Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Festival of Corpus Christi

(Marcos): May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever! (pause) Yes, my beloved Queen I will next week. Yes, Madam, I will tell him. Yes, I will, I will. Yes, Madam. Yes, I will hurry Madam. Yes. (pause) Yes Madam I will say, yes.
"Dear children of mine, today, when you are celebrating the Feast of the Body and Blood of my Divine Son Jesus Christ, I come to tell you: I am the Mother of the Most Holy Eucharist, I am the Mother of the Blessed Sacrament and the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus together with my Immaculate and Eucharistic Heart will triumph throughout the world and soon His Kingdom of Love will come to all the earth and will extend throughout the earth.
The Eucharistic Heart of Jesus will triumph and place on the footstool of His feet all His enemies, all those who spread the darkness of sin throughout the world, especially the pastors, bishops and priests who spread the darkness of apostasy, progressiveness and all the other poisonous doctrines that are now taught and preached in the churches, all these will be punished by the avenging hand of the Lord, They will be taken out of the bosom of His Church that will be purified from the mortal disease that now strikes and takes hold of Her and the Church, as if from an agonizing leper, will be transformed into a pure, holy Church full of faith as in His early days and the early spirit of the Holy Apostles and Holy Founders will truly triumph in the whole Church, in all Congregations, Orders and also in the Christian people.
The Eucharistic heart of Jesus will triumph, bringing to the whole world the time of peace that I have so often prophesied to you, this kingdom will be a kingdom of love, joy, happiness, goodness, harmony and union among men and there will be no more suffering, tears, injustice, war or pain. All will live as true children of God and God will shower His grace on all men and nations in such a way that the Earth will seem a perfect and living reflection of what Heaven is.
The Eucharistic Heart of Jesus will triumph and Satan with all the demons will be cast into the bottom of the hellish abyss and there chained forever, from where they will no longer be able to go out to harm the earth, so this swamp of sin that has become this world will be a true one, Beautiful and fragrant Garden of holiness where souls like spring flowers will bloom in great beauty and holiness for God's greater glory, everything will be new and God will again be served, loved and adored and I as Mother of God will also reign in all Hearts and in them I will have My joy, My greatest consolation, My greatest Triumph. Therefore, little children, do not be discouraged if now the weight of the cross is felt on your shoulders, your heavenly Mother already knew all the crosses that would finish you off in that time of great tribulation, She knows that you suffer and groan, but I tell you to stand firm like all the Martyrs, all the Saints stood firm in their sufferings, because I tell you soon your suffering, your pain will be converted from one moment to the next into a perennial and endless joy.
I am with you and I accompany you on the path of your Calvary, on you I pour now an extraordinary shower of blessings and graces, above all, on those who love Me most, pray My Meditated Rosary, the Crown of My Tears, the Rosary of Peace and all the Hours of Prayer that I have given you here and sent you to pray. I love each one of you and I wish you to be Holy, so renounce all kinds of greed, because greed is one of Satan's daughters, the covetous soul lives continuously remoted by the desires to possess what its depraved and disordered nature desires without ever being able to satisfy its inner longings, so the covetous soul is always restless, always nervous, angry, without peace or balance and all its steps are steps in the dark on the edge of a great precipice. Renounce, therefore, the lust for the vain things of this world My children, so that your souls may truly desire and aspire only, to possess Heaven, to possess God because the souls who desire it, this they will achieve, and the souls who desire God this soul already actually possesses it on earth, possesses His love, possesses His peace and His friendship, and in this peace it lives and walks every day.
Raise your Rosaries and I will now bless you all with your Medals and pour out upon you the abundance of the graces of my Maternal Heart of La Salette, Casanova Staffora and Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children, peace Marcos, to you, to Marcos Augustus to My slave children so hard that during those days they worked so hard and fought for Me".
(Marcos): "Beautiful Prince of Heaven, who are you?
"Marcos, I am Faustino, Servant of the Lord and Mother of God and I come now to bless you with all my love and to bless all who now listen to me with their open hearts. All for everything, love for love is how you must live each day of your lives by giving your being completely to the Lord so that he will do whatever he wants, as he wants and as much as he wants.
All for everything, love for love, that must be your acting at all times in relation to the Lord and to holy things. Just as he gave you all his love, he gave you all his life, all his blood to the last drop, give all your life, all your love and also all your blood for the Lord and for his Blessed Mother by serving him every day with dedication, commitment, care, caprice, determination, courage and energy so that your works are pleasing to God, Pleasant to the Mother of God and be holy works that can produce in souls fruits of holiness, conversions, return to God, perfection and spiritual growth, so that the world can come out of this great darkness in which it has now plunged and can live again in the light of the Lord, in the clarity of holiness, can live in the friendship of the Holy Trinity.
All for everything, love for love this must be your motto, it must be the most ardent feeling of your hearts, if you truly give all for everything as the Lord has done for you you will be great Saints, you will live in His great friendship and you will already experience a little of that beatitude that We Saints experience in Paradise. Then your life will be filled with peace and happiness and even if you suffer your soul will always have light, will always have the immortal presence of the Lord leading you in the midst of the choppy and bumpy waves of this life and this world and your little boat will never sink, you will never perish.
The soul who gives everything for everything and love for the Lord, He also gives this soul everything and gives all His love. The reason you are so often dissatisfied, sad, arid is that you have not yet given to God all your love, all your heart, give to God your yes, give to God all your heart, all your love and He will also give to you with all His love, with all His grace, with all His goodness.
I, am with you I pray and intercede for you every day and I will never leave you.
I bless you, I bless this Place that by Me is so dear and so loved, I bless all of you who listen to Me now and cover you with My luminous Cloak to always protect you, always help you and always guard you from all evil.
Peace. Peace Marcos, the dearest and most beloved of My brothers, I have known you for a long time, I love, protect and defend you".
(Marcos): "Yes, yes. See you soon Madam. See you soon dear Saint Faustino".