Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Apparition of the gracious Infant Jesus of Sievernich on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, Candlemas, February 2, 2022.
Message of Our Lord to Manuela in Sievernich, Germany

I see a big golden ball of light. To the right and to the left of it is a small sphere of light. The big sphere opens. A wonderful light comes out of this sphere. Then I see the gracious baby Jesus in the form of Prague. He has a beautiful big golden crown, dark brown short curly hair, blue eyes and he wears a white golden mantle and a white golden robe. The robe and cloak are white and embroidered with golden lily vines. In His right hand turns the globe and in the Lord's left hand I see the Golden Book.
Now the other two small spheres open. I see angels coming out of these spheres, one on each side. They are dressed in white. They are wearing a simple robe. Now they expose the Lord's mantle, they spread it out, kneeling, singing:
Misericordias Domini in aeternum cantabo, .
misericordias Domini in aeternum cantabo,
misericordias Domini in aeternum cantabo.
The mantle is now spread all over us like a tent. The gracious Child Jesus looks at us all. Then It blesses us:
" In the name of the Father and of the Son - that Am I - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
By the Word of the Holy Scriptures, I have come to you. I am the Word of the Eternal Father. The Holy Scriptures are the word of God. If you move away from the Holy Scriptures, you move away from the Eternal Father. He who loves the Eternal Father keeps His commandments, withstands the spirit of the age.
The church is My bride. Darkness will overshadow the church. A false bride who is not Mine will pay homage to the spirit of the times."
A personal communication was made.
M.: "I am silent!"
The gracious Jesus speaks: "My Most Holy Mother has spoken to you. And as She spoke to you, so She did in many places. But the powerful and the people did not listen to Her. Now I have come to you in My Holy Childhood, and this is the mercy of the Eternal Father to mitigate the coming judgment.
Pray, sacrifice, repent! Offer up the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass! It is the visualization of My Holy Sacrifice of the Cross. In every Holy Mass I give Myself. In every Holy Mass, you are under My Cross.
Remember that it is a Sacrifice of the Mass!"
(Own note: The Lord tells me in silence: it is not to be anything else. I wonder why He is doing this).
The Lord points to His cross, which is in the room, and speaks:
" It does not happen again and again anew."
(Own note: This refers to the one-time sacrifice on the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ).
" My death on the cross has redeemed you. Your souls are ransomed, are ransomed from Me. By My Precious Blood I have redeemed you.
The time of tribulation is limited. Rejoice, for I am with you! My gaze is upon My sheep. Remain faithful to Me and you will not be lost. Those who lead My sheep into the desert and let them starve and die of thirst will have to answer to the Eternal Father. Their souls are blinded by the false bride."
Now I see in His right hand His scepter, no longer the globe. The King of Heaven speaks:
" This time is the time of mercy, is the time of grace. In this time I will establish the house of mercy. Stand firm, you too. The house of mercy will become mercy for Germany. And all countries will found the houses of My mercy; for I am the King of mercy. The house of mercy is also a restitution."
M.: "Lord, save us from danger of war. I ask You: End the pandemic. I have many requests."
Now I see quite a lot of letters lying at the Lord's feet, a big letter, a white letter with rays, three white letters with stickers, a green letter, a yellow letter, a big white sheet, the photo of a family and the photo of a child.
" I bless the priests who bless with the statue of My Holy Childhood. I am especially attached to them. Hold the priesthood in honor. It was not instituted by the world, but by the Father."
Now the Lord takes His scepter to His heart. It is impregnated with His Precious Blood. He blesses us:
" In the name of the Father and of the Son - that Am I - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
The Lord sprinkles us with His Precious Blood. The Precious Blood goes to all directions of heaven. The King of Heaven speaks:
" Tell the people that I am with them and will not leave them! I am with you because My Most Holy Mother prays so much for you at the throne of God!"
M.: "Thank you!"
The gracious Child Jesus speaks:
" It is so important that you pray, sacrifice and repent. The prayer of reparation is your salvation! I am the King of mercy who can put an end to all misery if you do what I tell you to do. Adieu"
M.: "Adieu Lord. Serviam. Adieu. Adieu!"
Now I see, the sphere of light is getting smaller. The two angels are going into their spheres. And I see in the light of the still-shrinking sphere a date: March 25 Prayer Vigil. Praise God!
M.: "Adieu Lord. Do not forget us. Have mercy on us. O Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on us!
I can only say: Bless us!
M.: Thank You, Eternal Father, thank You, dear Mother of God, and I thank You, O Lord. Thanks be to the Holy Spirit. Thanks be to the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you Lord. Thank you, dear gracious Child Jesus. Thank you."
Source: ➥