Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Adoration Chapel

Hello my dearest Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I am so grateful to be here with You today, Lord. I love You and praise You my Lord, God and King. Jesus, thank You for the beautiful Holy Mass and for Holy Communion. Thank You for the meeting with (name withheld) afterwards who told me about her mother’s illness. Please be with her mother and with their entire family as they care for her. Give them many graces and consolations, Lord. Help (name withheld) to draw very near to You, Lord. Give her all that she needs. Jesus, I entrust all loved ones to You and all who are ill. I especially pray for (names withheld) and all who suffer from cancer, Alzheimer’s, dementia, heart disease and physical trauma. I pray also for those who are suffering from emotional trauma. Help them to draw near to Your Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Please end violence, especially the violence of abortion. Give us peace in our hearts, Prince of Peace. Lord, (name withheld) is anxious about the next step You have in mind for her. Please give her guidance and direction. Help them to make the decision that aligns with Your Will.
“My child, My child, write My words. In these days of disobedience there is much, much corruption due to pride and grasping at power. Evil has penetrated the Church through corrupt men and it is present in all institutions in your country, financial, education, government at all levels (even local) including farming and the production of food. In many facets within community life, evil has been allowed to take root. It is everywhere. There are also people who follow Me and so do not despair. I will give all of My Children of Light the grace to do My Will if they seek Me and ask for My direction. I am with My children, always. I remain at your side and within you through reception of the Most Holy Eucharist. Even when you are unable to receive Me, I am still with you. I never abandon My children. I am Mercy and Mercy is Me. I am Love and Love is Me. Put your trust in Me, not in the world or in worldly things. I have the living water. I am the living water, the water of life. Therefore, do not fear. Fear is useless. What is needed is trust.”
“The purification is underway. The Church is living My passion, My child. This time is like the agony in the garden. You suffer due to so much evil in the world and you suffer because you have an idea of what is to come. Many know from the prophets, scripture and My Mother’s apparitions. Still many more are unaware. They will come to know through My Children of Light and via the Illumination of Conscience and the events that follow. Countless people are unprepared. It is for these I ask you to prepare, My children. Thank you to those who have been laboring for a long time, many years to prepare for this time. I will bless you abundantly for all you have done and for the many sacrifices made in preparation. You are living for others in an age where the majority of people live for themselves. My Children of Light, those who have prepared their homes to receive people in need, you will receive many, many people. I will provide; do not worry. I ask for willing hearts, not perfection. I will use what you have. The angels will direct those who are intended for you. I have already selected who will come to you and I will provide everything needed from what you have already done. It will be just as it was in the Gospel story of the loaves and the fishes. A boy offered what he had and I multiplied his offering to feed the multitudes. What you have, My children I will multiply so that no one will go hungry who is dwelling with you. I will also provide the graces you need to deal with various circumstances that will arise. Those I send to help you will have the skills needed for the people and circumstances. So you see, My Children of Light, all will be well. All will be well!”
Thank You, Lord. Blessed Trinity, please protect President Trump, Vice President Pence and all their families. Guard, guide and direct their steps and all their decisions. Keep them safe from harm. Open the eyes of the people, Lord to see the truth. Please guide those who are voting to vote in alignment with Your most holy will and for the Gospel of Life. Please, Lord. Our Nation doesn’t deserve Your goodness, but we need You, Lord. I am begging You on behalf of Your mercy, Lord. Convert our hearts. Bring all who have fallen away from You, back to right relationship with You and Your Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. I pray for those who do not know and love You. Please allow them to choose You during the Illumination. Give them graces to avail themselves of Your mercy. Help us all to frequent the Sacraments. It is particularly challenging for those who work, Lord or who do not live close to a Church. (It is no excuse, Jesus I am just saying it is more challenging.)
“My child, My child, it is very important for all to frequent the Sacraments as much as possible. I will help everyone in need of direction. Ask for My assistance and I will give you clarity. It is a matter of priorities in many cases. Come to Me and ask for My guidance. I will help My children who want to go to Mass and Confession more frequently. My children can often find a way to do so, just as they are able to do other things that are a priority. It is usually a matter of deciding what is most important. You will need these sacramental graces. They are needed now, for your daily lives and for what is to come when access will once again be limited.”
“My little lamb, the Church is entering into the time of the abomination in the temple. This grieves you, My little one as it does many. This has been foretold and it is known by and through Scripture. Pray, My children, Pray. Pray as I have asked and as My Mother has requested. My (name withheld) and My (name withheld), I have given you all that was needed to prepare you. I will continue to guide you, but trust that you have what is needed. Your angels will guide you, also and prompt you when necessary. Continue praying as I have asked. Be open to those I send you and remember to accept them as they are. Many will have been through much suffering and strife. There will be several who have lost loved ones. Be merciful, kind and patient with them. Speak with My son (name withheld) about a rule for living by during the refuge times. Discuss this with him and prepare one for your home and those who will come to you. This will be helpful as a guide for how you will organize and structure your days. In the beginning, there will not appear to be much structure. That is alright, due to the chaotic nature of change that will occur. However, establishing a prayer routine and having the rule for refuges will be helpful and will give those who are coming together many for the first time, peace and a foundation in which to measure their days during this difficult time to come. Remember, My Holy Spirit, My Mother and I are with you. St. Joseph is also directing you and will be especially involved during the refuge times as the spiritual father and protector, just as he was when I was a child on the earth. He protected My Most Holy Mother Mary and Me. He led us to Egypt, provided for us and protected us when Herod and his subjects wanted to kill Me. He led us back to Nazareth when the angel appeared to him in a dream telling him it was safe to return. St. Joseph and My Most Holy Mother Mary pray for the Church. They intercede for you, My children. Remember to ask for their intercession and to thank them for their love. All of Heaven prays for you, My children. They are aware of your struggles. Focus now very much on what is really important and set aside anything that is not. Let even your conversations be holy now, My children (as they should always be but especially now). Live the Gospel, My children. Be love, be mercy, be joy, be kind. Be like your Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Pray for the intercession of the Holy Family and ask for graces to model your lives after the Holy Family. I bless all My children, My holy priest sons and religious and give you graces for peace during these troubled times.”
“My little lamb, there are people who will continue to die from various causes. Take heart and know that each one who loves and follows Me is resting in the palm of My hand. Continue to pray for them, but also be accepting when I call a soul home to Heaven. I know what is best for each child of mine. Some will be better off spiritually by taking them home now and sparing them from what is to come. Some are needed to remain on earth to help countless souls. Some need to remain for their own reasons, for conversion, for additional healing of wounds, for forgiveness, and to give them the opportunity to change with the Illumination of Conscience. Whatever the reason, trust Me that what I do is for each soul’s good and only I know what is best for them, for I know everything. Trust in My love and mercy for souls. Believe, My children. Believe in the goodness and mercy of your Jesus.”
“My little lamb, thank you for loving and listening to those I send to you. Your mission is one of love and mercy. Yes, I call all of My children to love and mercy, but some are given talents for providing, for protecting, for teaching, for directing. Some are given talents for understanding people, for ministering to them out of compassion and love. Yours is this ministry, My child. I have prepared you for this. Your entire life and all of your experiences, even the disappointments and failures have prepared you to be empathetic, kind, loving and considerate. My child, remember that each one has been given gifts and talents for the purpose and mission to which they are called. Because each person is truly unique, it is often that My children expect others to understand them.”
“Children, allow others around you to be who I have created them to be. By this, I mean that you should allow them to be Christ to others in the way I am calling them to be. Be patient with them. You do not always know what is going on from a spiritual perspective. Allow others to be in union with My Will rather than making judgements about their behaviors. Be patient. Be merciful. Allow room for the Holy Spirit to work in your midst. If I bring someone to you (which occurs when someone ‘crosses your path’) do not rush the person. Be present to them and see what I do in your midst. My child, this happens to you often and did this morning after Mass. When you take the time to speak with someone who approaches you for what may seem trivial at first, they often bring up something deeper. As you listen to them and show concern, you are being mercy as I have asked and showing My love by your patient presence. This is what I mean by allowing space for My Holy Spirit to work. I prompted you, My child to enter that social setting. I know you would have preferred to leave so you could speak to Father and your friends. Thank you for following the promptings of My Holy Spirit.”
Lord, thank you for making it easy to do so. I am sure there have been countless times I haven’t done so. Help me to remain open to You, Lord and to Your direction.
“My child, there will be days to come when this will fill the time. It will feel as if this is all you do. I will help you. My Mother will guide you. I will send others to help you and My son, (name withheld). You must both be accepting of their help to free you to do what I have equipped you to do and to allow others to use the talents and skills I have given them. All will be well. You will learn much in the coming days. Be at peace. I am with you. I am with all of My Children of Light. Focus on what is to come afterwards, My children, the Era of peace, the Age of Obedience. I will help you through the Time of Great Trials, so have no fear. I love you. I am with you. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go now in peace.”
Thank You, Lord. Praise You, Jesus. Amen!
Source: ➥