Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter in the first reading was explaining to the people that the lame beggar was healed by My power in My Name. He also used that occasion not to take any credit for himself, and emphasized My Resurrection as proof that I really am the Son of God who I claimed to be, and whom the chief priests rejected. The Gospel readings are all in the New Testament as seen in the vision. I appeared to My apostles without coming through the door in My glorified Body. I showed them My wounds and that I was true body and blood, and not a ghost. I ate the broiled fish in front of them to further prove My humanity, and that I truly resurrected. Man has trouble understanding the supernatural, so I did everything to prove to My disciples with hands on physical flesh so they could fully believe in Me without any doubt. These accounts are also further proof to My faithful of My historical Presence and full Resurrection. Even though the Jewish leaders of the time refused to believe in My Resurrection, you have the accounts in the New Testament to see the truth of My Resurrection and believe in Me and My Church, which I founded. St. Peter was declared the rock on whom I would build My Church, and you have this authority handed down through all of the popes. I declared that the gates of hell would not prevail over My Church, and it exists today by My protection. My Church will continue even during the tribulation through My faithful remnant.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, on earth you are smelling the heavenly aroma of beautiful spring flowers. In heaven there is rejoicing and singing as you commemorate My Resurrection on Easter Sunday. As you view these beautiful flowers, you are drawn closer to My beauty in nature of My creation. Spring is a new beginning of life as everything in the grass and the trees start to come back to life. Keep your soul pure and close to Me, and keep a holy life as your focus on Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, even when you celebrate the life of a deceased person, there is a hope that one day that person will be with Me in heaven. I have told you before that you are not ready to live until you are ready to die. Which means that you should go to frequent Confession so your soul will be pure at your judgment when I call you home. You need to pass from this life so one day you may have eternal rest in Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, continue your Novena prayers for Divine Mercy along with going to Confession to fulfill your requirements from St. Faustina. Then the reparation due for your sins can be forgiven from My heart. Look upon this picture of the Divine Mercy as you recite your Divine Mercy Chaplet and prayers for the Novena. My mercy is flowing over everyone as I await every soul’s journey to find Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, this story of My explanation of the Scriptures concerning Me is a desire to be there for all of My faithful. Even when these disciples recognized Me in the breaking of the bread, they said how their hearts were burning with joy to hear My complete Messianic Mission explained to them. Every Easter your hearts should also be burning with joy to hear all of the details of how I appeared to My disciples and gave them proof of My Resurrection.”
Jesus said: “My people, rejoice in having the chance to view this holy image of Mine on this shroud. This is another of My signs to show you the reality of My Resurrection. All four Gospels give you a collective view of the many accounts of My Resurrection that shows many personal encounters that I had with My disciples. I had to ascend to My Father in heaven, but I remain present with you in My Blessed Sacrament. I am the victor over sin and death, so keep singing Alleluia to give thanks for My victory.”
Jesus said: “My people, this extended time of Easter, up to Pentecost Sunday, is a time for everyone to try and fully grasp My gift of spiritual life that was given in My death and Resurrection. Rejoice in singing the Gloria and My Easter songs of joy. I sent My disciples out to teach all nations about My Good News, and they were given gifts of the Holy Spirit in various healings. Today all of you are called by your Baptism and your Confirmation to go out and convert as many souls to the faith as you can. My gift of faith and love was meant to be shared with others and not just kept to yourself. Love one another as I have loved you.”
Jesus said: “My people, coming together as a family is a deep sharing of love at the roots of your family tree. You are happy to see each other, but sad to separate. This is more so for family members who live many miles apart. Your family of the faithful, especially in your own parish, or among your prayer group members, is another coming together in joy when you are singing and praying with each other. When you are of one mind in the Spirit, there is a comfort in being with each other’s company. Take this love from your meetings and share it with those that you meet in life. By sharing My love with others, you become My hands and My feet.”
Source: ➥