Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love, adore and praise You, my God and my all! Thank You for holy Mass this morning, Jesus. Thank You for my daughter’s recovery from surgery. Thank You that we could be together for Mass, Lord. I love You. Lord, I lay each one of my concerns at Your feet and ask You to take charge of them. I also give You my associated suffering, Lord to do with as You will. Please manifest Yourself to those who have not yet experienced Your holy love. Help them to open their hearts to You, our great God who is love and mercy. Be with all those who are suffering due to illness, loneliness, unemployment, grief, addictions, and anything at all that erects barriers to You, Jesus. Comfort the afflicted, Jesus who are so desperately in need of Your light and Your love. Lord, I come to You as a beggar, and implore Your mercy on our world. Help us by a great outpouring of Your Holy Spirit. Awaken us from our sleep. Imbue us with eyes to see and ears to hear so that we are aware of our Lord and our God who loves us more than we can fathom. Do not pass by us, Lord Jesus without a smile, a look of love from Your precious divine heart, for only one look from You will transform our barren souls by Your life giving streams of water. Set our hearts on fire for love of You, Jesus. Prepare me for Your coming, Lord. We wait in joyful hope for Christmas the great feast of Your holy birth. Jesus, prepare me for Your second coming, also whether I experience this on earth or when I stand before You after I pass from this world. Prepare my heart, Lord Jesus. Make my small heart into a warm, loving heart full of Your mercy, compassion and love. I love You, my Jesus and I want to love You more.
“My daughter, I thank you and your husband for being here with Me in this small chapel, an oasis of peace. I accept your prayers, your requests and your gift, the gift of your suffering. When My children give Me their concerns and their suffering, My power to heal, to console, to change hearts is unleashed. Would that all of My children would give Me these gifts. Bring Me your burdens children of My heart, so that I may heal, renew, and refresh you. My heart is overflowing with love and mercy for the world. I long to give My children My mercy.”
Thank You, Lord Jesus. Please give us Your mercy, Lord. Transform our hearts, Jesus. Bring about a great outpouring of Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth. We long for this. We wait for this, Jesus.
“Thank you, My daughter. It will come to pass according to My Father’s plan. He wills it. All in His time, My child.”
Lord, please help me as I go about the week with all of the busyness, the commitments and the demands, to keep my focus on You. This is a very holy season, Lord and Advent often passes by with my lack of attention to prayer. Sometimes I wish I could lock myself away and be still, sitting with You, contemplating Your life, Your birth, what it would have been like to have been with the shepherds when the host of angels appeared to them singing Gloria. How amazing the sight, the great proclamation must have been. Jesus, there are so many demands placed on us by our jobs, our culture, the many commitments that come from the schools, work, etc. We are all rushing around because of the worldly “celebration/observation of Christmas,” though so many fail to mention Your holy name, or why it is we are preparing for Your birthday. It’s such a distraction all of the noise and clamor, the functions planned, the purchasing of gifts, wrapping, sending cards, etc. None of this is bad, Lord on a small scale, but it is completely out of hand. Help me to slow down and be with You, Jesus. You are the central figure in this great scene and yet the focus, is on the set, not the main character (excuse my analogy of a scene in a play). You know what I mean, Lord for You know everything. Please forgive me for the way I get caught up in this year after year. This time, I resisted, and now I realize I have so much to do that I become overloaded. I long to sit at Your feet, Jesus and just be with You. Give me Your peace, Lord. Help me to do Your will Lord and not mine. I want to change my lifestyle,
Lord. Help me to simplify my life, Lord. Purify me of anything that is not of You, Jesus. Thank You for loving me as I am, Lord and for loving me so much that You don’t want me to stay as I
am. Give me Your grace, Lord Jesus to be as You want me to be.
“My daughter, this is a worthy prayer and one that I am answering. I am working in your soul and as you continue to invite Me to do so, I will. Transformation can occur a little over time, or a great deal all at once. It is different for each soul. It is not to be judged by you, but to be accepted, for only I know the rate of speed that is best for each soul’s transformation. Still, to accept this, to invite this growth in holiness, is all that is needed on your part, for I, your Jesus will do the rest. Trust in Me, My little lamb.”
Yes, Jesus. I trust in You.
“Rest in My presence now, My child. You are weary and need to lay your head on My chest. I will hold you and renew you.”
Thank You, sweet Jesus. Thank You for Your peace, and for Your love. Thank You for always being here for me, Lord. Jesus, I am concerned that we may not have access to Eucharistic Adoration, when we move. Will you make it possible for us to adore You, Lord where we are going? If not, I feel as though I am abandoning You here. Please, Lord.
“My child, you will find Adoration, but you will not have ready access to it. What I mean by this, is that you will have to travel a distance to find Adoration. It is not as readily available as I am here in this Diocese. You and My son are going into missionary territory, in a manner of speaking. Do not be afraid, for I go with you.”
Jesus, there are priests and Catholic churches where we are going. I understand the Catholic population is smaller there, but it is not as if we are going to some remote location that is unchurched.
“What you say is true, My little one, and yet, in some ways it will seem to you that it is.”(unchurched)
Ok, Lord. Will You please help us to work with the priests to establish Perpetual Adoration? It wasn’t here, either until some devoted lay people launched a campaign/project to garner support for Adoration. They then presented the names and numbers of those interested to the priest to demonstrate the interest and they began a building project to add a small chapel. Is it
Your will that we do something similar, Lord Jesus? I can’t bear the thought of being without Your holy presence in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar.
“My child, when you begin getting to know the priests, and I send My holy priest sons to you, it is then you will occasionally have Adoration. Be open to My will and one step at a time We will walk the path together.”
Yes, Lord. Thank You, Lord. Jesus, have You anything more You wish to say to Me?
“Yes, My little lamb. Prepare yourselves for the initiation of My Mission through prayer and fasting. After the season of Christmas, I desire you and your husband to renew your fasting, adding one day more to the week. This is not something I am asking all of My children to do, though it would be of benefit to each one’s soul; however I am specifically asking this of you to prepare your souls for the upcoming mission. When you fast, make known your petitions to Me and ask for graces specific to your calling. This may seem like a lot, and something difficult I am asking, however, it serves to prepare you more fully for the coming work needed. Allow this time of transition to be one of spiritual preparation as well as physical preparation (the packing, etc.). My child as I have said before, I ask much of you and My son. One does not go into battle, however, unprepared.”
Alright, Lord. As You say. Your will be done. Give us the grace to fast one extra day, Lord for we struggle with fasting only two days a week.
“My daughter, this is one exercise that you will thank Me for later, for you must be spiritually prepared for this mission and I am guiding you in order that you be prepared. There will be difficulties ahead, and souls in need of your love and mercy. They will be in states you have never before witnessed. There will be ‘road blocks’ and the tempter will work hard to derail My plans for your family’s mission, and therefore I ask you to increase your fasting to strengthen your souls and to guard against the future snares of the enemy. Also, I rejoin you and My son and My precious daughter to pray the prayers I gave to you, every day preferably in the morning. These prayers will serve to protect you from the enemy and keep your hearts open to Me and only Me. Trust in Me, your Jesus. For this important work that I have asked My pure Mother Mary to lead, will have every demon on earth howling.”
My good Savior Jesus. You are very descriptive today.
“Does this seem surprising to you, My child that the demons howl at the plans of My Father that My holy, pure Mother desires to carry out? It should not be surprising. Even the conversation you had with My lost little one, (name withheld) caused the demons he was entertaining to howl. They despise My Mother Mary and they detest Our children and God’s plans. You can imagine, My little ones, that they are becoming more and more incensed now that Her community is coming to fruition. The road ahead of you is filled with snares and traps and that is why I have you and your family surrounded by My angels. They will protect you and ensure your way is more solid, but there is only so much even they can do. For your part, you must fast more, pray more, isolate yourselves from anything of this world that distracts you from Me and the goal in front of you. My children, be as close to Me as you can, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Frequent the sacraments and prepare yourselves as you would for a race, a marathon, a battle. Times are serious indeed, and becoming more so. There is no time for complacency, or being set in your prayer routine, for things are not status quo. Generations past may have had this luxury, but you, My children do not. This time of transition is growing shorter and shorter. The preparation on your parts, from a spiritual perspective must be at the same level of intensity as your physical preparation to move. I am taking a serious tone, My darlings for things are serious. I am truth, and I would do a disservice to you, My beloveds if I was not ‘up front’ with you. I love you and so We must prepare for what is to come. Your Jesus is counting on you.”
Yes, Lord. We will do whatever You ask, for Your will is perfect and Your care for us is merciful and for the good of our souls and for those You place in our care. Help us to do all that You ask of us, Jesus.
“I will assist you. You have only to give Me your ‘yes’ and I will give you all graces needed to succeed in carrying out My Father’s plans for you and your family. My child, My little lamb, your Jesus asks much of you, I realize.”
Lord, I do not understand this statement that you often say. I feel completely different. I do not think we could ever do enough for You, Lord. It’s as if a wealthy benefactor, built an enormous mansion, acres upon acres of beautiful, lush property filled with gardens full of vegetables, orchard, wildlife and everything needed to sustain life, and then invited every poor peasant for miles, to come and live in his mansion, eating anything they wanted and at no charge. Then one day, after years of living in peace, and with renewed bodies from the rest and good food, he asked one of the peasants to sweep a small section of a sidewalk. I can picture this wealthy benefactor saying, “My dear friend, I realize I ask much of you, but would you please sweep this small section of the sidewalk to help me clear the path for others to walk?” Jesus, it seems absurd for You, the God of the universe to say You ask much when You have poured out Your life, Your blood, for us. You have given every good gift, Jesus. I can never do enough for You, Jesus. Whatever You ask of us, though we are small and incapable of anything good, will never be enough to thank You properly for loving and creating us, for opening Your heavenly kingdom to us. I only ask that You give me the graces needed in order to fulfill Your every request and to be what You want me to be, Jesus. Whatever it is, Lord, I know now that You never set Your children up for failure, and that You do not ask the impossible of us, so that means You will give us the graces needed to fulfill Your request, to do Your Holy Will. Otherwise, You would not ask us, Jesus. Thank You for directing our path, Lord. I am very grateful for Your instruction, Your lessons of love and Your words of life. You are my God and my all. Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever! Only keep me close to You, Lord. Do not allow me to stray from You, not one step.
“My daughter, I see the love in your heart for your Jesus. I see your desire to please Me and this alone is most pleasing. Let us begin then, with an additional day of fasting each week, after the Christmas Season. For Advent preparation, increase your prayer time, and celebrate My Nativity. After the feast of the Epiphany will be the time to begin to fast an additional day each week. You may choose which day, but I would like your family to fast on the same days, as unity in your fasting will be more efficacious. Your mission is one, and your fasting should be as well.”
Ok, Jesus.
“My children, this will not be for an indefinite period of time, but only during this time of transition. I will give you further direction once you arrive in My Mother’s community. You will have time to get settled, oversee the building process and become acclimated to your new surroundings prior to the work beginning in the mission. This will all become more clear later, My children. I give you a small insight to give you hope, but We will take one step at a time. We will do so together.”
Thank You, Jesus. Lord, have You anything more to say to me?
“My child, I believe you have a question for Me?”
Oh, yes, Jesus. I almost forgot. My husband wanted me to ask You about the land. Is it something we should pursue or are we right where we need to be? What is Your will for us, Lord? We do not want to be “greedy” or do something outside of Your will.
“My daughter, it is alright for you to inquire about it. Remember, others also have free will, and you may not obtain this.”
Then, Jesus perhaps we should not inquire. If it is Your will, surely it will come about. If it is not Your will, we will not ask about it.
“My child, if you desire this for more space, your Jesus will use what you offer and it will be put to good use. If your area is smaller, I will also put this to good use. All of the land of the entire world belongs to Me and My Father. It makes no difference to Me what is yours legally, for all belongs to Me. You are concerned with doing My will and whatever occurs, having this attitude of pleasing Me is all that matters. For some, I would say, do not inquire, for it would be detrimental for their pride. I know that everything and anything you and your husband have, you willingly give it back to me, and therefore I say, it is fine for Me if you would like to inquire. If it is approved, I will help you obtain this that you desire. Either way, My will, will be accomplished with our without this land. I, your Jesus defer to your decision, and that of My son, your husband. I support you either way.”
(private dialogue omitted)
Thank You, Jesus. I love You! Thank You for allowing this level of discussion, Jesus. You bring such clarity to My fogginess.
“My daughter, you honor Me by seeking My direction. When children bring decisions and concerns to their earthly fathers, it is a sign of respect; respect for their wisdom and knowledge, respect for their opinion based on experience. It edifies the Father in the same way. My children are encouraged to bring every decision, no matter how small, to Me. We will examine each decision and concern together for more clarity and direction. I desire involvement in My children’s lives, because I love My children dearly. I desire to give each child direction and guidance and to help all to avoid mistakes and sin. The more issues My children bring to Me, the more assistance they are open to receiving and the easier your journey in life will be, My children.”
Thank You, Lord for caring about everything in our lives. Thank You that You want to be involved in our lives, Jesus. You are wonderful, Jesus. Lord, is there anything else You want to tell me?
“My child, My little lamb, I wish to reassure you of My love and My protection. The times of great trials are approaching and soon you will hear of major calamities. They have already begun, however they have not reached their climax. When they do, you will understand. I reassure you and your family that I am with you. Take courage in knowing My Father has everything under control, though it will not seem that way from a worldly perspective. You will witness destruction and hear of horrifying events. You and your family are to remain calm and at peace for all will go according to My Father’s plans. The evil one and his minions will wreak havoc on the earth. He will use those who have gone astray to manipulate others, and to take advantage of the lack of peace. My children are to remain vigilant in prayer and to stay loyal to the Gospel message. Help those who are less fortunate, the victims of violence and injustice. Care for your brothers and sisters just as the Good Samaritan did. I urge you all, My children of light, do not withdraw from those in need, due to fear, for fear is not from Me. Trust in Me. Pray. Ask your angel guardians for protection and to direct your paths. Pray for the little ones who will not understand what is going on. Love them. Minister to them. The earth will groan, and tremors will occur. Remain solid in your faith and do acts of kindness out of love. This time shall pass, My children of the light. Be love to others. Be mercy to others. Be light. Bring My love to all you meet. Living the Gospel is the same regardless of the time in history, however you will be called to do heroic acts of love. Prepare yourselves now, by being love and mercy to others. You must live this now while it is not as difficult, while it does not ‘cost’ much to be love. Later, it will be much more of a sacrifice. If you have not learned to be love now, it will be very difficult to be all that I ask you to be, later when the environment changes drastically. Recall that My Era of Peace follows, and all will be well. Remain in Me. Remain in My Sacred Heart.
Remain under My Mother’s mantle of protection. Trust in Me and all will go well for you. I do not say it will go ‘easy’ for you; only that it will go well. I love you, My children. I, Your Jesus go with you.”
Thank You, Lord. We love You. I love You!
“And I love you. Go in My Father’s name and in His name I bless you. I bless you in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace, to love and serve.”
Source: ➥