Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, June 30, 2022
This will be a Time of Persecution
Messages from Heaven given to Beloved Shelley Anna on the 29th day of June 2022

Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Elohim says.
My Beloved Ones
Receive The shower of My Blessings that I bestow upon you this day.
Beloved ones.
Mirror My image this day, casting My reflection of love, and mercy, upon humanity, that is perishing in darkness.
chaos will strike the hearts of many. This will be a time of persecution. Civil unrest will be subdued by a world wide martial law. Lands will be conformed by communism, under the appearance of concern, of the welfare of humanity. A mark of convenience, will then be implemented, upon those who have been altered, by inoculations.
Order and domination, will follow, as the kingdom of the antichrist is established.
My beloved ones
There is little time, awaken from your slumber. Have I not warned you of these things?
[ 1 ]. { Matthew 24 }.
It is most urgent to return to daily repentance and communion with Me through prayer. I have not abandoned you, I love you, and wish that none should perish. My unconditional love for you is unending. Come under My Fount of Mercy, that is poured out for all.
Thus saith, The Lord.
A Message from Our Blessed Mother
Our Blessed Mother,
adorned in radiant light says.
My beloved children,
Now in this moment, prepare your hearts for My Son, who calls you to holiness. Repent, and step away, from the filthy perversions, of this world, that is passing into darkness.
My children
Mirror My Son’s image, casting His reflection of love, and mercy, upon this depraved generation.
My children
I call you to prayer
Pray for your country
Pray for one another
Pray for the conversion of sinners
Pray for the souls that are in peril
Let your prayers be without ceasing
Pray My Rosary of Light, that blinds your enemies, and expels the darkness, that surrounds you.
My children, the hour is late.
My Son will soon come as The Just Judge.
Come under My mantle, taking refuge in My Son’s Sacred Heart.
My children
Remember always My promises, and let your prayers be without ceasing.
Thus saith, Your Loving Mother.
A Message from Saint Michael the Archangel
As the feathers of wings overshadow me, I hear Saint Michael the Archangel say.
Beloved ones, of our Lord and Savior, Receive the Blessings of the Lord, that rain down from Heaven, this day.
Return to the Holy Hearts of Our Lord, and Our Blessed Mother. Receive the urgent graces and mercy, that is being poured out for this generation, to aid you, in the perilous times, you are now entering into.
People of God
It is most urgent; to make ready your hearts.
A conformity of Order, will soon dominate your countries, as the kingdom of the antichrist is being established.
Perilous appearances in the heavens, will be seen by all, as the firmament begins to recede.
Solar flares intensify, causing blackouts in various places.
Men's hearts, will faint with fear, looking after these things.
People of God
Fear not! Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. has not given you a spirit of fear.
For be hold
His triumphant victory is close at hand!
Beloved ones, of Our Lord and Savior, your redemption is assured.
Continue to mirror, Our Lord and Savior’s Love, and Mercy, upon this depraved generation.
People of God
Watch and pray, Never abandoning your post.
Let your prayers be without ceasing.
Pray for one another.
Pray for your country.
Pray for souls in peril, that know not the Love of God.
Pray for the conversion of sinners.
Pray, beloved ones,
For that unknown hour is close at hand.
Acknowledge your Guardian Angels, who will lead you to safety, during these perilous times.
Continue to prepare your provisions, for you and your loved ones, and those in need. Trust in Our Lord and Savior, who is your provider. Keep with you always, blessed objects of faith, that hinders the activity of evil, that opposes; and comes against you.
Do not abandon Our Blessed Mother’s Rosary of Light, that blinds your enemies, and keeps darkness at bay.
I stand ready, with multitudes of angels, to defend you, from the wickedness and snares, of the devil, who’s days are few in number.
Thus saith, Your Watchful Defender.