Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, October 23, 1996
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Parintins, AM, Brazil

Peace be with you!
My dear children, I am the Queen of Peace and the Mother of Perpetual Help. I invite you this night to give yourselves totally into my hands so that I may present you to my Divine Son Jesus Christ.
My children, I am your Mother and I love you. My love for you is eternal. My Lord greatly desires your conversion. Return My children to the One who loves you with your heart in His hands. My Son Jesus desires to dwell in your little hearts. His Heavenly Mother wishes to invite you to live His Holy Messages. I have been coming from Heaven in many parts of the world to invite you to pray much for sinners. O children, listen to my heavenly appeals!
Since Fatima, when I appeared to my three little shepherds, I have been coming down from Heaven continually to warn you of the evil that could fall upon the whole world, if my children do not stop offending my Lord, who is already too much offended. Invite my children to pray the Holy Rosary. Come to the Church, to the House of your Father to pray, to supplicate, to make profound vigils, begging God for forgiveness for all sinful humanity that walks the road to perdition. I am the Virgin of Peace and I promise you that I will pour upon all of you and your families the peace of my Lord. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen. See you soon!
Our Lady said to me:
Go to the entrance door of the Church, but do not turn your back to the Tabernacle. Always go facing My Son Jesus, who is vividly present in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the species of bread and wine in the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist.
I did as She had told me, going to the entrance door with my back turned, but always facing Jesus present vividly in the Tabernacle. Reaching the door. Our Lady said to me: "Kneel down, son! Immediately afterwards She said:
This is how all people must enter the House of my Son Jesus, (which is the Church) , on bended knees on the floor. Bend your knees my children, when you enter the Church of My Divine Son Jesus Christ as a sign of humility, love, adoration and reverence to His Divine Majesty present in all the Tabernacles throughout the world.