Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Thanks to my apparitions, I keep alive the flame of faith in the places where I have appeared

Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace to the Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
"My children, if I had not multiplied my apparitions over the centuries, now all of humanity would be completely cold, contrary and without love for the Lord.
"If I had not multiplied my apparitions throughout the world, throughout the centuries, now no one would have prayed anymore and the true Catholic faith would have almost disappeared and all humanity would have fallen on the precipice of war, apostasy and its total self-destruction.
Thanks to my apparitions, I keep the flame of faith alive in the places where I have appeared. That is why I ask you: spread the light that I have lit in each of these places by bringing this light to all my children throughout the world by spreading my apparitions and my messages of love.
Go, bring my apparitions and my messages to all my children so that they pray more, because as they pray more they will receive from God and from me many graces that will lead them along the road of conversion, holiness and love for the Lord.
The devil does everything so that souls do not know my apparitions and messages, because he knows that when a soul knows my apparitions, there is a great chance that the soul will open its heart and begin to pray first the Rosary, then the Rosary, and then all the other prayers that I ask for. When this happens, he loses his soul and great is his ruin and failure.
So he knows that when a soul knows my apparitions and starts to pray, that soul, he loses it forever and everything he had as certain, suddenly becomes a great defeat for him and he sees himself as by enchantment without anything, without the souls he had before in his power.
So go, my children, make my apparitions and messages known to everyone, because it is the only way to still save my children in this time when faith is despised and hatred for God, for me and for everything that is holy, for Heaven, grows in the hearts.
Go! Spread my messages of love. Save the souls of my children by pulling them out of Satan's clutches and bringing them to me. There is no task more important and holier than this.
My little son Marcos realized this many years ago when he was still a child and dedicated himself to this. And that is why so many and so many souls he pulled from the clutches of my enemy and brought to me. There are some who decided to return to the clutches of my enemy even after my little son Marcos did everything to save them, this is true. But it is not his fault, but the soul of ill will who even having been in the light and looked to the light, looked again to the darkness, to Sodom and Gomorrah and how Lot's wife preferred to return to Sodom and Gomorrah.
These souls will unfortunately have the same end as her: spiritual death, desertification and the drying up of the soul.
Yes, to these souls I can do nothing else. But my son Marcos continues his mission and will still pluck many souls from the clutches of my enemy.
Be like him. Go! Take my light, making my apparitions known to all my children, because only they can still make the light in the souls of my children so full of the darkness of evil, in these final times in which you are living and which precede the great purification, the great illumination and the return of my son Jesus on earth with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
Pray! Pray my Rosary every day, for whoever prays it will be saved. Pray the Rosary of my Tears, spread my apparitions as far as possible and without delay so that souls may be converted and the infernal empire may be overthrown.
Love very much and have a very ardent devotion to my holy parents Joachim and Anne, because devotion to them also makes devotion and love to me grow in the soul, and when the soul comes to love me, it also loves the Lord who made me immaculate and who gave me to my holy parents to be for them the joy, the joy and the fulfillment of all the promises of the Lord.
Yes, true devotion to my holy parents leads to me, just as true devotion to me leads to Jesus and the Father.
So come to me for my mother Anne and my father Joachim, and then you will find me! And as it is written of me in Holy Scripture, whoever finds me finds life, those who live for me will not err, will not sin, and those who work for me will have eternal life.
I bless you all with love: from Castelpetroso, Lourdes and Jacareí".
Our Lady after touching the sacramentals presented to her by the seer Marcos Tadeu
"As I have already said, wherever one of these thirds arrives there I will be alive carrying with me the great graces of the Lord. My daughters Mena and Catherine of Alexandria will go with me, showering great graces from heaven on all those who carry these rosaries with faith and love.
Finally, I ask you all to give three films of my apparition in Castelpetroso to my children, so that they will know how much Jesus and I have suffered for them, and so they will feel the need to love, comfort, correspond and obey us.
To all again I bless them to be happy and leave my peace".
Video of the apparition and message: