Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 9, 2015

Eleventh Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today I was allowed to celebrate the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. The altar of sacrifice was flooded with golden, glittering light. The rays of grace came from the tabernacle and also from the symbol of the Trinity, from the image of the Immaculate Mother and Queen of Victory and also from the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach. The altar of Mary with the Mother of God was also bathed in golden and silver glittering light.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims of Heroldsbach, of Wigratzbad and of other places of pilgrimage are all greeted. I, the Heavenly Father, would like to thank you today for so honoring and visiting the shrines of My Heavenly Mother and for taking all persecution upon yourselves. I, the Heavenly Father, support you naturally with My Heavenly Mother, with Her trillions of angels, who send Her down on you again and again. She begs Me, the heavenly Father, to help you after all.

You have human but also divine powers. The divine powers are given to you by faith, by faith in the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one - one God in three persons. Of course, the other religions and faith communities cannot understand this. They claim that there is only one God, and this God we all worship. No, My beloved father children and Mary's children, that is not the truth. In the true Holy, Catholic and Apostolic faith there is the Trinity. And that is a huge difference. There is only one faith, and it is the Catholic faith. One would like to destroy it, because everyone thinks that in globalism and egalitarianism they can all worship and adore the one God. This is not possible, My beloved father children. You know it.

My beloved sons of priests, you always say: "We have the Bible, we have the Holy Scripture. If you would read and obey the Holy Scriptures, you would soon realize that these truths are written in the Holy Scriptures, just as I communicate My instructions to you again and again. The instructions mean my truth in the Trinity. The love for the Triune God is of course paramount.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which you have reverently celebrated today in the House Chapel in Mellatz in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V and which was canonized by him, must not be changed. My priestly son gives himself into My hands during the consecration, that is, the host and also the wine become the flesh and blood of My Son Jesus Christ. It is no longer bread and it is no longer wine, but it is truly flesh and blood of My Son Jesus Christ. I want to repeat this because it is the most important thing of the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. He, My Son Jesus Christ, gives Himself and you, My beloved ones, give yourselves with the priest's son into the sacrificial bowl, into the sacrificial cup. This is something big. You, in your human unworthiness, are lifted up by divinity. You will be deified because the Son of God has mercy on you. He knows your worries and your needs, and He also knows about your persecutions.

I know, My beloved father children, that you are often at the end of your days, that you do not know how to go on and that you wish that I should intervene, intervene in this lack of faith of apostasy in the present time. But my time has not yet come.

Today the sons of priests think that science in faith is important. They must study and pass on the science. Is this faith, My beloved ones? Is this the wisdom? Science and wisdom are not one. If you consider only science, you go according to the wishes of men, beloved sons of priests, and you preach these to the faithful in modernism.

You, My beloved sons of priests, who celebrate the Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, recognize Jesus Christ in the Holy Sacrificial Feast. He is the most important thing. He sacrifices Himself on His altars through His sons of priests who believe in Him, who love Him and put Him in the first place and who want to take upon themselves everything that seems uncomfortable to them. They give themselves completely to Him and do not believe in modernism. True faith has become effective in them.

Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself on the cross for our sins. He would not have had to take all the guilt of sin upon himself. They are our sins, and He, Jesus Christ, My Son, the Son of God, would not have had to accept these great sacrifices if He did not want to redeem you. His principle from the beginning was to redeem you all from the guilt of sin.

You, My beloved children of the Father and of Mary, have the opportunity to avail yourselves of the Holy Sacrament of Penance, to repent and confess that you are poor imperfect sinners. In the Confiteor twice during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice you confess your guilt of sins before My Son Jesus Christ. You let yourselves be purified by every Holy Mass of Sacrifice. The sacrificial mass is also a forgiveness of guilt, a remission of venial sins. Now you could say: "Then we no longer need the sacrament of Penance. Yes, my beloved ones. My Son Jesus Christ instituted the Sacrament of Penance for you so that you may have the opportunity to confess everything openly, so that this stream of grace that flows from the Holy Sacrament of Penance may be passed on. It is a gift of grace for you.

Also, My beloved children of the Father, you receive My Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist, in Holy Communion. He himself deigns to enter into you, to connect with you. He wants to become one with you as he was with My beloved priestly son, who also today celebrated the Holy Sacrificial Feast in all dignity and gave himself into the sacrificial chalice.

Even if I repeat myself often, My beloved Father children, I want to emphasize again and again the importance that you can accept and distribute this love, which My Son Jesus Christ puts into you as a gift of grace. It is not possible to explain this great secret to you. There remains a mystery between you and your dearest Jesus. He enters into you. He has mercy on your sinfulness. He forgives you your sins and becomes one with you in love. With His love He wants to give you gifts in every Holy Mass of sacrifice. The Sacrifice of the Cross is renewed on all altars in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. This cannot be explained and cannot be recorded. But every Holy Sacrificial Feast is of great importance.

Everything is a gift. St. Paul says, "All that I am, I am through God. That is, he feels himself unworthy. But when the great God enters into him and connects with him, he is connected with divinity, with his dearest Jesus in the Trinity.

In Holy Communion the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit become one. This is also a secret. We receive Jesus Christ but at the same time we also receive God the Father and the Holy Spirit. These three people always belong together. That is why it remains such a big secret. And so it should be. You cannot take it apart. Nor can it be explained in such a way that it is to be understood in wisdom, because it remains a secret.

Mystery means greatness, the greatness of God: The omnipotence, omnipotence and omniscience. You are little people, but you believe. You testify to your faith daily in the creed, in the confession of faith and also by the sign of the cross. You cross yourselves in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. What does that mean? You believe in the Trinity and you bear witness to it.

You want to obey everything that the Heavenly Father charges you on crosses. But you often recognize your vanity. But my love surrounds you like a cloak and gives you again and again the divine power.

The Mother of God loved Her Son Jesus Christ first. She was the first believer. From you you can read: All that she teaches you is the full truth. Your dearest mother is always looking after you. She wants to teach you everything that you can pass on and also testify.

You bear witness when you go on the path of persecution. You also love your enemies. You pray for them. You not only let yourselves be persecuted, but you love your enemies. This is not easy to understand for those who cannot believe. But since you bear witness, they can read from you what love of the enemy means. You do not accuse them; on the contrary, you forgive them, because Jesus Christ, my Son, taught you love of enemies. He has forgiven all his enemies and has gone before you. He did his best. He gave His life for His enemies. And so you too are to read from my Son Jesus Christ what He has done for you. He has redeemed you.

Our Lady stood under the cross - the coredemptive, the compassionate. Her suffering cannot be compared with your suffering and yet She understands your suffering, your cross. You wear it because you are believers.

Many miracles of grace happen today. One does not recognize these gifts of grace because one wants to explain them according to human judgement, according to human knowledge. This is not possible. Miracles of grace are there again and again. Nowadays many people are waiting for miracles. You mean: "Then I can believe when I see it. But if the Father in the Trinity causes me so much suffering, then I cannot believe. So they say. But I am also then among you when I expect a lot from you. The grace is certain for you, the grace to persevere and to continue to hope, to look confidently into the world and to bear witness to the faith in the hope that everything will be different.

Why has the lack of faith penetrated the Catholic Church today? Because one no longer believes and trusts, because one no longer prays and sacrifices, because My beloved sons of priests do not go to the altar of sacrifice. This great mercy of the sacrificial should be granted to all people. Gifts of grace are to flow into this Catholic Church. But if My beloved sons of priests continue to celebrate the meal fellowship in modernism as before, grace cannot flow.

My beloved sons of priests, can you not understand that I am waiting for the renewal of the sacrifice of My Son on the Cross at the altar? Every Holy Mass of Sacrifice is a renewal of the sacrifice of the Cross to My Son. Unbloodily they say, but is not the wine turned into the blood of My Son Jesus Christ during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice? Is it not the blood of Jesus Christ My Son after the consecration that is to cleanse and strengthen you? Every drop of His blood that has been shed for you is precious. In Holy Communion you receive the Host, that is, Jesus Christ My Son with flesh and blood, and after Holy Communion you give Him thanks in your heartfelt prayers. You give thanks for the union with Him, and that you were allowed to receive the eternal food of the soul, namely, Jesus Christ personally.

Everything is grace, My beloved ones. All are gifts of grace, which you may receive, because these gifts of grace are there for all. However, many are not picked up. They are visible and yet one does not recognize that one must ask for them, that one must be in the grace of God, that one must not remain in grave sin in order to receive these graces. After the Holy Sacrament of Penance you are washed clean, that is, you have received the sanctifying grace again and you will make some resolutions until the next Holy Sacrament of Penance. Just as you, little one, receive the Sacrament of Penance every Sunday, just as your Heavenly Father desires it from you, so you too will be allowed to receive the sanctifying grace as a strength, as also today on this Sunday.

You, My followers, testify in the Holy Sacrament of Penance that you are sinners, that you need the grace of God in the Sacrament of Penance.

Love is of course the greatest. In love you will grow and mature, and your trust will grow stronger. And so I thank you for all your love in today's Holy Sacrificial Mass and bless you in the Trinity with all the angels and saints, in the Father, in the Son and in the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise be to Jesus, Mary and Joseph forever and ever. Amen. Mary with the Child love us all and give us your blessing. Amen.


