Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, for many years I have been coming from heaven to guide you. For so long I have come to grant you my messages of love and peace, messages that my Lord has allowed me to convey to you.
Listen to my appeals. Be of God, pray with love, with your heart and with faith. Listen and live what I speak to you. If you would listen and obey my calls, you would not suffer. Be faithful to the calls that God sends you from heaven.
Fathers and mothers, love your children with all the love of your heart. Children, love your fathers and mothers with all the love of your heart. Husbands and wives, love one another with all the love of your heart. Do not be disobedient children, but children who please my Mother Heart of God. If you don't want the sorrows in your lives, obey me. If you don't want sufferings, be obedient to what I tell you. If you want to be of God, people of faith and holy life, welcome all that I am telling you, living sincerely and with love my messages. Live them now, change the sad situation of the world now, not leaving it for tomorrow, but accept today God's plan of salvation in your lives.
Pray, pray, pray, but pray with love. Many people pray a lot, but they still do not pray with their hearts, but with words. Others have not even begun to pray, and few are those who do as I wish. Change this situation, for there is still time. Convert yourselves. Convert yourselves. Convert yourselves. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!