Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It is good to be here with You, Lord. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion and for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception yesterday. Lord, thank You for helping me with my studies, for giving me clarity regarding what I should do going forward. Thank You for Your direction, Lord. Praise You, Lord for Your kindness, mercy and love. You are love, Lord. You are mercy and truth. Jesus, I believe in the power of Your name. In Your name I pray for (name withheld) who is very ill. Help her, Jesus to believe. Help her, Jesus. Heal her, Lord and give her all the graces her soul needs. Jesus, I pray also for (name withheld). Heal her by Your holy name and by Your precious blood. She is so ill, Lord but if You just say the word, (names withheld) will be healed. Jesus, I need healing, also. Please give me a loving heart. Give me the graces to love heroically, Lord. I should be more loving by now, Jesus and yet I am still very flawed. Heal me, Lord. Help me to be more generous, more sacrificial in my love. Help me, Jesus not to complain. After all, I have many, many blessings and Your love, which I do not deserve but for which I am very grateful. Thank You, Lord. Please bring those who have wandered from the faith back home again. Bring those who are outside of the faith into Your family, Lord. May all people of good will be converted this Advent Jesus so we can properly receive You, the Lord God on Christmas morning. I love You, Jesus, my Savior, my Beloved. Make my heart a flame of pure love for thee.
“My child, My child, all of My children, prepare your hearts now. Prepare your hearts for My coming at Christmas time. Prepare your hearts just as the angels prepared the shepherds for Christmas Eve. They came singing Alleluia and Gloria, announcing My birth. The shepherds did not think that angels would appear to them, nor that they were of high esteem, so were not expecting to be the first adorers of God sent to earth. Yet, they had open hearts and stood in awe of the angels and of their proclamation. Their ‘Glorias’ filled the heavens with magnificent music so sweet was the sound of the coming of the Messiah and the words all good Jews longed to hear. So long had the Jews awaited their Messiah, yet the poor shepherds did not understand in their humility how they could witness such a magnificent scene. Still, realizing they were poor shepherds, with no gifts to bring, thought of My needs. They thought, as good parents, how uncomfortable I would be lying in a manger and so they brought soft, warm fleece to keep Me warm and to lie on in the manger. They brought milk for Me to drink until My Mother’s milk came in and they brought a lamb, a firstborn to give My parents. They were poor, but they brought the best of what they had. They brought loving humble hearts. The younger shepherds brought pure hearts and they all came to worship Me, the long-awaited Messiah. Imagine how amazed they were when they realized I had just been born and they were chosen to be the first to worship and adore Me. This was a message for all the world, then and now that I came for the lowly, the poor, the humble, not for the proud and haughty. Though, I love the rich and the poor, the rich have a more difficult time loving and accepting Me. Especially, the rich who are proud and conceited. They have a difficult time worshipping the true God because they have erected many false idols. The shepherds also gave My Blessed Mother and St. Joseph much respect. They asked what they could do to help when they realized the Son of God was born in such a poor state of circumstances. Mary and Joseph did not look down on the shepherds, as they had pure hearts and were filled with love. They marveled as the shepherds recounted the angels, the singing, the telling of My birth and where and how to find Me. What a sacred, holy night this was. How beautiful and pure My parents. There was much love, beauty and peace because of their deep love for God and their willingness to serve Me and do the Will of the Father. Oh, how beautiful are the humble souls who love God, who call Him Father, who adore Him, praise Him and glorify Him and yet who also call God friend. Remember, My children there can be deep joy in simplicity and in detachment from material things. The shepherds, as poor as they were, gave thoughtful, practical gifts. Even the Magi, with their gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh gave practical gifts that were put to good use. Just as God the Father provided for Me, so shall He provide for each one of you in your need. He does so directly and also through others who love and serve Him. Take care of one another, My children and when you are generous, you imitate God, your Father who withholds nothing from you, even to the point of sharing His home with you one day when you are ready to come to Him. There is nothing needed in life that We withhold from you. You may wonder, then why there are those who are poor. This is only because the world does not love. There is enough for everyone, but many who have been made rich through the mercy of God refuse to share what they have with those in need. Do not ignore the plight of your brothers and sisters in need because you think they have not worked as hard as you or because you think they are less deserving. They may be more deserving than you, My children. You have the poor with you to teach you generosity. If you do not share, do not blame Me that they are poor. They are blessed spiritually and many of them will have a high place in Heaven because of their hearts. They help one another even though they have nothing. While you who have everything will help no one. Do you see, My children? The shepherds were poor, and yet they were chosen by God to see angels announcing My birth. They were chosen to see Me at My birth, to be the first to adore and worship Me. Besides Mary and St. Joseph, they were the first Christians, for they believed even before seeing Me. Out of their poverty, they brought gifts to comfort Me. I came for all peoples yet often only the poor truly love Me and open their hearts out of generosity. Be like the shepherds, My children. Do not be like the Pharisees who often condemned the poor. Be humble of heart and generous with your love and the gifts I give you. Remember, if I did not bless you with the means and the intellect, you would not have the material things you have. All good comes from God. Share with others and return the kindness of the Father by being merciful and generous with those who are less fortunate. Anyone in need of love, My children is poor. It isn’t just those living in poverty, but those who are lonely, those who are mourning the loss of loved ones, those who are ill, those who are lacking in love, who have hardened hearts. All these are in need of the love of God and they will find this love when you open your hearts and give My love away. Pray to know what it is I want you to do for the Kingdom, My children. First, allow Me to be born anew in your hearts. Welcome Me as the shepherds did. Adore Me. Honor Me. Then ask, as the shepherds did, ‘What can we do for our Messiah? What can we do to comfort Him and make Him know we love Him?’ Ask this of yourselves, My Children of Light. Ask this of Me and My Holy Spirit will enlighten you. Then, in your humility ask Me to show you how to love others. Pray for them. Pray the Holy Rosary for peace in the world, and peace in the hearts of mankind. Pray, My children, but also act. You must put your love into action to be of service to others and in this way you show gratitude to the Lord your God who gives all that is good to His children. Open your hearts, My children so that when I come you will welcome Me and invite Me into your homes. I come to dwell with you in every Mass, but many refuse My graces, My dwelling. You are like one who opens the door, but does not invite Me in to stay. You turn your backs and walk away because you are unwilling to give Me a place to sleep and food to eat. You unite yourselves to Me in Holy Communion but leave Me standing in the cold with no blanket to keep Me warm, no food to eat and no one to love while you sleep in the warmth and comfort of the homes I provided for you.
This is how you treat Me, your Savior who gave His life for you on the cross. This is how you treat Me when you judge your neighbor or look at the homeless in disgust. Remember, this is Me, My Children of Light. Love your neighbor who is standing on the corner with nothing but the clothes on their backs as you would love Me, for behold I am one with the poor. What you do to the least, you do to Me. Open your hearts, My children. Be transformed by My saving grace. Be filled with Sacramental graces and transform your lives. Live for Me, your Jesus as I live for you.”
Thank You, Jesus! Oh, Jesus I am guilty of not serving the poor. Help me to change, Lord. Help me to have a pure heart. Purify my heart, Jesus. Give me graces for love and mercy.
“My child, I am with you and I will help you to continue to grow in love and mercy. Keep your heart open, My child and be aware of My presence during this Season of Advent. You will see Me work, My child. Thank you for coming to be with Me today. I know you would have preferred to rest at home. I will give you renewed energy to accomplish all you must do, My little lamb. We walk together, you and I. Remember to bring everything to Me, My child and I will help you. Be love. Be mercy. Be joy. I will forgive all that you bring to Me in Confession and I will give you increasing clarity, My child regarding what you will do and what I invite you to do for Me. Trust in Me, My child. All will be well. I am at work in your family and in your parish. Do not be afraid, but have confidence in Me. I am your Jesus. I love you. Go in peace. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God. Praise You and thank You. I love You! Amen!
Source: ➥