Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, June 16, 2014
The greatest of all sacrifices for all of you!
- Message No. 589 -

My child. My dear child. Today, please tell Our children the following: My Son, your Jesus, loves you very much. He took upon Himself the greatest of all sacrifices for you! He gave His life for each one of you, because His love for you is infinite! Even though HE knew how your world and many of you would fall away from faith in HIM and the Almighty Father in Heaven, driving out and trampling on HIM, your Holy Savior, HE gave HIS life, the greatest of all sacrifices, for all of you!
My children. Today there are many among you who give their lives for Jesus. They are persecuted, tortured and suffer mental and physical agonies, but they endure all this for Jesus, your Savior of all! They are true followers of Jesus, most faithful children, and the Father loves them very much. They give their lives for their faith in your Savior and are thus not only most faithful children of the Lord, but also co-redeemers of many, many souls who would not have found the way to Jesus on their own.
Therefore, pray especially for the martyrs in your world during these days! Pray that they may be able to offer up the torments they suffer to Jesus and the Father at every moment. Pray that they may remain faithful to Jesus in spite of the greatest hardship. Pray for all persecuted brothers and sisters in the Lord, and pray for peace in your world and in the hearts of all God's children.
You are the remnant army of the Lord here on earth, and as such I ask you to stand together and pray for one another daily.
I thank you from the bottom of My heart, My so beloved children, and I bless each one of you with My Motherly Blessing. See you soon, My children and with deep love, your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Thank you for following My call. Amen.
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