Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Friday, April 13, 2018
Friday Fatima and Pink Mysticism Day.
The Blessed Mother speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through Her willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.
Today, April 13, 2018, we celebrated a worthy Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. At the same time we also celebrated the night of atonement. Yesterday we were connected with the night of atonement in the Chapel of Grace in Heroldsbach. Today we were locked up in the hollow at 9.00 a.m. at the same time as the Holy Sacrificial Mass according to the DVD in the Tridentine Rite. So we were on the same page.
Today the floral decoration on the altar of sacrifice and also on the altar of Mary was completely white. The angels and also the archangels moved in and out during the holy sacrificial mass.
The Blessed Mother now speaks: .
My beloved children, today My retinue celebrated the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Mulde in Heroldsbach. My children of the small flock are unfortunately not allowed to enter my place of pilgrimage and prayer, because they have been banned from the house for almost 10 years, because they have prayed and testified to the true faith. You can't believe it!!!
The last night the adoration was held by many pilgrims and followers. My little flock has joined them in their home church in Göttingen.
I am the mother of beautiful love When you unite with my Immaculate Heart, you will not go astray, you will not fall into confusion and you will not fall prey to the delusion of this last time. It is a very special time in which you now find yourselves, because in this apostasy no one will be able to get out of their own accord, and no one will be able to recognize where truth or misbelief lies.
My love is a very special love, sweeter than honey and honey germ. The people who believe want to turn to me. But they are prevented from doing so. I cannot give them my help, because I have been removed from all Catholic churches, since they are not allowed to believe in me. I am treated as an outcast. I am the one who is banished in a modernist church to the farthest corner where I must not be made visible. It is not modern to venerate the Blessed Mother. These people are described as naive and backward. In the catholic churches they have taken me out, because they no longer venerate the holy of holies. If they no longer worship Me, they no longer worship My Son, for mother and son belong together.
It is a fact today that one must be ashamed of the Catholic faith. Whoever speaks publicly today of Me, the Blessed Mother, is deprived of honor and even mocked.
One has completely forgotten how to worship. One no longer believes that Jesus Christ My Son should be hidden and present in this small host with Godhead and humanity. This true faith has faded. spspsp;
The priests believe in a symbol and not in reality. They equate this faith with the ecumenical and Protestant faith community. It has become a complete chaos, where nobody can find a piece of truth in the Catholic faith. The believer is searching, but on the wrong track .
Nobody, above all the priests and also not the authorities, enlighten the people. They are completely misled. They believe not only in confusion, but also in the lie that is connected with it. They themselves do not find their way out of this mistaken belief. .
You can believe or not. Faith is left to everyone. Man can decide for the good or also for the evil. Only he must himself answer for his own decision before the eternal judge one day.
Then he can no longer ask, where can I find my faith and where is it really to be found. Man can decide against or also for the faith.
If I decide against faith and if I can no longer worship and do not believe in the Triune God, I will be condemned. This is the reality. .
Unfortunately, people do not believe that one day they can be in eternal damnation or even in purgatory forever if they do not want to believe. Nobody tells them what the true faith is really like. The priests no longer speak of hell and purgatory. Helplessly the believers stand before it and are not enlightened anywhere, not even by the entire authorities, because they themselves do not believe in the Trinity of God. They do not live by it and do not publicly testify to their faith.
So we live in a mistaken belief and in the division within the Catholic Church. This division has long since occurred, but no one wants to be true or believe in it, because one lets oneself be guided by the broad stream. They have no courage to profess the True Catholic Faith. One does not want to be ridiculed, ridiculed, or have one's honor taken away.
Today one asks oneself: "Is there really still a Triune God or is he to be found in the other religions and idolatry?
Many who go to the modernist churches do not know that they only get a piece of bread instead of Holy Communion, because the transformation has not taken place. The sacrilege is accomplished. In these churches no one can find the true faith.
I, as Heavenly Mother, must watch how I am placed on the side. I am no longer called upon, although I would like to help everyone. The misbelief is too widespread today. .
One no longer knows that I am the mother "of beautiful love. One could turn to me in the greatest need, but is no longer conscious of it. I am the Coredemptrix of My Son, because I have gone with Him the whole way of the cross and have carried the greatest pains for the whole world. Thus I am also the Queen of the World and in many other places of pilgrimage I am venerated with further invocations. .
It is sad that My children of Mary are despised. They are expelled from all places where I am worshipped in an intensive way. They are sued because they pray. They are dragged before the courts and brought to court, from which they cannot get out because they are fined heavily and treated like serious criminals.
Most believers do not live the consequence. Sometimes they testify to me and to faith. But when it becomes too difficult for them to decide for faith, they are against me. They decide against the truth out of fear. Then they themselves have nothing to answer for and can live on as they please. .
How often have I told my Mary's children that they should separate themselves from those who are not in the truth, that is, live in sin and do not want to move away from it, because it is too unpleasant for them. Thus they bring evil to My faithful children of Mary.
They are to separate themselves from all, including children, grandchildren and other relatives, so that sin and misbelief may not spread even further. And this is the most difficult thing that most of the faithful who have repented do not want to keep.
Therefore my beloved little flock has no more strength, because sin is passed on in the following. One weakens sin and does not aim at a decision.
How many times have I told My children of Mary to make up their minds. I as Heavenly Mother have to watch how My little children of Mary are destroyed, how they are mocked, despised and their honor is taken away. The fights remain unnoticed, because it is so easy to say: "because everyone does it, it will be so right."
Thus, one sinner is in active contact with the other sinner and does not even notice that he has been passing on sin for a long time without realizing it. The sins increase and one lives on in the most comfortable way.
This is not witnessing the faith. It means to pass on faith out of human fear, but the fear of God is far from it.
All Catholic churches were transformed into ecumenical or Protestant churches. At the grinding tables or folk altars a meal is celebrated, but not a holy sacrificial meal. Everything is disgraced, because communion by hand is practiced and additionally distributed by the laity. Everything is transformed according to the priests' own wishes but not according to the will of the Heavenly Father. I, as Heavenly Mother, must continue to watch and My tears flow in many places. Unfortunately it is not told to others, because humanity must be kept away from the truth. It will remain in delusion until the great intervention of the Heavenly Father will take place.
Even then you will talk your way out of it, because unfortunately you were misinformed. Then in any case, the other person is always to blame, because one is and remains ignorant oneself.
The Heavenly Father and also the Blessed Mother have given and warned so much information in many places through many messengers and messengeresses. But it has not been taken seriously until now.
Heaven cannot enlighten more. But no one can say: "Unfortunately I knew nothing of all this, for I am completely innocent. But that then no longer corresponds to the truth. .
Now your Heavenly Mother blesses you with all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Praised be Jesus Christ for ever and ever. Amen.