Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Marcos Tadeu): What do you wish for the people who are here today? (long pause)
"Do you want anything more from me today? Is there anything else I can do?" (pause)
"See you soon!
Seer Marcos Tadeu's Report on this Day's Message
(Marcos Thaddeus): Mary Most Holy appeared today together with St. Joseph. The two with a light purple tunic and Mary Most Holy with a gray mantle, descending from the head to the feet and a 12 star crown.
I asked them what they want from me and they spoke to me particularly.
I asked them what they wanted from the people present. Mary Most Holy answered:
(Most Holy Mary): "I wish them to continue with my Thirteen, my Setena, my Hour of Peace, the Hour of St. Joseph and the prayer of my Rosary. I wish that this month they spread: the Trezena, Setena, the Rosary, the messages and the Hour of Peace for five people. If they do this, my Immaculate Heart will shed its light on the whole world. I wish now more than ever to go out to meet my children. I am in a hurry! Everyone must be converted! Take my things to them and I will be deeply grateful to them!"
(Marcos Tadeu): I nodded saying to Our Lady and to St. Joseph that we would do it yes. who we with all love and with all haste also.
(Mary Most Holy): "Not only that, I hope that during this month they will make a novena of five Hail Marys a day for the intentions of my Immaculate Heart and for the conversion of Brazil".
Message of Mary Most Holy
"If after the warning there was no punishment, I would say that the warning is the greatest punishment that men will have.
The shock will be so strong in their souls that they will fall to the ground, writhing and crying with remorse for having lived without God, for having offended and hurt God so much, for having given Him so much time on their backs. They will feel a fire burning inside, and then the divine truth will shine for each soul. After the warning, many will convert and become better. They will obey my messages and love them more than life itself.
But as many will not want to be converted and will remain disobedient, the punishment will come!
Be converted and obey my messages before it is too late.
I love you so much that I don't want anyone's condemnation. I have fought tirelessly for the salvation of all, but what can I do if they do not help me?
I have been on pilgrimage all over the world, but they don't listen to me, they don't obey my messages. That is why God will wipe the face of the earth with a rain of punishment unprecedented in the world. It will rain fire from the sky, men will look like living torches running through the streets. God can no longer bear the ingratitude and disobedience of human beings! Look how few those who pray and obey us are.
Time runs out and you continue lying down, sleeping in indifference and disbelief and disobedience. Be converted! Obey my messages without delay".