Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Adoration Chapel

Hello Jesus, ever-present in the Blessed Sacrament. I adore You and I praise You, My Lord and My God. Praise You Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Thank You for the many blessings You bestow on us, Lord. Thank You for loving me, Jesus, and for the love You so freely give to all Your children in the world. Jesus, please send graces to open the hearts of Your children who do not know You, who do not love You. Send graces upon their hardened hearts, Lord, and make their hearts soft and malleable, open to Your Holy Spirit. Lord, we need You. You died for our sins though we must accept the gift of Your salvation, Lord, and I fear for those who have not yet accepted Your role in their lives as Savior. Please save all of our loved ones who have either grown cold or have fallen prey to the lies of the academic intelligentsia who teach that religion is for those who are in need of a crutch. Please come to them in their hearts so that they see You in Your light of faith and reason for You are truth, Lord Jesus, my Sweet Savior. Lord, I pray for all of Your children especially those outside of Your family because of their own decisions, or because of lack of knowledge of You. Bring all back to Your family, Jesus. This is my prayer today, Lord.
“My daughter, I love you and I thank you that you and your husband, My son, visits with Me. I send graces through you and My children who visit Me in Adoration. This, My presence in the Eucharist, is the great gift from My Father’s heart to the world. Through this great miracle, My presence remains with you and all of the world through the ages since the first Mass I
celebrated on Holy Thursday. I promised to remain with My children and I have. Satan wants to destroy and oppress Adoration, for he does not want these graces, My graces, available to souls on earth. Take advantage of this blessed time for it will not be so available later during the time of great trials. These times are on the precipice, My daughter. The time of great trials is on your doorstep, My dear children and there is no time to waste. Your precious souls must be brought in line with your Lord and Savior. Come back to Me, My precious little ones, before it is too late. Your Jesus loves you and will forgive you. You will be embraced by Me and all of Heaven, only return now. Do not waste one moment of time for the hour grows late and you do not know when I will call your spirit to stand before Me. By waiting you risk losing your soul. You also waste precious time that We could be walking together in great joy on the earth before your time is finished. There is much work that has been ordained, specifically for you. Yes, My child reading this message, I am referring to you. There are a certain number of souls you are meant to touch, to influence, to love for your God, and if you refuse Me, others will also be in jeopardy, for you are not walking in the light. Each soul I created has a specific mission in life. The first part of your mission is to know and love Me beyond all others. This love instilled in your heart before you were born is to be nurtured and fed with My words, My graces, My sacraments, and My love. Next, this love becomes so strong and pure in your precious heart that it spills over and touches other souls who are desperate to love. Not just any souls, but specific souls. These souls do not benefit from the grace in your heart when you refuse Me and reject My love. So many of My poor children are refusing My love that there is a great void on the earth. Graces flow to others but their hardened hearts cannot receive them. This is because they do not choose to receive them. You see, My child, even the most hardened sinner can receive graces I give if they will only be open to receiving them. However, sadly, most are not and therefore My graces fall upon rocky ground with no chance for penetrating their hard hearts and therefore no chance for growth. Seeds that lie on rocky soil are not planted in the ground and therefore lie dormant and eventually die. A soul is similar in that if a soul is not open to love it lies in a dormant or stagnant state. If it does not receive love and rejects it, it will eventually die. Then, no amount of sunshine or water will bring it back. Just like a plant or a tree that is dead. One can fertilize and water it, put it in the sunshine, care and nurture it, but all is to no avail if it is already dead. Do not give up on any soul alive for I, your Jesus, am the God of the Resurrection. I can bring any soul, even the most darkened soul to life if that soul recognizes its sin, repents, and asks for forgiveness. A soul in this example is open to My graces and can receive complete conversion. However, do not presume upon this happening and therefore put off your conversion to the end of your life for then your soul may be so steeped in sin that you cannot accept the graces for conversion, nor would you even want them. Do not be frivolous with My love and My grace for you know not the day nor the hour that your Lord will call you to Me. My Mother will speak now. “
(Blessed Mother speaking) “Dearest children of the Creator. Listen to My Son who loves you and wants only what is best for you. What is best is truly what is best. Think of this word, what I am saying is more than what is good, more than what is better. It is what is best. My Son always did everything while living on the earth with excellence, no matter how small or menial the task. My Son did each and every task superbly. This, My children is God’s nature, for God is perfection. One might say the definition of the word perfection is God, for God is perfect in every way. All that Jesus does, all that He says is perfect. For you see, My children, when I say He wants what is best for you, I truly mean He wants Himself for you. He is the best for your souls. He is complete and total love, forgiveness, mercy, acceptance, joy, and peace. Souls on earth, even those walking in His light cannot begin to imagine or picture what I mean by the ‘best’ I realize. Please trust in your Mother’s words, for I love you tenderly. I want you to be with My Son in Heaven for all eternity. I love you and I also want what is best for you which is My Son. Yes, My children, My Son is what is best for you. Follow Him and you will not regret this decision, not for one moment I assure you. You truly must follow Him, My children, for your own safety. Your soul is not safe if you are living outside of My Son’s will for you. Come, take My hand. I will lead you to Jesus, for I am a kind and gentle Mother. I am tender. If you are afraid of My Son’s justice, you need not fear. I will take you to Him and He will not refuse us. I will tell Him how sorry you are for choosing darkness, and He will listen to Me. I stood with My precious Son, Jesus, while evil wanted to prevail and yet My Son prevailed for He willingly laid down his life for you. Yes, My poor precious child, He gave His life so that you would live.
Come now, do not be afraid to take your Mother’s hand even if you were at times afraid of your earthly mother, you have nothing to fear from Me. Even if you hid out of fear from your earthly mother, and I know some of My sweet children did, for fear of abuse. I was with you, though, My child. I was hiding with you and I put My cloak over you to protect you. There were times I
could not protect you physically, but I protected you spiritually. I was the one whispering to your sweet heart that you had worth and dignity because you are a child of God. I stood by sad and ashamed for you and took some of the blows meant for you for I love you. You are My daughter, My son and I love you. You did not deserve abuse, My precious little ones No one does. My Son is very unhappy with parents entrusted to love their blessings, their children, but who misuse their parental role. Yes, My Son forgives them when they repent. He wants this type of treatment to stop! For when parents abuse their children, it not only hurts them physically, but causes deep emotional wounds and can block hearts from being open to the healing graces and love of God. My child, if you are one who has experienced this type of mistreatment from a parent or an adult in your family, you must bring this to your Jesus, immediately. Lay these memories, these burdens, that have created shadows over anything else in your life that is good, at the foot of His cross. He will take these from you just as He bore the scourging at the pillar. He will replace this horrible mistreatment, that you did not deserve, with His light, His love, His healing. My children, He will renew you. The past is the past and cannot be changed now in human terms, but My Son will bring forgiveness, healing, and a renewed sense of purpose in your life. Trust Him, My children. He said to Me once when He was battered, bruised, and bleeding, ‘Mother, behold I make all things new’. You see, My poor loved wounded ones, your Jesus knows what it is to be abused, for He was abused by many.
He bore the insults - verbal abuse. He bore the malice, those who spat on Him, and pulled His beard. He bore the physical abuse, the crowning of thorns in His precious head that penetrated His spectacular, brilliant mind. He bore the scourging which was a horrible atrocity. He then endured carrying the heavy cross beam when He had already endured such physical torture that He as God had to will Himself to survive, or He would have died before the crucifixion. Yes, My child, your Savior, your Jesus, then endured the stripping of His garments which was terribly painful. The words He said to Me and which I knew, trusted, and believed, ‘Behold, Mother I make all things new’, were such a contradiction to those who heard. They were not a contradiction to Me, My child, for I was infused with grace and faith and though I suffered severely for My beautiful precious holy Son, I knew him to be Our Redeemer. I understood His mission and that of Our Father in Heaven. My Son came for this. He understands brutality on a
level most people cannot or should not comprehend. So you see, He knows what you have gone through, and He wants to provide you the refuge of His Sacred Heart. Please dearest children of My Immaculate Heart, trust in your Jesus. He can, and will make all things new, and I remind you that He is the only One who can. Listen to Him. Follow Him to the safety and security of Heaven.”
Thank You, most holy and beautiful Mother. Your heart is so beautiful and pure. You love so tenderly. Please help us, dear Mother. We need Your motherly presence in this world like never before, especially in a world where even the most vulnerable, little innocents are unsafe in the one place meant to protect them, their mother’s womb. Dearest Mother, cover all mankind with Your holy mantle and protect us from the enemy. Many people have not experienced what good motherly love is, Blessed Mother. I have, and for that I am most grateful. I had to say goodbye to my mother when she was not even an old woman, and yet I had a great gift by having a holy loving earthly mother. Many have not experienced this unconditional love and so they feel unloved, unwanted, and do not know their true worth. Teach us, Blessed Mother. Fill us with graces to love so that the love of Your Son is lived out, shared, poured out through His Children of the Renewal to our dear brothers and sisters who have not experienced true love. Help us to be children of light, dearest Mother. You are our Star. You guide us to our destination, Jesus. Please do not give up on us, dear Mother. Thank you for your pure motherly love. Please kiss my mother in Heaven and tell her of my gratitude, my joy, and of my love. She was such a beautiful model of love, forgiveness, holiness, and a life lived in service for others. Pray for me, Mama It is difficult here, and though we are grateful for our Lord’s presence and guidance, we are also more fully aware of the pervasive darkness and of the late hour. Pray for us, Mama. I ask for the Blessed Mother to give you my greetings and my love.
(The Blessed Mother speaks) “My daughter, I will give your greetings, your kisses, and your love to your Mother. She prays for you, for your Dad and your brothers and sisters and for her grandchildren. She intercedes tirelessly for all her family and all of her friends. Your Mama, Our (name withheld), is truly the song of joy, as her name says. She is filled with songs of joy for her Savior and for all He has done for her and for her family. Take comfort knowing your Mother is with Us in Heaven, growing, loving, and learning all she desires to learn. You will see her one day as My Son has told you, I assure you. Take heart. Yes, the hour is late and darkness prevails, but only for a time. God will be victorious and His light will eradicate all darkness on the earth. Trust in Him. Trust in His plan which is perfect. All will be well. Hold His hand and walk in His light. “ Thank You dearest Mother Mary, I love You. “And I love you, My sweet daughter.” Jesus, do you have you anything more to say to Me?
“Yes, My little lamb, I assure you of My love and My forgiveness. I thank you for meeting Me in the Sacrament of Confession when I forgave you through My priest son. Your soul was cleansed from the impurities and all forgiven. Now, walk in this confidence, for it is not a matter of feeling forgiven but of accepting My forgiveness. Walk in My light with confidence, joy, peace, and love for you have been faithful in My request that you and My children go to the sacrament of healing and forgiveness with a penitent heart. That is all it takes for your sins to be forgiven. I love you and all of Heaven rejoices when a soul goes to confession and makes a worthy confession. Yes, My dear, you heard Me correctly, all of Heaven rejoices when a soul, even one of My children serving Me goes to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Keep your soul in a state of grace by frequenting this sacrament. I have many graces for holiness to give you and keeping your soul in a ready state will put it in the optimal state to receive My graces for holiness and love. It is My desire that all of My children seek forgiveness and healing in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Children reconcile your hearts to God. I beg you to return so that I can shower you with My gifts of love. In this way, you can give My love and peace to others and they will begin to soften and be open to Me. One soul filled with holiness can make a very big impact on the world. It is true, because I can use just one soul who loves Me to change many souls. That is why, My dear children, I need you to become all that I know you can be for love of your Jesus. For in this way, souls who have never heard about Me from their parents, and I tell you there are many, can learn about My love through My children of light. If enough of My children return to a life of holiness and love many, many souls destined for hell because of their choices will be touched and transformed. They will be saved, dear children, by the love I give you and which you pass on to them. Do not worry that the love and peace that I give you and which you give away to others will be depleted, for I have an endless supply. The more you give away, the more I will replenish. Return often to Me in the Sacrament of the Eucharist and in the Sacrament of Reconciliation so that I can refill you. Prayer also replenishes you. Prayer is like water falling on good soil with seed. The light from the sacraments, water from prayer causes growth in holiness. Praying the rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and Adoration is best, but even if one cannot go to Adoration, and I invite you to do so, but even if one can’t, ask your angel guardian to fly your spirit to the Tabernacle in reverence and awe and return graces that only I can give. This is not a substitute to the sacraments and to Adoration, My children, but a supplement. I love you tenderly, My children, and I dispense graces in many ways because the love of My heart spills over on the whole world. It is up to My children whether or not to receive these graces. Still they are freely given and there for all of My children. Please dearest children, whom I loved even before you were created, return My love. Accept it, and revel it and love Me in return. There are many beautiful gifts prepared for you on your road to conversion that I desire to give you. You must open your arms and receive these gifts. Simply say, ‘Jesus, I do not know if You are who You say You are but I am willing to go out on a limb and hope that You are. Help me to know you, Jesus. I want to know You as a loving God who forgives. Please forgive Me, Jesus, and teach me Your ways. I am a sinner in need of forgiveness. Make my heart new, Lord. Forgive me, heal me, love me.’ My child, I will flood your soul with forgiveness, healing, mercy, and love. You will know the joy and the peace of forgiveness. Then, if you are one of My children who is Catholic, I invite you to seek out the nearest Catholic parish, call the church, and find out when Confession is or ask to make an appointment with the priest. You cannot do this quickly enough—run if you must—but go there right away to receive absolution from Me through one of My priest sons. Do not listen to the lies of My adversary who will try to dissuade you, for he wants your soul in hell. He will tell you all sorts of lies and make you feel too ashamed. Simply ask your guardian angel to protect you from the snares of the enemy and guide you to Confession. I will sit with you and listen to every word you say from your heart. I will absolve you through My priest son and your sins will be washed away leaving your soul as clean as the day of your baptism. For My non-Catholic children, pray in the words I gave you or in those similar. Pray from your heart with true contrition for the sins of your entire life. You may also contact a priest, only tell him that you are not Catholic but still want to meet with him. I will fill him with the light of My Spirit and I will speak words through him. You will not receive absolution, but I will forgive your sins. I will for you to be part of My One, Holy, and Apostolic faith, and for you to receive My graces in the Sacraments. You may pursue those for your life and I invite you to do so. However, do not wait to repent, but run to My open arms. I am waiting patiently for you. I long to give you the balm of My forgiveness, My children. I long for you to live anew. The whole universe is at the disposal of My Children of the Renewal. Decide for Me, your Jesus, and be a child of Mine, a child of the light. I love you and it is just this simple to be forgiven. This is true because I say so. My words are truth and light.”
Thank You, Jesus, I am very grateful that in a world of dishonesty and half-truths we can always hear and know truth by knowing and loving You. Thank You, Jesus, my Savior, my Lord, and my God. I love You.
“And I love you My daughter. Hold fast to My arm My daughter for I am your strength. I am might. No evil can harm your precious little soul. Keep your eyes on your Jesus. Remain focused on Me and you will not even have a misstep or feel fear. Always focus on Me. When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, when you hear this one or that one is plotting evil, just say, ‘My Jesus said it would be so. He also said I am to keep my eyes on Him, keep my hand in His, and allow Him to lead me. My Jesus will show me the way and will guard my steps. My
Jesus will keep me safe in His Sacred Heart and that is what I want and I will.’ In this way, My child, My little lamb, your Jesus will protect you and carry you safely to the other side where light, love, and peace prevail against the darkness of the night. I will do this for all of My children until each one is either safely in Heaven or safely in the Renewal. My Children of the Renewal you are weary. Your Jesus knows this. You are carrying a heavy load for you help to carry the loads of your brothers and sisters. I urge you to persevere. The time is growing short and darkness is upon this world, it is true. You are suffering from battle fatigue, and I say this with all sincerity for the battle for souls is raging. Remember, though, who it is you serve, your Jesus Who is the Returning King. I will renew your strength each time you pray to Me or to the saints in Heaven, and each time you receive My holy sacraments. I will embrace you and give you renewed courage and passion for your Lord and God. I will pour out graces of healing, love, and mercy and you will be refreshed and renewed. Return to your Jesus often, for I have living water. My children, if you are weary, examine where you are spending your time and energy. Come to Me in prayer and We will examine this together. Is it possible that you are spending precious, valuable time and energy on forms of entertainment that could be spent with me in prayer? Come now and let us examine this in the light of My love and I will show you where you can limit time wasted and exchange it for time spent with Me, your Jesus. You may need additional rest My weary children. Come, rest with Me in Adoration. I will love you and renew your heart and mind. Even if you lie down and pray, and fall asleep, you will be sleeping in My arms and will awaken refreshed and ready to serve your Jesus. My children, the trumpet is sounding and there is no time to waste. Make every moment in your life count, whether you are washing dishes or washing your car, use this for love of your Jesus. When you are bathing your children, tell them about the bath, the water, the soap working together to make them clean. Tell them their baptism made their souls sparkling clean and that Jesus makes our hearts happy and clean when we ask Him to forgive us and we tell Him we love Him. You see, My children, I am not asking for you to do anything difficult. I am asking you to live your life with love and in service to Me, your Jesus. I am asking you to be a living, breathing, loving witness to your God in all that you do and to teach your children and grandchildren the ways of God. You do not need a degree in theology to teach children about love for they already know Me, and know in their hearts they are loved. They do need the stories and concrete examples to learn about the saints and life of a Christian. Many of My children who are considered adults on earth need to know the basics also. If you do not teach them, how will they know? My Children of the Renewal, you are to prepare your brothers’ and sisters’ hearts for Me, Jesus, by showing them love. This love from you will prepare their hearts to accept Me. Do you see how simple and yet how very vital your role is in My plan. Do not overcomplicate your role but do not underemphasize it either. This world is literally starving for My love, and My plan is to depend on My children of light to cooperate with me to bring about My kingdom. You must help Me, My children, for I am counting on you. I love you, I trust you, and I care for you. Please return My love and My trust by loving and trusting in Me. All will be well but it will be so with your involvement, acceptance, and cooperation with My plan. If you do not know what it is I would like you to do, ask Me. Ask Me in the quiet of your heart and I will tell you. My children, the ability for you to be quiet is threatened by the constant noise of this world. You see, the television, the noise, the images cause your mind to be filled with horrible thoughts and images. Even when you are no longer watching it, the images are replayed over and over in your mind like film. It is most difficult to erase these images. Even when they are deemed to be harmless by you or even good in some cases it is difficult to turn off long after the television is off. In this way, you find it difficult to quiet your mind and your heart, not to mention, the countless other forms of media via the Internet, texting, phone, and the constant barrage of information in this age of consumerism. I am not saying all of this is evil, but what I am saying is it causes a great distraction for My children who are adults, parents, aunts, uncles, and Godparents, whose duty it is to teach children about Me. Please, dear children, come away with Me in silence. Silence this electronic age at least in your cars and in your homes so that My little ones will listen to you, their parents. They will learn how to focus again so they can learn and their minds can be fruitful once again and so you and they will be able to go into the silence of your hearts and hear My still, small, peaceful voice. Until you learn to be quiet inside you, you cannot hear My gentle, loving voice. You see, My children, the world distracts you. It is an insidious plan of My adversary and yours to be distracted, to be tempted not to pray. Be vigilant My children for your souls and that of your children are at stake. If you think television is harmless, turn it off for one month and later if you turn it on again, you will be appalled at the evil undertones, the insidious encouragements to materialism, the undertones, even in commercials, for tolerance and acceptance to live a carefree life without virtue. These are lies and deceptions of the evil one, My precious children. You do not even have an awareness of how harsh and evil these messages are that you allow into your homes and into the hearts of your children because you have become used to it. It has become mind-numbing and spiritually-numbing. This insidious form of entertainment is competition for a Spirit filled life. You see, My children, these constant images, these pixels of light, form images in the brain and cause the brain to be stimulated almost like a drug can do. Then your society wonders why there is such a high percentage of hyperactivity in children and an inability to focus. How can one begin to use their God given imagination for contemplation, prayer, and learning when a form of media does it for them? We must return to a simple, quiet, and loving life in the home, dear children. You will see restoration in families by this one simple act of restoring peace and quiet in your home, My domestic church. My Mother has told you in Her messages, ‘Do not allow satan access to your children,’ and in this way access has been granted, for he has taken over a large portion of the airwaves. It is not necessary for your children to learn by watching television and having free access to the Internet, rather it is impacting them negatively. It hampers learning—real learning—because they do not learn to think for themselves, rather they learn to disrespect their parents, to hold their peers in higher esteem than their parents and their elders. They learn the opposite values of God. They learn that a person is only valuable when they possess worldly beauty, popularity, and fame. They learn about drugs, pornography, violence, and every form of sin by watching the television. It did not used to be so in the beginning of this invention but it has always been the plan of the evil one, My adversary and yours, to use what My children invent to harm them. You have free will, My children, use it for good, and if not for yourselves do so for My little innocent ones. It is difficult at first for you are using the television and their computer games as a babysitter. It seems harmless you say. I say it is harmful. Allow space for your children as they go through withdrawal from this insidious form of entertainment. Listen well, My children. You will not regret turning this device off for good, and even removing it from the house to prevent temptation. Once these little ones learn to read, to play quietly at home, to draw, paint, work puzzles, etc., you will see order and peace return to your homes. Pray and ask Me to help you My children. ‘But, Jesus’, my children say, ‘my children only watch shows that are good for them.’ To which I say, My little children who love Me and try to follow Me, stop fooling yourselves. Even shows which appear to be good have false undertones undermining the family, a civil society, and your God. Listen to Me when I say it is insidious and difficult for you to even know what is good and what is not good for you have been over exposed for so long. Turn it off, My children of light, for you are allowing a tool of deception rule over your hearts and minds. I give you free will and you are free to choose. I ask that you choose My wisdom over what the world has to offer. Think of this, the world went without this invention for well over 1900 years from My birth. What has happened since this invention entered homes? Has the world become more holy, more pure? Have families thrived since this invention was made available? Do more people follow Me, the Savior, as a result? I leave you to decide. As for Me, I your Jesus, speak words of truth and light. My children do not know the value of words of truth anymore for they are bombarded with words, words, and more words, but these words and messages that bombard you are of the world. This is why I have chosen many messengers throughout the world to bring My words of truth to you. You have My scriptures, but not many people desire reading since it is much easier to derive the “news” from the television. Not many of My children have the focus or patience to read since your “news” must be presented in small bites as if My children do not have the intellectual capacity to read something longer than five hundred words. This is such nonsense, My children. Do not allow your children to follow in this nonsensical way of life. Return to a simple, less material way of living to protect your souls and those of your children. I gave My children the capacity and intellect to invent things to help with healing, and technology to help be more efficient and productive in feeding My children who are hungry. Instead My children have invented things to fill up their lives of leisure and to give their children addictive toys. This is not My will, children of light. I want productive, fruitful, holy children to use every gift I have given to them to their greatest potential. Instead, you are giving your children toys to entertain, entertainment to fill their minds, and have encouraged laziness.
This, My children, opens up to every form of deception and false powers. This is not of God.
Please examine your life on a daily basis and see where improvements can be made. Substitute these forms of entertainment with times of storytelling. Start with the parents, share stories of your life as a child, your parents, and grandparents. Tell stories from the Bible. Ask your children to tell you their favorite story that they learned from what you have shared. Begin family prayer. Start with one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory Be. Ask them to lead part of the prayer once they have learned. Ask them for petitions for what do they want to pray, and for whom? Perhaps there is a child at school or in the neighborhood who is ill. Pray for them. Pray for your priests and religious. Pray for those who are sick. Gradually advance to a decade of the Rosary and when they are older, pray two or three until one day you are praying the entire Rosary. Please, dear children, return to the simple life lived in peace and holiness. In this way your little children will grow in wisdom, compassion, and virtue. Reclaim My world, children of the light, for through holy families, My graces will flow out into the world. In this way you will practice what it will be like living in the Renewal and your children will help other children who do not know how to pray, play, and learn in the way I designed for them. If you do not begin now, you compromise your souls and those of your children. Is it worth your children’s souls, I ask you? Of course it isn’t and I know you understand this. I will help you, My children, I will not abandon you as you make these radical changes for the health of your family. My little lamb, do not hesitate to make My difficult words known. Do not fear rejection of My words, for rejection of My words will do no damage to Me in this world of glitter and glamour. If just one family changes, holiness and graces will spread. Do not be concerned for your Jesus, My little lamb. Your love, trust, and fidelity, and that of your husband consoles Me. I know of My son’s suffering and how he is struggling. Assure him of My love and My respect. Tell My son of My gratitude for the sufferings and offerings he gives to Me saves souls and advances his own in holiness. My heart is full of love for My loyal friends. I call My Children of the Renewal to be set apart from the culture. I call you and invite you with great love to follow Me and do not count the cost for the cost cannot begin to compare with the profits and your inheritance. Therefore, My children, follow Me. You must change your way of life so that your light will shine for all those in darkness. If My children assimilate with the culture, how will anyone know it is beautiful and different to be a Christian? Set yourself on a new path, My path. Come, My children, I will help you. Love and be love, and all will be well. That is all, My little lamb. The hour grows late. Go in peace to love Me and to be love to others. I bless you both in My Father’s name, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. My love goes with you. Be light to the world by loving and following Me.” Thank You, Jesus. You are My beloved, My Lord, and My God. Thank You that You continue to call us to Yourself and to the safety of Your Sacred Heart. I love You, My Jesus. Thank You for Your words of life, and Your lessons of love.
“And, I love you, My children. You are welcome, My grateful child. Go in the peace and love of your God.” Thank you. Amen!
Source: ➥