Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, May 17, 2021
Great will be the wailing already here on earth!
- Message No. 1300 -

My child. I, your Saint Bonaventure, wish to say the following to the children of the world today: your world will now come to an end, and not much time remains for you.
These messages are for you ALL to prepare yourselves, but so many children disregard them, you are told:
The time you are facing will become bad and tempting and more and more cruel, and you have not heard, have not prepared yourselves for Jesus and His so wonderful - coming event and kept silent, out of comfort, looked away out of comfort and did not want to hear out of comfort! Children (!), now see what it has brought you, and where it has led you AND WILL LEAD YOU!
All that We have communicated to you in these messages has and will yet come to pass, but much has been mitigated thanks to those children who HAVE LISTENED TO US! They pray and atone and follow Us, Our call, and many shameful and atrocities have not befallen you, and I, your Saint Bonaventure, with Jesus, God the Father and Our dear Blessed Mother, tell you (today), that it is not too late to stop and alleviate the worst deeds, but for this you must repent, find Jesus, give HIM your irrevocable YES and pray, pray, pray!
Pray always also in HIS intentions and plead to the Father for mitigation and shortening of time, because if the Father would not mitigate, all of you would already be doomed, those who do not want to hear and prefer to look away and -worse still- run after Satan, because you are blind and deaf and comfortable!
I warn you, dear children, because only a short time remains for you, and woe to him who does not hear: His downfall will be terrible, and his awakening -when it is already too late- will come, and then his lamentation will be great and hopeless, because he has not found to Jesus, was lukewarm and comfortable and homage to the devil -consciously or unconsciously-, and his lot will be damnation, but the reward of Our believing children, who truly and honestly love Jesus, hope in HIM, LIVE FOR HIM(! ), will be glory.
So get ready and stay ready, because great will be the wailing already here on earth, if you don't listen and follow and -zeal after the devil and his elite!
Be warned! Worst times will begin, and only those who are established in Jesus will not be lost to the adversary!
Your Bonaventure with Jesus, God the Father and Our Lady. Amen.
Source: ➥