Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Third Sunday after the apparition of the Lord.
The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, January 21, 2018, we celebrated a worthy Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were bathed in golden glittering light. The angels bowed before the greatness of the Trinitarian God and worshipped the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. Alternatingly they kneeled and fell down in awe. They grouped themselves around the altar of Mary and moved in and out. They looked at the Blessed Mother, who could not be surpassed in her pure beauty. They paid homage to her and looked at her with dignity. Saint Joseph, the patron saint of the Catholic Church, was present. We should call on him quite often, for he has a great intercessory power in heaven. The Holy Archangel Michael was present and struck his sword in all four directions. We are exposed to the temptations of evil, because Satan uses his cunning.
The Heavenly Father will speak today, January 21, 2018: .
I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats the words that come from Me.
Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far.
How often and how much have I made you aware of My information and instructions. Have you followed these, My instructions? You must honestly deny this. Have you always been faithful to Me? Loyalty goes hand in hand with trust. Have you proven your loyalty to Me? You must say, "We have done many things that were not in accordance with your will and desire, dear Heavenly Father. Start anew and prove your faithfulness to Me in trust. As your confidence grows in depth, so does your faithfulness. You shall be faithful unto death, and that means that you separate yourselves from all worldly things. Separate yourself from everything that seems important to you in your earthly life and direct your attention to the heavenly, which is the most important thing.
If I wish that you should separate from your children, if they cannot decide to follow the true way, it is My instructions that you should follow. How often have I admonished you so far? But you have not taken my words seriously. This makes me very sad. If you do not go the whole way of faithfulness, your love for me is weak and you will fall into evil at the slightest opportunity. Follow me completely in the advice, because it is very important and true-to-life for the coming time.
Often you put your own self first and satisfy your egoism. But if you follow my will, the divine, you will accomplish much that you do not understand. Remain in my tracks and do not deviate from my will through worldly influences. Satan has a great effect on you, for the worldly is attractive and easy to reach.
Love should be decisive for you. This love must grow, grow in word and deed. If you only pray, you are one-sided, and no deeds follow. Prayer must be followed by good deeds. Otherwise you will succumb to delusion. The one must complement the other.
If you prove to Me your great love, you must follow Me in everything. Surrender yourselves to me completely, then you are on the right path. This will be difficult in the present time of lack of faith. You feel the counter current of the general public and they tell you something different. You will be tempted by others. It is easier in your life not to follow everything and to implement only a part of the faith in me, the Triune God.
I desire from you to fulfill my will completely. Do not be frightened when it contains too much for you. You are weak men. Make frequent use of the sacrament of Penance. .
Now you ask yourselves, where can I find a good priest who lives and witnesses the truth and who understands you? My beloved ones, I will lead you wherever you go, I will be with you. You confess your sins before My Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Sacrament of Penance. To fulfill my whole will requires much strength.
Look at your Heavenly Mother, how much has she suffered in her life? Did she say "no" to your order? She has fulfilled this mission completely until under the cross and has thereby become the Coredemptrix of My Son. Do you too, My children of Father and Mary, want to follow the only truth, even if it contains the cross and suffering to a great extent?
In your own family there is much suffering and many worries. Your own family members will want to keep you from the truth. It will not be easy for you to resist steadfastly against everything. They will want to keep you from living and witnessing the true faith. Then you have to decide. "Am I still standing on the right side or is the Heavenly Father no longer satisfied with me?
I show you My plan and My will, which you shall follow. But the general stream stands against it and Satan exercises his full power. Often you cannot recognize the cunning of Satan. Remember, Satan is cunning and you can fall for this cunning very quickly.
Every person is a personality, an individual. This person has the freedom to fulfill my will or to stand against it. Many men thwart my plan and then I direct myself according to their will because I do not exert any compulsion on men, but they are to decide freely for me. Faith is the freest decision in your life.
From you, My little one, and from you, My beloved little flock, I desire that you follow Me, for you have already transferred your will to Me in your promise of loyalty. This means very much for you. You are thrown back and forth like a plaything and cannot understand many things. You ask yourselves, "Where is the loving God that he permits such a thing?"
Am I really so far away for you? Am I not your greatest love? Your loyalty can only prove itself if you follow Me even in the greatest difficulties and are willing to make the hardest sacrifices.
It does not go according to your wishes, because you do not recognize many things, because you do not consider the past, nor the future, like I, the Omniscient, Omnipotent and Almighty Triune God. Your life will be an everlasting up and down.
If you follow my will and transfer your will to me, you become my plaything, which I can throw back and forth. Then you can look back gratefully on it when the events occur for which you have placed yourselves at my disposal. .
Through your defeats you will get the strength to stand up to this life in the present time. .
You should become firmer and more trusting. You shall be steadfast and faithful to counteract evil. Do not always ask: " What should I do, dear Heavenly Father, because I am helpless.
You may grow and progress in love, not stop when a misfortune makes you desolate. Confidence and hope mean to believe without visible miracles. Do not let the broad stream of unbelief take hold of you. The cunning of Satan is unfathomable and incomprehensible to you.
The children should be important for you, but My love is above all. Prove to Me that you love Me more than your children.
When your children grow up, they go their own way and have to collect their own experiences, and often you cannot understand this and intervene in marriage to bring in your experiences. This brings quarrels and unrest. Hand them over to Me. Only then a contentment and peace will enter your heart. .
You yourselves have gained your experiences in faith and have made your own mistakes. Not everything was right. But faith has led you.
Unfortunately this faith has been lost in the present time. Young people wander about and search for the truth. Where is there still a priest who listens to them? They have no time and are themselves addicted to error .
Pray, my beloved ones. Pray for your enemies, for they surround you and you do not even recognize it. Witness your faith when it is appropriate. Do not be silent when you feel that you should make a confession. Even if it is difficult for you and you are alone in your witness of faith, be courageous and strong. You are not alone.
Often take the rosary, the ladder to heaven, in your hands. Our Lady will guide you, make you know the truth and keep Satan away.
Each of you has your own equipment, tasks and also talents. I give these talents to every creature in the cradle. In every creative act of marriage I am the third in the alliance. When a new life arises, it is wanted by me. I am the creator of the new life. People forget that today.
One takes all possibilities to determine this life oneself or to kill it according to one's own desires, then, when it is not desired at the moment. My dear children, that is murder. You murder your own children. That is and remains a grave sin that you cannot avoid. .
What does the sacrament of marriage mean today? Is it still sacred? Is marriage unique? Or can they be repeated? Is it possible to make a consecration, a promise null and void and annul the marriage?
Is it possible to enter into a new relationship and annul the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist? Can you receive Holy Communion in this grave sin? It's unworthy!
There is no excuse, for you are separated from me by grave sin. You do not want to admit it and seek excuses. One of these is annulment. .
This acquittal of the first marriage is made by men, not by me, for the marriage remains indissoluble. .
The second partnership, My beloved ones, will never be happy and according to My wishes. Often you cannot live the truth and are prevented from believing in the second partnership. You find excuses and refuse to believe it. Come to My loving heart. I am always here for you. Just never give up. Live all the days of your life from hope. Strive for holiness.
In this day and age you must be able to be ready to lay down your life for faith. Today's saint, Saint Agnes, gave her life for the faith when she was thirteen years old. She is a role model for you.
In the present time it will be difficult for you to orient your life according to the faith, because around you is a complete chaos. .
Everyone lives his life according to his own destiny. Do you want to align yourselves with the others or do you find your way in true faith? Can you resist evil?
My Son Jesus Christ went to the cross for all and redeemed all. But not all have accepted grace. .
I am always available to speak for every single person of the whole world in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Come to me, all you who are toilsome and burdened, I will refresh you. Only with me you will find the peace in your life.
You are to orient your life to me and not to the desires of others. You are unique and are loved in your personality. Come to your resting pole and refresh yourself, for your worries are taking over. Nowhere will you find rest than in Me. I know you and I know your worries. Have I not promised to stand by you in every situation? The time is now fulfilled. My time has come. .
I will appear in all power and glory. But before this happens, many wonders and signs will become visible in the firmament. b) Before this happens, you will have to endure many tribulations, famines, and diseases. b) .
When the difficulties arise, you ask yourself: "What have I done to deserve this? I did believe. Where did I get this disease? I do not want them and I do not accept them. It just can't be."
Already you thwart my will without perceiving that. .
Aall is in my approval. Also illness can be admission or also expiation.
Accept everything from my hand and hand it over to me. Then you are on the safe track and nothing can happen to you. When difficulties reach you, surrender everything and do not despair. I am with you and leave you alone in no difficulty. Trust Me and renew your promise of loyalty that you once gave Me. .
I love you unspeakably, each one of you personally. I put this Divine Love into every creature. Do not let yourselves be separated from me through sin.
You are members of my body. Be faithful to Me until your last day.
I bless you now with all angels and saints, especially with your Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory and the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
You are My beloved ones. Prove to Me that you really love Me, then I will gladly settle down among you and stand by your side strengthening you.