Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015: (The Transfiguration)
Jesus said: “My people, this Transfiguration moment was a glorious moment for Me, when I was able to show My apostles exactly who I am in all My glory as a God-man. I even showed them Elijah and Moses, the two great Biblical figures that all the Israelites knew so well by their writings with the help of the Holy Spirit. St. Peter was so amazed by the Transfiguration that he wanted to set up three tents to remember this vision. Then God the Father said in an audible voice: ‘This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.’ When the apostles looked up, then the vision was ended, and the white Light was gone. My disciples felt they were so honored to be witnesses of My manifestation. This was a preview of My Resurrection, but I did not want My disciples to reveal this to anyone until after My Resurrection, when I would rise from the dead. I foretold My Resurrection from the dead at least three times, but My apostles did not know about rising from the dead, because no one had done this before. Rejoice in this feast, because it is another witness of My power being greater than all the evil ones of this world.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, when a refuge is built, it takes careful planning, and enough financial resources to pay for the wood and the laborers. The plywood you see in the vision gives you a flashback to when you were having your own refuge built. You were fortunate to have built your refuge in only four or five months. This was the first step, and now you have painted and put rugs down in both the new and old basements. You will be storing your food and water in their proper places. Then you need to organize some bedding for the people to sleep. You are making your preparations in haste, and My angels will multiply any further structures to provide for any places needed for the people who will come.”
Jesus said: “My people, your electrical lines are very vulnerable to attack from natural or terrorist activity. When you have no electricity, you will need lights and substitutes for your machines that no longer work. You need to have oil lamps with oil supplies, batteries, wind-up flashlights, and fuel to keep warm and provide for cooking. It is not easy to live without electricity, but you need to plan for this at your refuges. Trust in Me to provide for all of these needs over the less than 3½ years of the tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My son, you are about done with your building and storing things. In getting your food organized, it needs to be stored in boxes on your shelves with adequate labeling. Take the recently purchased MREs and dried foods, and place them on your shelving. This is a better use of your shelving. Have all of your barrels loaded with fresh water as soon as possible. Your food and water are needed for your immediate survival. I will multiply them as it is needed for those who come. Getting your bedding together is your next necessity that needs to be in place. It is hard to get all of these things in place, but some of your other plans (not trips to talk) need less priority so you have your refuge ready. I will help you in all that is needed.”
Jesus said: “My people, for those faithful who will be moving to a final or interim refuge, you need to prepare your vehicles so they are available in good working order to take people to My refuges. You may have backpacks, tents, clothes, and trade tools that need to be placed in one space, so you can quickly load them into your vehicles. I am having you get prepared for leaving your home because events will happen fast after My Warning.”
Jesus said: “My son, I have shown you this basement scene before so you can place some bedding there for those who come. It may at first be used to hide people before martial law. If you have any open space left in your old basement, you could buy some cheap cots for more sleeping areas. You may even add some cots in your other bedrooms. You are being asked to house My faithful, so be prepared for a fair number to come and stay. Do not be afraid of how to help people, because I will help you with My angels.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have described how beautiful My Transfiguration was in front of My apostles. My faithful may suffer during the tribulation, but you will be rewarded in My Era of Peace. This will be a new earth, and you will be living longer and healthier. There are many descriptions of this time in Isaiah, Daniel, and in the Book of Revelation. Do not lose hope, but trust in My coming victory over all evil.”
Jesus said: “My people, an evil time of persecution is coming, when your lives will be in danger from the Antichrist and the men in black. Do not be fearful of any people trying to kill you. Some may be martyred for their faith, but they will be instant saints in heaven. The rest of My faithful will be led by their guardian angels to My places of refuge by a small flame. My angels will protect you with an invisible shield so you will not need guns for your protection. I will give all of My faithful an interior message when it is time to leave for My refuges. Be calm and patient as I will provide for your needs and your protection.”
Source: ➥