Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 26, 1999
Message of Our Lady

My son, always remember the Suffering of My Son. The remembrance of My Son's Sufferings leads the soul to hate sin, and to love virtue. Always have before your eyes His Cross and the BLOOD that He shed. Honor the Sufferings of My Son! Honor My Sorrows, at least for a brief moment! every day.
Always remember that everything you put, everything you include in the prayer of the Rosary, if it pleases GOD, for the good of your soul, and for the salvation of the souls of the whole world, know that the FATHER will give you. What is not pleasing to the FATHER, will not be given to you.
Always remember that I listen to all your requests. and those that are just, I present to My Son.
I want you to help Me in prayer! Pray for souls, because for many of them it has already sounded the hour of Justice. Help Me save souls!"