Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Message from Angel Godriel

Marcos, I am the Angel GODRIEL.
I am grateful for all the words you have said today in that Cenacle. They did immense good for many souls, and much light from Heaven has penetrated into their hearts. And to all of you I say:
B E S A I N T !
BE SAINT, to give joy to the heart of the Heavenly Father and the Heart of the Virgin Mary!
BE SAINT, to honor the love of Our Lord, who chose you with such predilection and who brought you here in these Apparitions, in this Sacred place, to know Him, to love Him, to know His Mother and to be part of His family that He loves, that He nurtures, that He nourishes, that He keeps with His love with jealousy and that He wants to make grow more and more in His love and similarity to Him.
BE SAINT, that in you all that God has planned concerning you may be accomplished. But, no one will be able to achieve holiness if he does not begin to climb the step of the ladder that leads to it, which is the step of the TRUE DEVOTION and TRUE LOVE to the LORD, who first passes by us, the ANGELS and the Saints; who leads to the TRUE DEVOTION to SAINT JOSEPH, who in turn, leads to the TRUE DEVOTION to the MOTHER OF GOD and the LORD.
In this way you will climb the steps of this ladder of holiness with safety and accuracy, and each step of yours will be a giant step in the path of spiritual perfection that all of you must have, so that one day you can enter the kingdom of heaven and see God face to face.
We, the Angels, promise to help you in everything, in everything you ask of us.
The only thing we demand of you is true love for us, without material interests, no falsehood, no duplicity, no inconstancy!
Pure, firm and sincere love is what is enough for Us to take your hands and let us lead you up this path of holiness.
If your souls have true love for Us, they will be docile to Us. For he who says he loves a person but does not obey him lies. He does not love!
The person who truly loves someone obeys him and does his will! He submits himself to his beloved! If you truly love Us, the Angels, you will obey Our Messages and allow yourselves to be guided by Us, climbing ever more the road to perfection that will lead you to Celestial Glory.
We are with you! Continue praying to us for we are attentive to the voice of your supplications!
Continue with all the prayers We have given you here. Surrender yourselves to My Hands and I, GODRIEL, promise you:
I will never leave you again. I will never leave your side again!
To you all, at this moment, I give my blessing".