Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Message of Saint Lucy

Dear Brothers! Listen to what I, Luzia, servant of the Lord and of the Blessed Virgin, have to tell you through this servant of God, the Mother of GOD, of Heaven. who is the instrument chosen by Heaven for these times; so that salvation may reach the whole world!
I want to enlighten and open your eyes so that you can see the Truth, see God's Love, see God's Plan for you and so; open your hearts to this Love, this Will, this Truth. So that you may safely reach sanctification and salvation!
I want to enlighten your eyes so that there is no darkness in you, so that you can see how much evil and how much sin is still around you; how much sin and how much evil is still within you; and how much you still need to be purified by the Grace of God; to be converted by the Love of God; to be transformed by the Fire of His Spirit and then to be sanctified by the light of Eternal Truth.
I want to enlighten your eyes, making you see how much you still need to walk to climb the ladder of holiness, the ladder of perfection and reach its summit, so that then; God can truly be glorified by you, delight in you, find His delights in you!
I want to enlighten your eyes, so that you are not deceived by the enemy in any way! So that you are not seduced by this corrupt world. So that you are not deceived by yourselves, that so many times you deviate from the will of God looking for the satisfaction of your wills, under the pretext of the Will of God.
And that so many times you seek your interests and your glory, on the pretext of the interests and glory of God.
In this way, I want to open your eyes, illuminate them so that the light that guides you every day is the true light, the light of GOD, the light of Heaven and not darkness: of error, ignorance, vanity, self-love, sin and Satan.
I want to enlighten your eyes so that each day you will see how much spiritual misery there is around you and how much the world needs to know the light of Heaven, the light of salvation, the light of truth. So that you may come out of the abyss of darkness and perdition into which you are plunged, and so that you may again find the road to salvation and peace!
Only you can bring the light of salvation to the world! The Lord ... who could do this alone wants to need your help. Man has collaborated for the perdition of the world, therefore; he is also obliged to collaborate with its salvation. Therefore, GOD, who could do it without you, wants your cooperation.
Answer your 'YES' as the Virgin Mary gave him to the Lord, as I myself gave him with all my heart and was faithful to him every day: in generosity, in love that reached the point of sacrifice.
Be you also, faithful to this 'YES' so that through you the Lord can save many, many souls!
Without God, you are nothing! But without you, He does not want to accomplish anything either! Then give your 'YES' to the Lord, so that then His Grace may manifest itself powerfully for the salvation of so many, many souls.
I want to enlighten your eyes so that each day you will see, recognize and see the immense Love of God who chose you, who elected you, who brought you here for these Apparitions and who keeps you here, forms you, nourishes you and sanctifies you more and more through these Apparitions and these Messages.
If this Grace, that of the Apparitions, had been given with this abundance with which it is given here, in my time in Syracuse, all of Sicily would have been converted and would have become a true garden of holiness, a true furnace of holiness. And so many good souls would not have been persecuted and would not have suffered as it happened!
You have this extraordinary Grace and you are called to bear its abundant fruits!
I, and the other Saints, are here in these Apparitions, before you, at your side to help you. But we await your response, we await your 'YES' to the call you have received. We will extend our arms to support and help those hearts that open, that we see open and in which we see a true and sincere desire to love and obey God!
I want to enlighten your eyes. so that each day you may see more and more the road of virtues that you must follow, so that you may safely reach sanctification and salvation. And so, may you be those 'mystical roses': of Love, Sacrifice, Penance, Generosity, Kindness and Holiness. for the greater glory of God, of Mary, the Lady of Peace, the Mystical Rose, the Virgin of the Rosary, the Queen of all Saints!
If you. Let me enlighten your eyes every day, and if you follow the road I point out to you, you will surely reach God and the Holy Virgin in Heaven! And then we will be able to sing together for all eternity the Hymns of Glory in honor of the Lord who loved us so much, who granted us His unfathomable Mercy and who called us to be participants of His eternal Happiness in Heaven!
I, Luzia, patroness of Syracuse, am also your patroness, your protector.
I want, can and will help you if you are docile, if you are obedient to the Messages and the action of the Holy Spirit, who called you here and chose you to be His Temples of Light, of Love of Perfection and of Grace!
Continue with all the Prayers given to you Here. Continue reading, listening, meditating on the Messages! For it is only through them that we can lead, direct your steps and keep you safely on the path to Heaven, to salvation, to the Divine Will, to good and Peace!
The only soul who can be sure that all his life, that all his actions, works, that every day of his existence. is spent in God's will, is done in God's will, is passed on and is kept in God's will. is the soul who meditates on the Messages, who obeys the Messages and is faithful to the Prayers given to you here in this Place.
To all of you, beloved brethren, I bless you with all my heart!"