Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, March 1, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, pray, pray, pray. I am your Mother, the Lady of the Holy Rosary and Queen of Peace. Today, this afternoon, I want to pour my peace into your hearts.
Little children, be converted as soon as possible. Do not waste time with useless things that do not bring you happiness and true joy. Flee from the easy seductions of the world.
I, your Mother, am very worried about you, because you still do not listen to me as you should. Put my calls into practice in your lives. Do not distance yourselves from me, who am your Mother.
Little children, I want to place all of you under my mantle. Pray little ones, pray, pray especially the holy rosary, and consecrate yourselves every day to my Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus, and you will see how many graces you will receive from me and from my Son Jesus. Pray the rosary and you will be able to solve all your problems.
Little children, I need your help very much. See how Satan works in the world, causing quarrels, misunderstandings, and a lack of understanding among people. I need your prayers, little ones, so that I can drive Satan totally out of your lives and away from your families. Do not worry, for I am at your side to help you. I love you very much, little ones. I and my Son Jesus are working hard in the world, with only one goal: the salvation of your souls. Listen and live these calls of ours, which are resounding in every part of the world today. Do not allow Satan to take you away from my Son Jesus Christ. Pray, pray, pray, and you will defeat the enemy.
I, your Mother, am very sad, because you are still so cold to Me and to these Appeals of Mine. Listen to Me, little children, listen to Me. I need your prayers.
Little ones, I, your Mother, am searching for souls who want to follow and listen to all these Calls of mine, but I find so few. Lent has begun, and many of my children are thrown into the mire of sin, without caring about the pleas of this sorrowful Mother, who weeps for what awaits them in the days to come.
If Brazil does not listen and give value to these distressing appeals of mine, soon a great chastisement may fall upon this great nation. It will be terrible. Many will suffer! My poor children, why won't you listen to me? Listen to me. I love you very much, and I do not want your damnation. You will have an agonizing time, if you do not listen to what I have been saying to each of you in recent times. Do penance, my children. Free yourselves from sin, for sin kills. Do not let salvation pass you by. The days of the great tribulation are near. I cry tears of blood for all that is about to happen that could befall Brazil. Ask for my powerful intercession and I will come to your aid immediately. I want to help you, but I also need your help. I leave you this warning, this alert, to let you know that the days you are living through are very urgent and very serious. Pray, little ones, pray. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.