Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Sciacca, GA, Italy

Peace be with you!
Dear children, God sends me here to help you, to bless you and to lead you on the safe path that leads to him. *Pray, pray that the Holy Spirit may enlighten you and give you the strength to witness with faith, with courage the love of my Son Jesus and his light to all your brothers. Children, I am always close to you. I, your Mother, desire to fill your hearts with God's peace. I am here with the graces that God allows me to give you. Open your hearts ever more to God and your families will benefit from Heaven's blessings.
God has given you a great grace tonight with my presence here. One day you will understand the reason for these Mother words of mine. I have come to bless your city. Thank God for this great gift. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
The Virgin before leaving said to me:
My son, pray, pray. Don't lose heart and faith. God desires to save all your most lost and distant brothers and sisters. Allow the Lord to use you to spread His message of love. When you speak of my messages to your brothers it comforts both the Heart of my Son and my Mother's Heart. I always accompany you and bless you. Thank you for your availability. Ask forgiveness for your sins so that you may be all God's. Peace to you and your family.
(*) Faith directs intelligence toward the Creator of all things, the one who is infinitely greater, higher, and more worthy of being loved than all of them. Faith enables one to know the attributes of God, indicates all that he has done for men and all that men owe him. With this life of faith, the spirit rises above natural activity, though without detaching itself from it.
In this new horizon which Faith opens to them, the natural forces of the spirit find a great many new elements for their activity. This activity, by which the spirit inwardly appropriates the content of the Faith, consists in meditation. This activity becomes more lively, easier and more fruitful if the Holy Spirit animates and elevates the human spirit, which then feels itself in the hands of a superior power that enlightens it; to such an extent that it does not seem to it its activity, but the divine revelation that instructs it.
What the spirit has achieved by meditation, in one form or another, becomes its own, permanent acquisition. This represents much more than a treasure trove of accumulated truths, which can be drawn from memory when necessary. The spirit-in the broad and objective meaning, not only of intelligence, but also of heart-familiarizes itself with God by continuous attention, knows Him, loves Him.
Knowledge and love are part of his being, just like the relationship with another person with whom one has already lived with for a long time and has intimacy: people like this no longer need to seek mutual information, nor reflect on each other in order to know each other and judge each other worthy of love; between them there is no longer even any need for words. This is how we should conceive the soul's relationship with God, after a long exercise in spiritual life: it no longer needs meditation to learn to know and love God - it has already finished the journey, it already rests on the goal achieved. As soon as it puts itself in prayer, it is already with God and remains with Him through loving surrender. God likes your silence much more than your words. This is what we call acquired contemplation. This kind of contemplation is the fruit of much self-effort, stimulated and sustained by many graces. We owe to God's grace, above all, the proclamation of the message of faith, the truth revealed by him, as well as the strength to collaborate with our free decision: without the help of divine grace, prayer or meditation cannot be accomplished.
The surrender to prayer, in turn, and the length of time for which we remain in acquired contemplation depend on us. Viewed in itself, contemplation - akin to calm and loving surrender to God, can be considered a form of Faith. This is the highest degree of the life of faith that can be attained by one's own activity, provided one has accomplished its logical sequence: the surrender of one's own will to the will of God, and the conformity of all actions to the divine will.