Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children!
Today I invite you to prayer. Pray many rosaries for the good of the world and for peace. Intercede for the conversion of those who are far from the Divine Heart of my Son Jesus, because they do not repent of their errors and do not confess. Be God's, not in words, but with your lives.
Children, pray the rosary. This is the prayer that helps you overcome Satan. Pray as a family. If your family members don't pray you should pray, so that one day they will be converted and pray too.
Read the Bible more and meditate on the eternal words of God. You don't read the word of God as I asked you to. Open your hearts to God now, because time is passing. Take my motherly words into your hearts.
Pray for your brothers and sisters who are dying right now, that they may obtain God's mercy. I love you and bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
To my mother the Virgin said:
Tell everyone who is here to pray many rosaries. Pray many rosaries, pray many rosaries, pray many rosaries!