Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Feast of Christ the King, Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus Christ, King of All Nations, of Heaven and earth. I love and adore You. Thank You for allowing us to be here with You today, Lord. My Lord and my God, I praise and adore You. Thank You for being Lord of my life. Thank You for Holy Mass this morning, Jesus my King.
“Thank you for coming to adore Me in My Eucharistic presence, My daughter and My son. I love
You and express My gratitude toward you, My servants, My friends.”
Jesus, things are moving so quickly in the world and it is apparent that events will soon escalate. People are beginning to awaken to the signs of economic turbulence and an impending economic crash. Even in the secular media and among those in finance they are discovering the sign posts and speaking out, although the mainstream media is still silent. Lord, all is in Your timing, but it does seem as if our debt and the corrupt markets will cause our U.S. economy to crash very soon. This seems imminent and also close. It seems very unusual that it hasn’t occurred already, and yet I believe You are holding this up for us to allow us, Your children time to prepare. Otherwise, the facts of the silver market would not make any sense. I don’t understand why evil people would keep silver so low, unless it is somehow for their own gain.
“My daughter, it is true, what you say, but much more extreme. I am allowing more time for My children to prepare. So many are unprepared, though and time is running out. The reason the evil ones suppress the elements I created, is for gain for they do not want the general public to realize the weakness of the current economy. Though some know, the masses do not know. My elements, those I created have intrinsic value and each mineral and metal created has a specific purpose. Man tries to play God by fabricating his own currency, and a currency made of paper, backed by a deceitful group with their ‘promise’ means nothing and is worth nothing. Falsehood, lies, My child are not even worth the paper they are printed on, for paper made from wood pulp is worth more than the words of sinister people influenced by the antichrist. Yes, My child, you have heard correctly. Your Jesus accurately states what is truth, what is fact. Do not doubt yourself, either for the people following and propagating evil are being influenced by satan and his minions, one of whom is the antichrist yet to be revealed. Do not waste precious time, My children trying to determine who this man is, that will attempt to rule the world, for you will know when the time comes and he is revealed. Many, many will not know, but My children who spend time in prayer from the heart will know. Many have come over time that were antichrists, but the time of this generation is the time of the antichrist. Yes, My daughter, you find it difficult indeed when faced with the realization that the antichrist will emerge on the world stage during your lifetime, but I tell you very solemnly indeed that you will see the antichrist.”
Lord, I suspected this but was hoping it would not occur in my lifetime. The events that follow are too terrible to consider.
“Yes, My child. This is true, and yet the important thing to focus on is preparing your soul. This is much more important than anything else you can do. Return to the Sacraments, My children. There is still much work to do. This work begins in your souls. You may also prepare materially, although, being in My family is of the utmost importance, for then one can participate and partake of the Sacraments. I am of course referring to My One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, My body, My family. I love all of My children, even those outside of My church. I desire the best for My children, and so I desire all be members of My body, the church. One day, all will be united in faith dearest children of My heart. One day all will honor Me and recognize Me as the Christ, the Redeemer of mankind, the Savior of the world, God made man. My child, then there will be peace. Then, there will be unity. I tell you this to give you hope. Hope in Me, My children. Trust in Me.”
Lord, thank You for giving us this hope and for informing us that one day, things will be beautiful, due to all people worshipping You, the one true God. This is what we long for, Jesus. Thank You, Lord that You are always with us. Thank You for Your love, Your mercy, Your forgiveness, Your peace.
“My daughter, I wish to tell you I am grateful for instilling the faith and for reading stories of me to little (name withheld). You share your love for Me with him and create a beautiful backdrop and landscape for him so that his mind is lifted to Heaven and his heart swells in the wonder and love of Me, his God, his friend, his Jesus. You appeal to his love of babies and little ones, by showing him pictures of innocence and purity especially as you tell him new and different stories of the Nativity.”
Jesus, these are not true stories, and I was hoping You wouldn’t mind, but I thought it would appeal to his sense of creativity. I’m glad You approve.
“I certainly approve, My child for these authors and illustrators were inspired by Me. I gave them these talents to be used in building My Kingdom on earth. Each time My littlest ones are exposed to the purity of the Nativity scene, their hearts open more and more to My grace. Each time one gazes lovingly at a picture of Me depicting My infancy, graces are given. It gives Me joy and My Mother is especially pleased when one of Our children marvel at My Divine infancy. (name withheld) is still too young to express himself adequately especially with regard to his feelings however he is delighted by stories of Me. His little heart sings a tune that all of Heaven hears. Yes, My daughter this is true of all of My little ones who are taught lessons of the love of Me, and are told stories of My Incarnation and My Nativity. It so edifies My Mother and St. Joseph that all of Heaven rejoices. The beautiful, sweet songs from the hearts of innocent children, gazing lovingly and with adoration of their Jesus, ascend to Heaven with the utmost clarity and sweetness. This is very pleasing to Me, My child. I am grateful to the parents, godparents and grandparents who teach their children and grandchildren about the love and mercy of God the Father and God the Son. Sadly, the songs of pure hearts have diminished over the years until they are fewer and fewer. Please spread the message of salvation and love, of My mercy and forgiveness to this barren, cold world. The Gospel message is needed now just as it was in the days of the early church.”
Jesus, may I ask You about something?
“Yes, of course My child.”
How will I continue working after our house sells? Should I then accept a job in (place withheld) or continue working here? I am wondering about the timing of this since You have said our house will sell in the spring. Is it then that we are to move? If so, should we all move together? If you prefer I wait to know this, I will understand. Just wondering about the timing. You know everything Lord so You know what is on my mind and in my heart.
“My daughter, I will direct you when it is time to give notice at work. You will need to be prepared to move in the spring when your house sells. You will all move together, for I do not desire you be separated, one from another. I desire unity, peace and love. You will move, all of you, as one family unit. Recall that you will be on your ‘flight into Egypt.’ And you will need the strength that unity with each other will provide. I do not say this will be easy, for that would not be true. You will be in close quarters and at times you will feel temptations to your patience. Remember, I am with you. This time will be relatively short in duration and will serve to provide you with unity and closeness as a family. You have lived apart for a time; you will come together for a time. Make this a time of joy. Do not add to each other’s suffering by complaining and offending one another. Think about the Holy Family and our flight into Egypt. My children, this was a most difficult, treacherous journey. It was most uncomfortable for My parents and for Me. Do you think that even once, St. Joseph or My Most Holy and Pure Mother Mary complained or grumbled with one another? No, they did not. They kept their fears, their concerns, their discomfort to themselves and offered each suffering as a sacrifice to God the Father. They offered their cold nights, hot days, their hunger, thirst, fatigue, and even the dust storms they endured to My Father in prayer that in some way this would lessen the suffering I would undergo later. My children, you will not suffer as much as We did during Our flight to Egypt. No, My children, you will not; however, you will endure some suffering as I continue the process of purification even as you begin your new life in My Mother’s community. I ask this of you, My children, but I also request that you put aside any thoughts of yourselves as individuals. You must think of the early children of Israel and how they travelled with tents housing more than one generation, as they travelled by caravan across the desert. You will have many more comforts than your ancestors in faith. My children, I do ask much of you, and I
assure you this will be for your growth in holiness. Later, you will remember these times as fond memories. Find joy in the simple things My children. Find joy in being together, in praying together, in building a new life together. This new life you are building is for Me, yes. It is for My Mother, yes. It is also for you, dearest children of My heart whom I love beyond your ability to comprehend. You will also be building a new life for your posterity. Generations will tell of the stories of My Mother’s communities, of the first members, of those who forged the way. Do everything with joy, peace and unity. This example of unity and joy within your small family will be a holy example to others for many years to come. This is an exercise you must complete for the next phase (the following chapter) of your new life. This new life will bring additional challenges, specific to your family mission. Having grown closer and in spiritual union with one another will lay a firm foundation and prepare you for the wave of priests and children I send you. You must operate with such love, mercy, unity and peace that will lend itself to a sort of precision in carrying out your duties especially during the times when you all will be under a great deal of duress; your community as a whole, as well as your family. I want such unity within your household that nothing can break through to cause discord. Do you understand, My little lamb? This is a very important lesson, My daughter. I cannot over-emphasize this too much, for it is vital to your successful carrying out of the mission God has entrusted to you. I realize your Jesus asks much of you.”
Lord, when You put it in light of the Holy Family and Your flight into Egypt, it doesn’t seem that it is very much (compared with what You went through). We will be in the lap of luxury compared to camping in the desert, fleeing in the middle of the night with no advance warning to escape Herod’s army. Lord, I cannot imagine the depth of suffering that the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph and You, baby Jesus endured during this journey.
“Yes, My child. There is no way for you to know unless you have been through such an experience and in the same location, where the elements can be brutal. Yet, I tell you, there was joy. Joy in doing My Father’s will; Joy in having the Son of God in their midst; Joy and praise that the Lord God warned Holy St. Joseph in a dream; Sadness for the little ones who were martyred for Me, in My place; Sadness, at leaving with no time to say goodbye to those who became friends and neighbors; No time to thank those who had helped us by bringing gifts of food, clothing and friendship while My parents were in exile in Bethlehem for years after My birth. My children, you have no idea of the suffering My holy parents endured from the time they left Nazareth, their home until the time they were able to return. And yet, never once did either of them complain. Meditate on the trials they endured. Meditate on what their conditions would have been like. Meditate on the joy of dwelling with the Christ Child. Meditate on the great sense of responsibility Mary and Joseph felt as they cared for Me in the most extreme circumstances. Meditate on what it is to be called to follow Me, regardless of where this call leads, regardless of the sacrifices. Only a select, and might I say, a ‘handful’ of people are called to such extreme sacrifices in life. My children, you are such people. My children of (name withheld) have shown you the way, so you are not alone. Do not fear the early hardships. Do not fear those that will follow as a result of the evil one. Rejoice that you are going where My Mother has prepared a place for you, to dwell under the safety of Her Holy, Motherly Mantle. Be generous, My children. Be hospitable to others in the charity of My Mother Mary. She, who is Most Holy, never rebuked anyone who sincerely sought Me, and wanted to be in My company. Even as a child, others were attracted to Me, since I knew no sin and knew only love and wisdom. My Holy and Pure Mother endured much and yet never turned others away, regardless of the late hour. She, who is the Queen of Heaven and earth, served each guest as if She were serving God the Father. With such grace, charm, hospitality and humility, all were welcomed to visit the Holy Family, the Christ Child. She, who is the Queen of all, was truly the handmaiden of the Lord. Should you, Her children who have sinned, but try to walk in the light of My love, do less than the Mother of God? Surely, you do not have Her purity, Her grace, but all of you can work on having Her humility, for although you are all still on the journey to grow in holiness, none is higher than the Woman of Nazareth, My Mother Mary. Meditate on the life of the Holy Family and pray for the graces from My Mother to begin to live as We lived. It is possible, dearest children of My heart, for I do not ask the impossible. Graces are available from Heaven, but your ‘yes’ is a pre-requisite. Your open hearts, your willingness to serve others as the Holy Family served are requirements. I love you all and I desire your holiness, for in this way you help your Jesus to bring about My Kingdom. Live as if you were living in Heaven now, My children. You do not yet know what Heaven is like, and yet you know from My Holy Scripture that there are no tears, no pain, no suffering. One can deduce then that there is fullness of joy, fullness of peace, complete love, complete understanding, and consequently the things that annoy and disturb you in this life on earth would not begin to annoy or disturb you in Heaven. Why then, dearest children of the light, do you allow yourselves to be disturbed now? Think of all things, all circumstances in the light of My love and My joy, the joy of Heaven, and resist the temptation to allow your peace to be disturbed. Resist the temptation to fear and to doubt. When fear begins to tempt you, say ‘Jesus I trust in You. Lord, I am beginning to feel fear, remove this from me and replace it with confidence in You. Lord, I am beginning to doubt. Jesus, remove this doubt from me and replace it with belief.’ This is the way My Apostles learned to pray. Scripture records My Holy Apostle Thomas’ words when he prayed, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.” This is a very honest and worthy prayer My children, for who among you has the fullness of belief? I daresay if you are breathing and walking about the earth, you are plagued with doubt for such is the human condition. This will be with you until you come to My heavenly Kingdom. Do not be concerned with these temptations, simply give them to Me, ask for Me to give you a holy virtue instead, and graces will rain down upon you. My children, there is nothing too large, and nothing too small to give to Me, your Lord and your God, for I can handle everything. We work together, My beautiful children. You have forgotten your Father is a King, and therefore you are princes and princesses. Is this not true? Your Mother, My Mother is the Queen Mother. You who belong to Me and to My Mother Mary are leaving many graces unused, unrequested, that can assist you tremendously in the spiritual and physical life. Ask and you shall receive. Ask out of love, out of desire to be holy, and all matters of assistance will be granted unto you. I love you, I walk with you, I help carry your burdens, your crosses. In order for Me to help you, you must first pick up your cross. Be love, be light, be living witnesses to a life lived in joy, for Christ. In this way, others will be attracted to you, for in you, they will see Me. I ask you to become like Me in all things that are qualities I possessed during My life on earth. Read the Gospels, My children, study, meditate on My life, My qualities, My example, and model your lives after Me. In this way, you will be Christ bearers.”
Thank You for Your words of life, Jesus. Thank You for showing us the beauty, the purity of life, lived as the Holy Family. Give us graces for love and holiness so that we may be like the Holy Family to those we encounter. Help us to be Your instruments, Lord. Help our hearts to become pure and simple like small children’s hearts are so that our hearts will make beautiful melodies, and our prayers will reach Heaven as the music of love. Lord, Your life, Your love, Your peace, Your strength set such an example for all mankind. May we set an example for our small corner of the world, as You desire, as You will. ‘Oh, my beloved, who is also my God, make my heart a flame of pure love for Thee.’ Jesus, we are so small and have been immersed in a secular culture that promotes everything other than virtue, we are surrounded by a culture of death and so much that is insidiously evil surrounds us via the media, those we encounter at work and in the outer world. There is also, much beauty. You created a beautiful world, and I have met wonderful godly people. However, Lord there is so much that has impacted our minds, our hearts and our souls, that is in need of purification. Things which we are not even aware of, such as ways of thinking, not trusting people, even our neighbors, as generations past could. Lord, cleanse us of all iniquity, of all negative ways of thinking. Enlighten us with Your truth, Your goodness, Your beauty, wisdom and majesty. Create our hearts anew, Lord God so that we live new lives; Lives of holiness, love, peace and unity. Give us courage and strength to withstand the evil and sins of the world; to resist temptation, so that we are Your little beacons of light. Lord, remove our fears so that we do not hide Your light under a bushel basket, but live with joy, courage, strength and unity. Help us to love, to show charity, to be hospitable to strangers, so that we model the beautiful virtues of our Holy, Blessed Mother. Never leave us, sweet Jesus and do not allow us to falter in our faith. Never allow me to abandon You, Jesus for I want to be with You and take firm hold of Your hand, never letting go of You, my Savior. I love You, my sweet Jesus. I thank You for the blessing of this Catholic faith, of this beautiful faith filled family in which I was born, Lord. Please help my sister who is suffering so. I do not know what it is that afflicts her, Lord, but You know and You have the power to heal her and bind her wounds. I entrust her to Your loving arms and ask You to do Your holy will in her, Jesus. Lord Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, help us, her brothers and sisters to minister to her in the way only You know is needed. We do not know what she needs, Lord, but You do. Help us to meet her needs, known only to You, Jesus. Work through us, Lord and give us Your Holy Wisdom. I praise You and I adore You, my Lord and my King. Thank You, for my little family,
Lord. Bless those outside of Your church. Blessed Mother, take their hands and lead them to Your Son, Jesus as only You know how to do. Thank You, Lord for everything and most especially for the gift of salvation and the gift of Your presence in the Blessed Sacrament. I love You, Lord. May my life be a witness to Your love.
“My daughter, My little one, how I love You. Your heart is full of passion for your Jesus and for My will. Continue on the path I have laid out for you, My child, for I am with you. I go before you and though the way is unknown to you, it is known to Me. All will be well. Keep your eyes on
Me. I love you all, and I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. I will be with you this week as you face yet another change. I prepare you now, to deal with many changes so that later it will be easier to deal with the even greater changes coming. The entire world will experience major change, and I prepare My Mother’s community members now for what is to come later. Trust in Me. All will be well, for all is within My Father’s will and His plan for His children. Go in My peace and walk with Me and My Mother. You are in Her capable hands.”
Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, dearest Mother. I love You.
“And I love you.”
Source: ➥