Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Message from Our Lady

Dear children, today, when you are already celebrating the Anniversary of My Appearance to My little daughter Catherine Labouré, in which I revealed to her My MY MYLAGROSE MEDAL, I come once again to tell you:
I am the Woman dressed in the terrible sun like an army in battle order. And so it was that I appeared to My little daughter Catherine, who is more powerful than the Sun, radiating powerful rays from My Hands to show the whole world that I am the Mediatrix of all graces, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, sovereign and empress of the Seraphim, the Cherubim, the Angels, the Saints who are in Paradise and also the heavenly ruler of Heaven and Earth and everything in them. And for this reason, My Son Jesus, King of Heaven and Earth, for love of Me, has given Me all the power to accomplish whatever I want anywhere on Earth and to accomplish portents and wonders for the salvation of all My children, to convert sinners and to awaken faith in those who are numb in the sleep of indifference and sin.
All power has been given to Me in heaven and on earth and for this reason there is nothing that I cannot accomplish and this is also why I will soon accomplish the greatest Triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the whole world. The conversion of My son Alfonso Ratisbone, who was a Jew, an enemy of the Catholic faith and who after My apparition to him became not only a good Catholic, but also a fervent Apostle of My Son and holy Apostle, proves to you that for Me there is nothing impossible, no conversion is impossible, no work is difficult.
Therefore, in the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart I will convert many sinners, many hardhearted men, who like my little son Alfonso Ratisbone rejected me and who on that blessed, glorious and happy day will sing with me praises to the Lord and bless my name from the four corners of the earth.
My power extends to all that God has created and there is no wall impossible to be broken down by Me, so: Trust My children! Continue praying for the conversion of sinners, as I asked and as the good Baron who prayed for the conversion of Alfonso Ratisbone did, soon your prayers will be heard and I will convert those for whom you pray so much and sacrifice yourself on this earth.
Your prayers are not falling on deaf ears, just as My son Baron's prayers did not fall and just as I heard his supplications for Alfonso's conversion, so too will I make the conversion of many sinners and so will be the great Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
This Miracle will take place by virtue of My power and the prayers of so many My children, who intercede with Me, suffer and sacrifice themselves for the conversion of their most sinful brothers and sisters. Peace will then reign on Earth and an era of Peace will come for all of you, for My good children of the whole world!
I am the Sun dressed Woman, terrible as an army in battle order and so I appeared to My little daughter Catherine Labouré crushing the head of the infernal serpent, to show you that the time of My enemy that was to begin shortly after My apparition to My little daughter Catherine, this time that extends to your days, is about to end and soon I will crush her head and rid the whole world of the satanic yoke of her evil power. For the hour the serpent still struggles to revolt its syrup furiously against you, beating you every day with attacks, insidies, impure and criminal temptations, seductions, and often also persecutions driven against you through the wicked, the ungodly, her followers. But do not fear My children! I am with you and soon my foot will crush the head of the infernal serpent definitively and the new day of grace, peace and salvation will dawn for you.
Here where I also appeared crushing the head of the infernal serpent in the Medal I gave and which I revealed to my little son Marcos, I confirm to you all that I told you: Soon my Immaculate Heart will triumph and the world will finally have peace.
In Rue-du-Bac I revealed to you the first prophetic Medal of My Immaculate Heart and Here I revealed to you the last one and in both I crush the head of the infernal serpent to show you that I will only be the victor of all the forces of evil and that at last those who have followed Me, who obeyed My Messages and consecrated themselves to My Immaculate Heart living according to My Spirit, that is, according to My Will and not according to their own will, these truly obedient and docile children of Mine will triumph with Me and enter with Me into the new Heaven and Earth that are already fast approaching you all.
Love more my Miraculous Medal that I gave to my little daughter Catherine Labouré for all of you, because in this Medal I will give you consolation, relief, comfort, peace and always protection.
Love her, spread her and spread her to the whole world, especially to my children who do not know her, because for not knowing my Medal, they suffer in vain, without consolation and too much.
With My Miraculous Medal My children will have encouragement, faith and hope in the midst of the tribulations of this life and many times of many sufferings I will even free them so that they will know My power, so that they will see that I am beside them and so that by feeling My love deep in their hearts they will correspond to Me, obey My Messages and become Apostles of My Heart carrying My Messages to the whole world.
Love more the Miraculous Medal that I gave to my little daughter Catherine Labouré for you, for the whole world, because in this prophetic Medal of my Immaculate Heart are the signs of my imminent victory, so that all my children may have hope, confidence and faith in me and so that every day my children may look to me, the Immaculate Virgin, the sinless one conceived, the Woman dressed in the Sun, terrible as an army in battle order, become more and more aware of their duty to be saints like me, immaculate like me and also become My soldiers marching with me every day: in prayer, in penance, in the spreading of My Messages so that the whole world may be converted and have peace.
To all of you, My children, whom I love so much and whom I showed so much love at My Apparition in Paris to My little daughter Catherine Labouré and whom I also showed so much love Here in this Sacred Place of My Apparitions in Jacareí that I love so much and where I will finish the plans that I began at My Apparition in the Chapel of Rue-Du-Bac.
To all of you, at this moment I bless you with love, from PARIS, from LOURDES, from COTIGNAC and from JACAREÍ.
Peace to all of you My children! Peace to you Marcos, apostle of My Miraculous Medal who, like My little daughter Catherine Labouré, spread it so much and made it loved by all My children, according to My desires, now comes down upon you an abundant shower of heavenly blessings from My Heart.
"-Marcos, I, TIRSO, servant of God, servant of the Immaculate Virgin, rejoice in being able to come to you today with My first Message.
Love the Immaculate Lady with all your heart giving her your yes and letting her love burn in your hearts. When the soul comes to the Immaculate Virgin, opens her heart, at least a crack, the rays of light that she showed to Saint Catherine at her apparition in Paris enter into her heart and thus the soul is filled with the light of the Lord, filled with the Immaculate Virgin, and experiences within her the sweetness of the love of the Mother of God. And then, the things of the world that seemed so pleasant before, so covetous, that seemed so attractive to her, become not only bitter, but even a poisonous taste that makes the soul deplore them, reject them and seek all that is heavenly, which before it did not seek, did not seek because it did not esteem.
The light of the Mother of God when she enters a soul makes her see all the things of God as lovable. What once seemed impossible to her to want, desire or like now becomes like manna from heaven, soft, sweet that fills the soul with soft spiritual delight and delight, makes the soul overflow with joy, happiness and contentment, awakens in the soul hunger and thirst for God and makes it seek to know God, to seek to know the Blessed Virgin more and more. By this sign you will recognize the soul that truly loves the Lord and His Mother, if she thirsts more and more to know God, to know the Blessed Virgin, to try to understand His will, His holiness in order to better serve and please Him.
The true saint is the one who has a relentless thirst for God and the Holy Virgin, and the more he reads about the saints, about God in His mercy and goodness, the more he knows the life of the Blessed Virgin, His virtues, knows His Love, His Manifestations and His Messages, the more the soul wants to know, the more the soul wants to taste and taste.
The true saint is known by the one who also renounces his will and does the will of the Lord and the Mother of God even if it costs him effort and sacrifice.
The true saint is known by the one who does not have spiritual laziness, who does not have relaxation, who also does not have a raw and hardened heart for things from above and so ready, so joyful and so serene for things on earth.
The true saint is one who lives more like an angel than a man. And even in the daily obligations of each day that he has to fulfill and of which God will ask him to account until the last detail, this soul that is holy, fulfills the will of the Lord, spreads the love of the Lord, sprinkles on the souls around him the light of which he is full, the love of which he is filled, the water of grace of the Holy Spirit from which he is flooded.
The true saint knows himself by being more and more with his thought, his will and his action to please the Lord and not to please men or himself. Therefore, I come to call you to love more and more the Immaculate Lady, the terrible Virgin as an army in battle order, who gave you the Miraculous Medal, who gave you the Medal of Peace, who gave you all the Medals and Scapulars that you have here and know, who gave you her Messages in every corner of the earth calling you to conversion, to love her with all your heart. So that in this way, from your souls and hearts, the mystical light of the Mother of God may radiate as it did from the person and entire life of St. Catherine Labouré, so that you too may be a perennial sign of the love, presence, goodness and power of the Blessed Virgin for the whole world.
I, TIRSO, am with you at all times, in all your difficulties, I accompany you, I protect you and I pray ever more for you.
To all, at this moment, I generously and especially bless you Marcos, whom you did not know of My existence, but whom I have protected and guarded for a long time and whom I know you will now become a true friend of Mine and a true propagator of the devotion to Me that so many souls will bring to Heaven and do so much good to the whole earth! To all at this moment I bless you generously".