Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I, your Mother, love you and come from heaven to give you my maternal blessing and protection.
Do not be distressed and do not lose faith. Trust in the Lord's protection and in his divine help. Pray that the truth will triumph over every evil and lie and that God will bring down from power all the corrupt and evil men who act secretly to destroy the lives of thousands of my children. All this because of money, power and personal selfishness, because their souls are possessed by Satan's darkness. God is greater than everything and everyone, and he will always triumph over all evil.
I have been asking you for a long time to convert and change the course of your lives, but I am neither heard nor welcomed in the hearts of many of my children, because they are blinded by sin, with their hearts attached to the world and its concerns.
Remember, my children: everything in this life passes away and nothing is eternal. Fight for Paradise, fight for eternal life at my Son's side.
Pray to understand my words as a Mother. You are living the times of trials, before the secrets of this world happen.
Pray for the bishops and priests who no longer have the light of the Lord in their lives and no longer know how to be an example of faith and trust in God to the faithful, in these times, because sin and the world have destroyed everything good and the divine grace in their souls, so many faithful suffer and feel alone and abandoned by their pastors.
Pray for them so that they don't allow themselves to be overcome and overwhelmed by Satan's lies and errors, because so many let themselves be dragged by his deadly tail, ruining the holiness and purity of their souls by his evil and poisonous seductions.
Satan is at work, and God's ministers are lying helplessly on the ground, beaten down by their sins. The wolves devour the sheep, destroying their faith, hope and love, and the shepherds flee in fear, because they no longer believe in the great gift they have received from God, with the power of their priesthood. If they truly believed no evil would strike them or destroy their priestly vocation and mission so sublime and holy.
Pray for the Ministers of God, my children, that they believe more and more, otherwise the great day will come, painful and sad, when the Eucharist will be taken away from them forever, in many places, because the world has stopped worshipping and believing in God. Pray, pray, pray. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
When the Blessed Mother told me that the Eucharist would be withdrawn forever in many places, I understood that Satan's henchmen are seeking to do everything they can so that the Ministers of God will be persecuted, destroyed physically, spiritually, morally, and fade in faith, so that the faithful will be left without the Mass and the Eucharist, becoming weak and downcast, exchanging it for a cheap imitation, or will forbid access to it for many. If we don't pray, they will accomplish this in many places, but not in others. Let us pray hard that these sad and terrible days do not come to the world, that the devil does not succeed in his evil intent.