Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus present in the most Blessed Sacrament. It is so good to be here with You, Lord. I love and adore You, Lord God of all. Thank You that we are with You today.
“Hello, My daughter. Thank you for your presence here.”
Thank You for the Holy Mass this morning and for the beautiful music of the children’s choir. They sang with such exuberance and joy, Lord. It was very uplifting and inspiring. I couldn’t help but think how much my mother and grandmother would have enjoyed their singing and the playing of (name withheld). He is very talented, Lord. Thank You for the gift of music, Jesus. The readings were so beautiful, also about the banquet and it lifted my heart and my mind to Heaven where we will live in Your Kingdom one day, Lord. I love You and praise You that You prepare a banquet for us each and every time Mass is celebrated. Thank You for Your sacrifice, Jesus. Thank You that You gave us Your body, blood, soul and divinity when You instituted the Holy Eucharist. What a great gift to the world. Thank you, Jesus!
Jesus, last week was grueling in so many ways. Please help me this week, and also my daughter. Send us Your peace, Lord. I don’t want to ask You to lift this burden from me, Lord since You said the purpose is to save souls, but would You help carry this with me? If You don’t, I doubt I can make it through another week like the last two. I am glad to do what I can, though Lord, but I am weak and not so good at enduring persecution. I recognize I need to improve in this area of my life, but the only way to improve upon something is to practice. That isn’t something I care to do in this case, Lord. Be that as it may, it is nothing compared with what others go through. Please help me, Jesus and if it is Your will, allow this time of suffering to pass soon. If not, give me additional graces to carry this cross. Jesus have You anything to say to me today?
“Yes, My child. I have much to say and much for us to discuss. You have suffered, My little one. I am aware of each trial and each cross you carry. I am with you. I see that this period of suffering weighs heavily upon you, and that you are unable to find refuge or a resting place to put down this burden, even for a few minutes. This can be exhausting, My little one.”
Jesus, I have found a place of respite, though if only for a few seconds; in prayer and in contemplation. Mass is also very helpful and I find solace there.
“Yes, My child but even at Mass there are many distractions for you, is that not true?”
Yes, Lord. There are some, I agree. It may be that I am unable to quiet my thoughts as well as I usually do, because of the stress.
“My child, recall the moment you closed your eyes just before exiting your car in the parking lot and you saw an image of My Father holding you. Do you recall how you felt at this moment?”
Oh, yes, Lord. I do. There was a deep sense of peace and abandonment to God the Father. I asked Him to carry me everywhere I needed to go that day and I think I said something like; if
You don’t, Father I will be unable to take a single step. I won’t be able to get out of this car, Lord if you don’t agree to carry me. I cannot do this, without You, Father.
“What did He say about that, My little lamb?”
That He would carry me each and every step of the way. He would not only carry me, but also provide for and protect me. Peace flooded my soul, Lord and I felt that I had enough energy to get out of the car and walk into the building. I couldn’t allow myself to consider the entire day and the very heavy work load, deadlines and issues, but it was looming ahead. Instead, to survive, I could only think about walking through the parking lot into the building. Somehow, I knew I could get through the day with God the Father carrying me in His arms.
“Yes, My child. This is how you are to approach each and every day of life. Ask My Father, your Father, to carry you. Bring every burden, anxiety and concern to Me and lay it at the foot of My Holy Cross. I am here for you and I accept this most difficult time of suffering from you, My child for the good of other souls. I, Your Jesus thank you for agreeing to bear this a little while longer. Remember, My little lamb, I do not ask you to do this alone. I have sent other souls to pray for you and to offer works of kindness.”
Yes, You have, Lord. I am very grateful for my brothers and sisters that have given me words of encouragement, offered prayers for me, shown me kindness, given their hugs to me. I am so very blessed by You, Lord. Thank You for Your love and mercy. Now, I see how important it is to give others encouragement and to offer a smile or some other act of kindness. It means so much when I am suffering, Lord. Thank You for showing me this.
“My child, I am pleased you have realized this important lesson. You, My daughter have been given the gift of being encouraging to others. You offer smiles and a listening ear on a regular basis. Do not be hesitant, My daughter in writing these words for I want all of My children to understand the importance of being present to others. My little lamb, just now as you were patiently listening to My daughter (name withheld) as she shared her concerns and burdens with you, you helped lighten her load. She suffers much due to her loss of independence. This is a heavy cross for one who has been very independent her entire adult life. You see, My daughter, your patience, your kindness, your empathy has given her the blessing of knowing there is someone who cares, someone who sees her as a person, one who shares in her humanity. My child, there are many, many people who suffer from loneliness, discouragement and isolation. Even those you least expect are in such isolation they feel there is nothing much to live for, and though they put up a good front to others, deep down have a sense of hopelessness. Suicide is increasing in the world and this is a very grave problem. Be light, love and mercy to others. My child, the gifts of awareness, sensitivity, encouragement, hospitality are very important and needed in the world during this period of time. This is a most desperate time in history, for many, many souls are walking in darkness. I have allowed you to feel this darkness, My child. I have only permitted this state within your soul for your own growth, My little one. I have never left you. In fact, I am closer to you now than ever, though it feels as though I am far from you. Your trust in Me has not wavered and I assure you this period of suffering will be ending soon. Remain in this state for awhile, My darling and soon Your Jesus will lift the dark clouds you feel surround you. Will you do this for your Jesus, My daughter? I will remain with you, holding your hand, walking at your pace, My daughter. You have nothing to fear with me as your side.”
I give you my yes, Jesus. I will do this for you, but I count on You to be with me at every single moment. Lord, please keep the dreams I’ve been having at night away from me. I do not have any peace even during my sleep, Lord. Please allow me the peaceful sleep I am accustomed to, Lord, even if the days do not change. It will be tolerable, Lord if I could just get some sleep.
“Yes, My child. I will protect you from the tempters while you sleep at night. That I will do.
Thank you, My little one for being courageous for Me. I am grateful to you and to all of My children of the renewal who carry their crosses willingly. There are many souls benefitting from your sacrifices and those of My children of light. I assure you, My little lamb, the communities are benefitting and receiving graces from the many sacrifices and crosses being offered.”
Thank You, Lord that our suffering can have meaning and purpose. I love You, Lord. Thank You for measuring and weighing each cross to ensure it is not too heavy for your children. Thank You, Jesus that You ease the burdens of our crosses. Thank You for my husband and my family who pray for me. Please send people to encourage and pray for my daughter, Lord as she endures so much difficulty within her workplace, also. Send her graces, Lord to stand firm in her faith as she strives to serve You, Lord. She is so beautiful, Lord and I love her very much.
“Yes, My daughter. I am with her guiding and directing her steps. She is being closely guarded by angels of light, also.”
Thank You, Lord. Jesus, have You more You wish to say to me?
“Yes, My little lamb. Continue to prepare your house. You are beginning to doubt the timing of the move. Do as I encouraged you previously. It goes against you logic, I realize, but the timing is the same as we discussed.”
Lord, will You allow us to wait until after the first of the year? It will be difficult to list it right after Christmas.
“My daughter, it will be best to list it before the end of the year as I have suggested previously. However, if you decide another week is needed, I will manage the timing of the outcome for you in the same way. But, do not delay any longer. My plan is perfect; My timing is perfect. Still, I am asking much of you and your husband and I am a merciful God.”
Thank You, Lord. One week will make a difference in lessening the stress. Lord, please work everything out from a timing perspective on the building of our houses so we don’t have to move and lease another home in the interim. That seems like a waste of resources, Jesus. Please intervene with the commission and reduce or cut through all of the red tape, so we can initiate the building process. Lord, I know there is a lesson You are imparting on us and that You are giving us this time to build our trust in You. If the time needs to be delayed, then that is fine. Please allow us to remain where we are a little longer so we don’t get caught with our house being sold with nowhere to go. Jesus, I do trust in You and I know You can move mountains. I
see You want us to step out in faith with no ground under our feet ahead. I simply ask You to work all things to Your good and for the good of our souls and also our future. Jesus, I trust in You.
“My daughter, all will be well. Trusting in Me means that you will also trust in My timing. You, who encourage others to trust in Me, will not be disappointed. I ask you to cease worrying about your house, for it is in My care, as well as the projects and mission I am entrusting to you.
All will be well.”
Thank You for Your reassurances, Lord. It seems I need more encouragement now as I endure this cloudy atmosphere. Things seem so distant to me, Lord when before things of Heaven were within reach. I am unable to explain this disposition of my soul. There are no words to express what I am going through. You know what I am experiencing, Lord, and the easiest way to describe it is suffering.
“My daughter, your peace and the closeness you feel, the confidence you have in Me has been temporarily removed from you. You are experiencing to a very small degree what it is like for others who do not trust in Me.”
Lord, I do not understand this. I am still able to pray, though often distracted. I still hear Your voice in my heart and can enter the quiet place in my soul where you dwell, though not in the same way as before. I do not feel You have withdrawn Your presence from me. I don’t know what You mean or what is happening only that I am not at peace and I pray and peace does not come. I thought it was because of the turmoil around me. I do not think of this as a darkness of the senses, which I recently learned I would go through later. Is this the same thing, Lord? It doesn’t seem like it is, but I really can’t think very clearly right now.
“My child, yes, this is what you are experiencing. There are different degrees of this disposition of the soul; however and I am not allowing you to be completely immersed in this darkness. The term you used, ‘cloudy’ is an accurate description. Continue to trust in Me, My little lamb and I will see you safely through this time of darkness in your soul. This is a valuable form of suffering in My Kingdom. When you are unable to pray, call out to the saints and they will pray for you. All will be well, My child. All will be well.”
Ok, Jesus. If You say so, I believe and I thank You for this trial, for loving me enough to send this time of cloudiness to me for my purification. Lord, I pray for those who do not know You, do not love You, do not trust You. How difficult their lives must be. How sad their poor souls must be as they cry out for the person to reach out and seek God. Hear the cries of their dear souls, Lord for they long to be loved by You, but do not know how to reach You. Have mercy on them, Lord. Show them the light of Your love, so they can see where You are, Lord and can move closer to You. Open their hearts to the warmth of Your love. It is agony to be without You, Jesus. Agony! I do not want them to be far from Your mercy and Your love. Jesus, enfold us all in Your Sacred Merciful Heart. Keep Your children safe in the refuge of Your Sacred Heart. I so love Your heart Jesus and that is where I wish to be. May each beat of my little, weak heart, beat in unison with yours, Lord. Lord, what can I do for You this week? I am at Your service, Jesus and in the service of Your Kingdom.
“My child, forgive those who persecute you. Ask for graces to love those who seek to harm you. Continue to offer kindness and encouragement to others, even though your heart feels numb. Thank you, My daughter for your kindness to (name withheld). This is what I ask of you this week, My daughter. It is especially difficult to show kindness to others and to listen to them in love when you are suffering. Focus on doing so, regardless of your suffering and many more souls will be saved. Bring My mercy to all you meet, My child. I will help you in this difficult task. I ask much of you, I realize but I walk with you and I walk with each one of My children. Pick up your cross, My daughter and reject the temptation to put it down, even when your cross is your brother or sister who is persecuting you. Hang in there, as you say for I am with you.”
Thank You, Jesus. I am so thankful for Your reassurances, Lord. Thank You that You never abandon us, Lord especially during our time of distress. Lord, please help those who are restless and frustrated with the commission meeting. It must be very difficult, Lord for those who left their homes to move close to the location of Your community. Help them to trust, Jesus. Give them a renewed sense of commitment and trust in You and Your timing. Help us to regain the unity we felt we once had, Lord. I pray, Jesus that we all endure this time of waiting. This is probably small in comparison with what we will experience in the way of trials in the future. Help us to pass through this time of unease and tension, Lord. Be with (name withheld) in each and every decision he makes. Give him the graces he needs each and every day, Lord as he leads this fledgling community of Your Mother’s. Lord, we so want to do Your will. Help him as he seeks Your will for our community. I implore Your assistance, Lord.
“My daughter, I am with (name withheld) and I will guide him. He is being tested, also and I am forming him during the process. There are many voices with much advice for those in leadership positions. Tell My son to seek My direction in prayer. More prayer is needed so that My voice can be heard. Continue to pray for (name withheld) and I ask that your husband and you continue to be of support to him. In your current place, it is easier to see you have no hidden agendas. I ask you both to be of extra support to (name withheld) during this critical time in the formation and planning of My Mother’s and My community. My darlings, I, Your Jesus am very pleased with the support you are providing to (name withheld) and the others. I know of your hard work to remain neutral of all, to be in union with each community member, praying for them, encouraging them and loving them. My son has a most difficult task and I will be ever present to him. He would do well to pray more and more to be assured of My guidance and direction. Regardless of the time in prayer, I am guiding him. It is easier to hear My voice when one is quiet and seeks time alone with me. My Mother walks with (name withheld) in a very special way. (Name withheld), My faithful son, hear My voice and that of My Mother’s. Bring every burden, every decision to Me. Ask St. Joseph to guide you, just as He did the Holy Family. Follow the example of St. Joseph who was in the position of protecting My Holy Mother and Me. You will need to be the shepherd and protector of My Mother’s community. This is imperative for the formation of Her community. Be a man of prayer, My son, even more so than you are now. Through prayer, the most difficult and puzzling situations will become clear. Just as I went up the mountain, apart from My disciples to pray, so you too must seek quiet and solitude each day, if only for a few moments. Bring every decision to me, My son and I will guide you in the way you should go. Second to your vocation of husband and father, is your role in leading this community. I walk with you, My son. Trust in Me and My Holy Pure Mother. Turn to us often in prayer. We love you. We walk with you and we will never leave you.”
Thank You, Jesus for Your words for (name withheld). I continue to be moved to the core of my soul at Your kindness and Your mercy. Thank You, Lord for Your intimate involvement in our lives. You are complete love, my Savior. Thank You!
“You are welcome My grateful daughter. I ask much of you and your husband and in turn I give much. Your God cannot be outdone in kindness. I love you My son, My daughter. Thank you for giving Me your ‘yes’ to dramatically alter your lives in service of My kingdom. I have said before many will think you are running away. However, you are actually going to the direct lines of battle. Have no fear, My children. I go with you and I will go before you.”
Jesus, may I ask a question about the meeting for our community that caused such frustration for some”
“Yes, My daughter.”
What I told some about this being most likely, part of Your plan and that Our Lady was probably protecting us; was this correct? Did this go according to Your plan, Lord, or am I incorrect? Either way, I trust in Your plan. I am just wondering and want to know for myself.
“You were correct in what you said, My child. You were inspired by the Holy Spirit and all that you said was from Me. Each painful step in this process has been according to My plan. Only I know the hearts of men. Only I know the consequence of each decision and the timing of each decision. I am asking for each one of My children of the community to be an example of trust. In the future, even more trust will be required. All will reflect on this period of waiting, and the painful process of preparing and planning for My Mother’s community. They will recall one day, how even though things appeared to be different, My will was done. Those who were lacking in trust will learn to trust more the next time. Those who had trust in Me will grow even more in their trust. My Mother’s Community will come to fruition, My children. Do not spend this important time of formation, filled with anxiety and fear. Do not allow My adversary and yours any room in your hearts and minds for this creates confusion and impacts the peace and unity I so desire for you. Look upon this time of testing as a small dip in the road of Our journey together. When dips in the road are sighted, adjust yourselves accordingly. Pray more, offer sacrifices. See these dips in the road as small ones for your God is great and nothing is too big for Me to handle. Even a huge roadblock to you is a small molehill to Me, a speck if you will. The issue at hand is not the obstacle itself but the level of trust in Me when an obstacle is presented. I would like My children to put each barrier and each issue in proper perspective. I do not invite My children to form a community under My Mother’s mantle and at Her request, in order to watch you fail. I never set My children up for failure. You must give Me your ‘yes’ once and for all and never look back. Have the faith of a little child for My Mother and I can be trusted with everything and most especially with Our own plans. My children, I am not chastising you or scolding you, but only inviting you to see from My perspective. My Holy Mother is most precious to Me. Her communities have special favor in My eyes. I encourage you to trust, to pray, to love and to be at peace. Allow Me to work things out in the proper timing. I remind you there are many others involved in allowing this community and I love them also. I desire their conversion and the more exposure they have to My sons (names withheld) the more graces they are receiving. These examples of faith, love, fortitude, integrity and all of the values of My Gospel bring light to the souls of others. These are your brothers and sisters, My children and I love them and desire their hearts to be transformed by the light of My love. Be the salt and the light of the world My children of the community. Trust in Me. Trust in My most holy pure Mother Mary. She is wise, prudent and loving. She will guide Her community just as She guides My church. All will be well. Decide for Me. Trust Me and do not doubt your yes. I love you and I
will not abandon My remnant. I remind you, souls are at stake.”
Thank You, Lord for Your words of wisdom, Your lessons of love, Your insight. You provide clarity when things are unclear. Thank You, My Lord and My God. I love You!
“And, I love you My daughter. Rest assured all will be well. Continue to walk with confidence into the week you face at work. I hear the prayers of My son, your husband and I see the goodness in his heart full of love for you and for your daughter. His prayers awaken many saints in Heaven to your cause and consequently many in Heaven are praying for you. Walk with this suffering awhile longer My daughter and all will be lifted soon. Your community is benefitting greatly, though you are unable to see this. I love you and I thank you for your love and your service.”
“I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of Holy Spirit. Go in My peace. Go in My love. Be light to others. I walk with you and I also carry you as needed.” (smile)
Thank You, My Jesus. I love You.
“And I love you.”
Source: ➥