Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, December 7, 1998
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Dear children.(pause) I am the Immaculate Conception. the Mother of Grace, Mother of Jesus, of the Church, and of the whole world.
I am with you once again to ask you: - Persevere in living the Messages! My children, do not discuss My Messages with others. Words are only for those who do not obey! With your life, become yourselves models of holiness, and then those who want to understand and welcome My Message can do so.
I want to make you crystalline mirrors, where I can reflect my Immaculate Heart, so that my LIGHT shines in this world (pause) wrapped in darkness, but when I can purify your hearts, you soon throw a lamaf mist over it, staining it. Heaven is already overloaded with sacrileges and sins, (pause) that rise every day, to the presencef. of the Eyes of the Most High.
I come to ask you today to transform the whole month of December that you are living into a Month of Reparation. Ask the Lord every day to forgive you for so many sins with which His Heart is pierced. Offer more fasts and sacrifices, so that GOD may feel Himself (pause) repaired, disintegrated, and above all, that HE may still feel the eamorf of YOUR children.
I also ask that this reparation be all for the conversion of humanity. The more sins are committed, the more evil (pause) is drawn upon you. If there are many souls who make reparation, then the evil will be stagnated, and THE WELL BE TRIUMPHED!
There are only a few hours left for all the Angels to proclaim My TRIUMPHER. You are heading for ediasf(pause) that the world has never seen. The Battle between Me, the Woman Dressed in Solf, and the great red dragon, the forces of evil, the satanic forces, the Masonic forces, and at the same time (pause) the forces of darkness. this Battle is now heading for its decisive conclusion.
This Christmas, My Son Jesus and I want to clothe them in the Coat of Arms of Justice, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Holy Spirit. We want to prepare the soldiersf, give them strength, fill them with LIGHT. with the Birth (pause) that you celebrate, of My Son Jesus.
This is why I ask (pause) that a Siege of Jericho be made, which should end on Christmas Eve. In this way I will be able to prepare you so that this Christmas will be unforgettable, and that it will truly be (pause) conversion and change for each one of you. Make these Fences in preparation for Christmas all over Brazil, and you will receive the Graces and My Peace.
I am with you, and with My Rosary in Hand, I beg you: - Pray! Do not speak of prayer, but pray! Give the example of prayer to everyone. pray. And then, if you accept My Hand, if you shred the Rosary with Me, if you follow My Messages, if you accept the Messages I give, and if you let yourselves be carried in My Arms, so that I may present them to the Lord, with certainty, My Immaculate Heart will TRIUMPHARY!
Intensify your prayers for Russia during this month. Russia, your sister, faint (pause) as a dead person. Pray for her.
At Fatima, I had foretold that Russia would be the efflagelof of humanity. Now I ask you: - Pray that at last Russia, like you, will have the Gift of Peace, and my Immaculate Heart will be able to TRIUMPH in those lands where GOD will be glorified.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Generation. I AM is in the midst of you!(pause) Heartless hearts! What more can I show you or do for you, so that you believe that I, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Immaculate Heart of my Holy Mother Mary,(pause) are in your midst?(pause)
O generation, listen to My echamadof! Listen to the ebramidof of My Voice. From the heights of the heights, I call you, generation, (pause) but. many of you (pause) approach Me already with spears (pause) behind your breasts, in order to cross Me again.
O generation! a crust of impurities has formed in your ears, and you can no longer hear My Voice clearly.(pause) I have sent the Prophetess, the Queen of Prophets, the Queen of all Confessors, to tell you: - Be converted!
My MOTHER, every day, descends into this world, appearing to many ecriançasf and many ejovenzinhosf of My Heart, and returns (pause) before Me, disconsolate.
She does not find souls who listen to her!!! Those who have the duty (pause) to publish and announce Their Requests, remain silent, and hide Their Maternal Lament. My MOTHER'S Tears fall before you. and before Her Tears you stand like stones!!!(pause) without moving a single finger, in the direction of repentance.
Generation! let me remind you of the meaning of the word econtriçãof. Sin, generation, and you feel no pain in your heart!!! I present my wounds, my crown of thorns, my carnations and my blood; my cross, my mother crying at her feet, but... you have no pain.
O generation, how could you have accumulated so many serpents inside you? How could you have made etocasf(pause) for all kinds of evermesf?
Generation, I call you by name. come to ME!! I love you, but.I warn you: - that soon I will come, and with the simple blow (pause) of My Mouth, I will bring down all your evisf projects.
I, generation, am so eagerly in love with you!!! I send you these ecartasf of LOVE, these Messages with My MOTHER, but. you have stepped on OUR WORDS, and you have simply (pause) turned your back on US.
I beg you: - Be converted! The FATHER (pause) is saddened by your sins, (pause) but. if there is conversion, the FATHER will pour so much Graces on you, that you will exclaim that you have never seen so many Graces, since the Word became flesh.
Let My gaze pervade you, generation. Let the ecançãof of My Voice (pause) calm you down, embalm you. Let My Fingers (pause) go through your soul, in order to close all wounds, to straighten all that is crooked, (pause) and to land all that in you has become abyss and desolation. Come back!
Pray (pause) for Russia. (pause) Yes, this sister of yours lies on the ground, and I want to lift her up.(convert)
There, I will be glorified! and I desire to deliver Russia into the Hands of My MOT, as a firstfruit that She will deliver to Me.
Pray for her! Offer sacrifices for her! If you do this, much of My Plan, and good (many) people (pause) will be preserved.
As for Brazil, I, in many Messages here, have told you that I love this land(pause) that I call and the Garden of My Mother. Here, in this land, My Sacred Heart will so imprint My Holy Spirit in hearts, (pause) that, despite My enemies, I will KINGDOM!
In this country, My MOTHER(pause) will make the eJardimf of Her Immaculate Heart, where the largest sprouts of holiness will sprout, and the purest roses(pause) will grow, and She. She will give them to Me, and they will be My eencantof forever.
I will place them in the Room of My Throne, so that they (pause) will be My eencantof (pause) with their holiness, and the efragrânciaf of LOVE that emanates from them. These erosasf are cultivated by My MOTHER day and night. Pray, that you may be one of them.
And I bless you in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit.
May My Beloved Church (Catholic), present in Brazil and in the world, seek, in My Sacred Heart, its Strength, its Rock. and you will find it.