowship of Protestantism? Why do you not recognize it, My beloved sons of priests, although I am always teaching you anew with My prophecies? Am I not the wisest and dearest Heavenly Father for you? Do I not want to be everything to you? But you reject the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. How sad I am on this day of the ascension of My Son Jesus Christ. He has given you everything on earth and will also want to do it in heaven.

You, My faithful, shall receive this Holy Communion kneeling with the mouth of a priest and never standing, as hand communion. It is a grave iniquity which you sons of priests have committed and are committing. Repent of them with all your heart, because every Holy Mass you have presented in this way was invalid and will continue to be so. Turn back, it is still time! I will pass on My prophecies. When you are left all alone by me and make known your will, then you are forsaken by all good spirits. Do you want this, do you really want this, My sons of priests on whom I have put everything and for whom I have instituted the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar? Where are you? Why are you so stubborn and believe this modernism and still live it? I want to have your souls back and fight with my chosen ones on this earth. They believe me. They hope for My return and love Me with all their heart because they want only one thing, to make Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, happy. I hold on to these chosen ones, and they will once experience eternal glory.

You, My little Catherine, returned today, this day, from Göttingen and on the same day you were allowed to experience the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the house chapel in Mellatz and to receive this, My Message. It is so important for all of you. Believe that I must hold on to you, the followers, especially to the small flock. She serves me in everything. Thank you I want to say to you who have the firm will to persevere to the utmost, because you will be persecuted and abandoned by all. You will all have to experience this abandonment because I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, need this comfort from you. I love you and will always remain among you day and night and in every moment.

And so I bless you in the Trinity, with all angels and saints, especially with My dearest Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Blessed and praised be the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar from now and forever. Amen.


